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Cassidy's POV

While I'm waiting, I slip some shorts and a T-shirt on.

He comes through the door. "Cass." He runs and gives me a hug. "Did that bästard do anything else to
You?"He asks. "No, it got pretty heated though. We were really close, but we didn't." I say between sobs. "Cass, it will be ok I promise. I will kill him for you." He chuckles and it cheers me up a bit.

My phone rings and I see that it's Jeydon.

Jeydon's POV

I've gotten over Cassidy. I realized that I want her to be my best friend not my girl friend.

I call her and she picks up.

"Hey." She sounds a little sad.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Ashton." She sounds really upset.

"What happened?"

"He left me." She sniffles.

"Look, I'm with Mikey right now I have to go." She hangs up. She needs me right now.

I get to her house and walk into the door. I see her leaning on Mikey's shoulder crying. She turns around and gets up. She runs and hugs me.

"I didn't know you were coming over." She sniffles. "I would never let you be like this." I hold her tight.

Her phone rings.

Cassidy's POV

It's Ashton...

I pick it up.

"What the hëll do you want?" I snap.

"It's not what you think Cass."

"shut up! Don't call me Cass ever again!" I get angry.

"I'm sorry that I left you. I just didn't feel right."

"Are you fückin kidding me?! What do you mean "you didn't feel right."

"I just didn't feel like I did before."

"Fück you! Never talk to me again!" I hang up on him.

I go into Mikey's arms this time. "Jeydon, I'm seriously not trying to be rude, but I need to talk to her and I want to spend some time with her." He gives me a sympathetic look. I nod. "I understand."

I hug Cass one more time before I leave.

Cassidy's POV

Me and Mikey sit on the couch. "I'm sorry that you have to see me like this." I sigh. "It's fine Cass." He smiles. "Thanks, I feel a lot better since I told him to fück off." I chuckle. "Good. Do you feel like you could go to the mall with me?" He asks. "If I get ready I can." I smile.

I hop into the shower. Mikey has always been there for me and I really appreciate it.

I get out and get ready.

I see Mikey sitting on the couch waiting. I sit down beside him and hug him. Thanks for always being there for me." I thank him pulling him closer. "I'm sorry that I've been really stupid lately and that I've added you into the drama." I apologize and he smiles at me. "Cassidy, I've known you since 2nd grade and trust me, nothing bad will ever happen between us." I smile back at him.

We get to the mall and I smile to myself. "I haven't been here in ages." I say as we walk in. "Well, you're here today." Mikey chuckles. I immediately see Hottopic and I run straight for it.

I walk in and immediately see my friend Jax. "Hey Jax!" I run and hug him. "Hey Cass." He smiles hugging me back. "So what have you been up to?" I ask as I pull away. "Just working and hanging with Lex." He answers. "Well, life has been hard for me. Idiots and romance." I push my hair back sighing.

I hand Jax my my 5SOS tank-top and a pair of cute music slip-ons. "I'll see you later Cass." He smiles as I hand him my money. I smile back and walk out.

"Ice cream?" Mikey asks as we walk past an ice cream place. "Sure." We turn back around and in.

After Mall
Cassidy's POV

Me and Mikey walk into the house and both sit on the couch exhausted. "Can I stay at your place tonight?" Mikey turns to me. "Sure." I smile...

Yea, I just love that song and that guy is Mikey!!

Facts about Cassidy...

Hi my name is Cassidy, but people call me Cass, Cassbutt, Cass Cass, Casper, and Cat.

I love 5SOS and I listen to mostly!!ROCK!! My favorite member of the band is Mikey. That's why I felt like having Mikey in the story. 🍕🍕🍕🍕

I also love to sing, play guitar, piano, and drums. I also Love Ashton, yea.

I DO NOT have a boyfriend... I am crushing though.

I'm from U.S.A nothing cool.


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