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Cassidy's POV

I wake up to my alarm. I sit up, "Yay, the first day of school!" I say sarcastically.

I get up and walk into the bathroom. "Well, don't you just look fabulous." I smile. I get into the shower and turn on the shower head. I feel the warm water run down my back.

I step out of the shower and walk into my room. I look in my closet for something to wear. I soon find some black, ripped skinny jeans, a nice Blink 182 tank-top, and I look on the floor of my closet and pull out my black and white Vans.

I walk downstairs and grab my back pack and stuff. There is a honking noise from outside, and I realize that it's my three best friends, Lexie, Mike, and Jax. I run out and sit in the back seat. "Sup benches." I say as we drive off. "Hello Cass." Mike says turning around in his seat. "Remember that apartment we've been looking at?" Lexie asks. "Yes."
"Well, someone else is now renting it." She says with a sigh. "What the heck?" Mike questions. "We've been looking at that apartment for months!" He gets frustrated.

Me, Lexie, Mike, and Jax have been looking to rent a huge apartment at the middle of the year and it really upsets me that someone is renting it.

We get to school and we all hop out of the car. "The prison that everyone calls school." Jax spits out bitterly.

We head into our gym and I look at all of the new faces. Me and my friends are now Seniors and I'm finally getting out of this school. Me and the others find seats on the bleachers. I sit down beside this new person. "Hey, I'm Jeydon." The boy beside me says and I smile. "I'm Cassidy." I say back and he smiles. "I'm a new Senior around here. Just moved from Canada to here." He looks around the gym for a second. "So are you a Senior as well?" He asks and I nod.

We all get up and go to our lockers. I then see Jeydon come up to a locker right beside me. "Well, what a coincidence." He chuckles. I pull all of my books out of my bag and shove half of them into my locker, while I keep the other half in my arms.

The bell rings for first period and I begin to walk to Mrs. Dale's class room, when Jeydon taps on my shoulder. "Umm... By any chance are you going to Mrs. Dale's room?" I nod kind of surprised. "Follow me." I say and he nods. I sit down and Jeydon sits behind me. Mrs. Dale begin to write on the board and I zone out.

Time Skip to Lunch

I get up from my seat and groan. I really don't want to do anything right now, but talk with my friends.

I go to the lunch room and go through the lunch line. I sit down at a random table and soon I spot Jeydon coming out of the line and he sees me. "Hey Cass." He says sitting down. "Only my friends call me Cass." I say playfully and he frowns. "But I thought we were friends." He says trying not to smile. "Fine." I smirk. He smiles again and Mikey then sets right in front of us. "Who the heck is this?" He asks pointing at Jeydon.

I chuckle. "This is my new friend Jeydon." I say and Jeydon smiles. "Oh, and please call me Jey." He says and we nod. Lexie and Jax sit down a second later. "This is Jeydon, but he likes to be called Jey." I introduce him to them. "Cool." Lexie says smiling.

Time Skip To After School

I slam my back pack onto my bed as I walk into my room.

I pull out my phone and look through my contacts for someone to text.

I find a guy that I've had a crush on since 8th grade. His name is Ashton, but everyone calls him Ash.

I decide to call him,

"Hey Cass."

"Hey Ash."

"So what are you doing?"

"Being bored."

"I'm having an awesome party tonight and I want you to come."

"Awesome, where's it at?"

"My house, I'll come pick you up at 8."

"K, bye."


I hang up and run to my closet. I find my maroon skinny jeans, my favorite black crop top, and I put my black and white Vans back on.

I look at my phone and realize that it's Friday. To be honest I thought it was Monday. I put on my clothes, sit, and begin to wait.

Let's party.

A/N: I hope that you liked it. I'm trying to decide on wether this should be about Jeydon Wale or just a person named Jeydon. Tell me.❤️❤️❤️👋🏻🐧🐧

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