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A/N: That is Ash/ Ashton. I bet that you thought it was Ashton Irwin😂.

Cassidy's POV

We pull into my drive way and I see that my mom's car isn't in the driveway.

Me and Jeydon walk in and I see a note on the counter.

Dear Cass,
        One of my friends invited me out and I couldn't not take the opportunity.

I smile to myself. "Jeydon, where do you want to sleep?"I question him.

"On the couch."

"Ok, then I'm sleeping down here as well."

"Can we watch a movie?" He slurs.

"Yes." I reply before running up the steps to grab blankets and stuff. I come back down and set up everything. "How many drinks did you have?" I ask. "Two cups of Vodka." He replies. "I didn't think it would be good to drive." He smiles and I nod.

I sit down beside him and I turn on my favorite movie Nightmare Before Christmas. I lay my head on Jeydon's shoulder and begin to watch.

My eyes grow heavy and I slowly drift off to sleep.

Jeydon's POV

I look down and see that Cass is asleep. She is beautiful.

I am kind of pïssed at Ash though. He knows that I like her and he really tried that stunt.

I guess he thinks that he liked her first, and I'm pretty sure he did.

I turn off the TV and lay my head on hers.

The Next Morning
Cassidy's POV

I wake up leaning on Jeydon still. He then wakes up after me. "Could you drive home yourself?" I ask and he nods. "I have coffee with Ash today and I want to get ready." I smile and he nods again.

He gets up and gathers all of his things. "Thanks so much for letting me stay!" He exclaims and hugs me. "Your welcome." I reply and he walks out of the door waving at me.

I run upstairs and look for something nice to wear. I look in my closet. I find a cute floral dress with my cute slip on Vans.

I get myself together and I go downstairs to fix myself some cereal. I pull out Cheerios because I feel like eating something a little more plain today.

After I cleaned everything up, I heard my phone ring. I pick it up and answer it without checking to see who it is.

"Hey beautiful." I immediately recognize his voice.

"Hey Ash."

"You ready for coffee?"


"I'll be there in a bit."

"Ok, bye."


I hang up the phone and sit down on my couch. I hear the honking noise from last night and I run out to the car. I get in and Ash looks at me. "Hey Cass". He smiles. "Hey Ash." I smile back.

We get to Starbucks and we go through the drive through. "I just want to go back to my house instead of staying here." He tells me while driving.

We get back to his house and we're both already finished with the coffee. We sit down and I instantly get bored. "So what do you wa-." I'm cut off by Ash kissing me. I immediately kiss him back and I can feel him smile against my lips.

Ash's POV

She sits on my lap and we begin a full on make out session. I kiss her jaw line and I go back to her lips. "I really like you." I mumble against her lips. "I really like you too." She smiles.

We are still making out, when her phone rings. I groan while her cheeks turn into a light shade of red.

I bet it's Jeydon. I know that he likes her, but I liked her first and there is nothing he can do about that. I understand why he likes her. She beautiful, funny, smart, talented, creative, and she has a rockin' body.

She puts down her phone and sits back down beside me. "Who was it?" I ask before realizing my nosy actions and my cheeks turn red from embarrassment. "It was just Jeydon asking about how our date was going." She smiles and I nod. "Ummm...... So what do you want to do now?" I ask hoping that it would be making out again. "I don't know." She shrugs. "Follow me." I grab her hand.

I pull out my bike from the garage and sit on top of it. "Get on the back." I pat the back of the seat. She sits down sideways and I pedal.

We reach the look out point that I come to when I want to be alone. I hop off the bike and help her off as well. "This is where I come when I need to think." I smile and she nods. "It's abandoned, but no one has been up here except for me." I say. "It's nice." She nods.

I kiss her. I pull her close and deepen the kiss. I wrap my arms around her waist and keep on kissing her.

I never want this day to end even if Jeydon doesn't like it.

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