2.2 : boiler

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"You lost them?" Derek seethed into my phone at Scott. Derek and I were in the middle of the woods, searching for Boyd and Cora once again. Scott claimed to have seen Boyd and took off running a different direction, but Derek advised I stay with him.

"Yeah, I kind of had to." Scott says over the speaker.

"Wasn't exactly the plan." I retort lowly, crossing my arms.

"I know, which is why I think that we should stick together." Scott sighs, defeated. "Trust me, they're too strong, too fast, and way too angry for one person to handle. We've got to do this together."

"Look, I'm at the trails by the entrance to the preserve. Can you meet me here?" Derek asks.

"Yeah, I've just got to drop something off first."

"Okay, well, hurry up. We don't exactly have all night." I say, ending the call. I was extremely shaken up after what happened, and Derek noticed, pulling me into a tight hug. I wasn't used to getting affection from Derek, but right now, I definitely didn't mind it.

"We'll catch the alphas, Carmen." Derek mutters, looking down at me. "I promise. We won't let them get away with this."


The boys were running, way too fast for me to keep up with. I trailed a safe distance behind them, watching them expertly and gracefully jump over objects while I passed them stiffly and clumsily. Running was never, and will never be, a strongsuit of mine. My legs were burning again, much like they were that night we were being chased by the Argents, and I was dying for a break.

They finally stop a few minutes later, looking around for any signs of the two. Derek's eyes fall to the ground, examining four footprints planted in the ground.

"Is that them?" Scott asks. I gulp, still trying to catch my breath.

Derek merely nods, "We're not the only ones that decided to stick together."

"Is that gonna make it easier or harder to catch them?" I manage to huff out between breaths, resting over with my hands on my knees.

"I don't know." Derek deadpans.

"Derek," Scott stands up, looking at us with a serious look. "I saw Boyd try to tear two little kids apart. Is he going to do that to everyone they find?"

"Everyone and anyone."

A sudden fit of feminine screams erupts from somewhere further in the forest, catching all of attention. Derek wastes no time taking off running, but Scott look back at me and throws me over his shoulder, knowing that we couldn't afford to have me lagging behind right now.

When we get to the scene, a million thoughts begin running through my mind, but I don't have the time to process any of them. I was too busy focusing on my boyfriend being flung high up into a tree branch, falling face-down into the leaves. I hop off of Scott's back and look for the person who had attacked Isaac, my eyes immediately landing on a tall woman. A werewolf. Without thinking, I charge for her, jumping over Isaac's body and kicking her to the ground with a hard thud. The force of the kick causes me to slide onto my own butt, but I quickly recover, taking a few steps back until I hit Derek's chest.

I convert, along with everyone else- My horns, claws, and ears growing out from their origins. The woman growled at all of us, seemingly intimidated. She begins to take off in the other direction, of course, ensuing that we follow her. Scott was the odd ball out, though, staying back to talk to the human girl standing off to the side, whom I had barely even acknowledged before.

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