Chapter one

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*Caylan's POV*
Dear mom,
For the past few months, I have felt like somebody has been watching me. Like eyes have been tearing into the back of my head. Whenever I walk around alone, I feel a presence. But I turn around to see nothing but a blur.
Can you please give me some advice?

I put down my pen and notebook. Taking deep breathes, feeling the chill of the winter morning. I get out of my bed and dress in a sweatshirt and jeans. I grab my iPod off the dresser and walk into the restroom. I put my hair into a bun on the back of my head. I add a few coats of mascara and I'm done. I walk into the kitchen and grab a glass, filling it with milk. I turn on my music and Kiss You by One Direction comes on! I love this song! I shove my iPod into my back pocket.

"CAYLAN GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE!" I hear my sister yell. I groan loudly,"WHY?!" I yell in reply."SCHOOL!!!" She yells annoyingly. I roll my eyes and walk out the door into the car. She looks at me before she drives."Seatbelt!" she yells in my face, while spitting in it too. "I'm right here, you don't need to yell" I say back in her face, while wiping my face with the back of my hand. She narrows her eyes and turns on the car.


*at school*
Last period is over finally! I walk to my locker when I hear someone yell..."CAYLAAAAN!" well that's the familiar sound of my friend, Delaney. I turn around to see her walking up to me with a One Direction poster taped to her chest... dear lord this child needs help! "Where are you going after school?" she asked, a big smile plastered on her face. "With you..."I reply shifting my weight to one side.

"Oh yeah, were going to the middle school to watch the volleyball game! Is your sister picking you up?" she asks repeating my actions."Yep" I say popping the p. "Ok!!!" She says running away. I giggle at her retardedness and go to my locker.

*after volleyball game*

'So Delaney already left... And so did everyone else! Where is my sister? Gosh it's 7 at night and already dark...' I think to myself. I decide to take a small walk around the school. Which is kinda stupid, but I have been here for hours!

As I'm walking I see a strange black figure in on the football field. I just ignore it thinking it was my imagination. Then I get a phone call...

My sister

But suddenly it stops ringing... I shake my head and look at the field... nothing. I knew I was imagining it! But soon enough I felt a pair of arms wrap around my torso and drag me into the woods at a fast speed. I try to scream but its muffled by his large hand covering my mouth.

Soon enough we stopped, and I felt a cloth go to my mouth. "Breath in" a deep raspy voice says. I try to deny it as best as I can. "C'Mon princess... I know you want to" he whispers by my ear. The burning in my chest was killing me! Soon enough I gasp in air. and all I can see is black...

First chapter😉 hope you liked it!


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