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Cassidy's POV

I awake to Mikey stepping into my room and knocking on my door. "Good morning, sunshine!" He smiles at me as I yawn. "Dude, is it really morning?" I ask checking my phone. "No, It's only 7:30 in the evening. Your mom said that dinner was ready." I nod and get up. "Any idea what we're having?" I ask as I stretch. "Umm.... I think she said lasagna." I nod and walk into the dining room. "Hey, Sweetie, have a nice nap?" I nod and sit down. "So was Layla at school today?" She asks sitting a plate down in front of me. "No, she's in ISS." She nods and hands Mikey a plate. "I wish that girl would just take a hint already. Nobody likes her." Me and Mikey laugh. "What? It's true! Nobody is going to mess with my daughter." I nod and begin to eat.

I finally finish eating. "Hey, can I stay over tonight?" He asks in my ear. "Of course." I walk into the kitchen. "Hey, Mum, can Mikey stay the night?" She turns around and gives me a questioning look. "Don't worry. I'm tired. He'll be fine." She sighs and rolls her eyes. "I guess, but if I hear something that shouldn't be heard in your room, that's it." I smile and walk back to my room. "She said you could stay, but if she hears any unwanted noises coming from my room, you're out." He smiles and kisses me. "We can be quiet." I giggle and blush. "Maybe, I don't know if I want to do anything tonight." He sighs and pulls me down onto the bed. "Ok, I hope you'll be in the mood." I laugh and kiss his nose. "So do you have homework?" I ask. "No, I did it at home." I smile and nod. "I did all of mine in 8th period." He chuckles.

After we get ready for bed, we lay down and cuddle. "I hope we have a good week." I smile at him. "Every week is good week when I'm with you." I laugh at his cheesy joke. "So, are you in the mood." I get up and look out into the hall. Nothing, but utter darkness and I hear my mother's light snores coming from her room. "Yeah, my mom is also a heavy sleeper." He laughs and sits up. "How do you feel about a blowjob?" He smiles and nods. "Of course."

The next morning I awake to the sound of light taps on my door. "Get up." I hear creaks going through the hall and I shake Mikey. "It's time to get up." He groans. "But I don't wanna." I roll my eyes and shake him again. "We can't skip today." He groans again and sits up. "I never knew you could do that." He winks at me. "Trust me, I didn't either." He chuckles and gets up. "I really don't wanna go today." I roll onto the floor like yesterday. "Then let's skip again. We can ask the rest of our buds to skip too." I stand up and think. "They don't call people when their kids aren't at school anymore. We can just pretend to go to school and when my mother leaves we can come back." I sigh and roll my eyes. He giggles like a girl. "YAY!" He runs and hugs me. "You're welcome."

I call up my other friends and tell them the plan. They all agree and say that we should all meet at Mikey's house. We get ready and I kiss my mom goodbye before me and Mikey head out. We just decide to go ahead and go to his house. I never thought that I would be able to live a life where I take risks. I never skipped school, I never had a boyfriend, and I never had real friends like I do right now. Perfect...

A/N: Perfect time to end the story!!! Thank you guys so much for reading my story!! It know it's crappy and what not, but that's aight!!!!!!! Bye guysssss!!!🖤✨

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