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Cassidy's POV

We pull up to this random parking lot and he smirks. "Where the heck are we?" I ask and he laughs. He covers my eyes and we get out of the car.

He leads me to a random place and he pulls his hands away from my face. It's the park where we met! "Mikey! This is where we met!" I laugh and hug him. "I thought that it was a good place." He chuckles and I get off of him. He leads me to a picnic table with two Starbucks cups. One with sweet tea in it and and ice coffee in the other. "Pick a cup." Mikey smiles at me. "Does it matter which one I pick?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Nah, I don't care which one I get." I nod and sit down picking up the ice coffee. "Awesome." He chuckles and sits down in front of me. "Cass, we're going to have so much fun today." I smile at him. "Everyday is fun with you." He laughs at my words and I take a sip from my coffee. "Thanks for always being here for me Mikey." I look into his eyes. "You're welcome, I will never leave your side." He smiles and holds my hands. "Thank you Mikey." I kiss him on the lips. We smile at each other.

We throw our cups away as we walk to Mikey's car. "Where to next?" I ask as we get into the car. "My house." He smiles and we drive off.

We pull into his driveway and I hop out of the car. We walk inside and I notice that his mother isn't home. "Where's your mom?" I ask turning to look at him. "Oh, she had to go on a business trip." I nod and he leads me back to his room.

I see a bunch of food laying out and 4 movies on his bed. "Pick a movie." He shows them off like a woman on a game show. Mean girls, Forrest Gump, Twilight, and The Walking Dead Season:3. "I'll pick TWD." I pick up the movie and hand it to him.

He slips it into his DVD player and I pull my phone out of my pocket. It's already 7:30. "Hey Cass, would you like to stay the night." Mikey turns to me as the random movie trailers begin to play. "Sure, I'll just say that I'm staying at a friends house." I chuckle to myself and scroll through my contacts.

"Hey mom."

"Hey Hun, what do you need?" She asks.

"I'm staying at Lexie's house tonight if that's ok?" I ask.

"Sure sweetheart, I'll see you tomorrow. Love you, bye."

I tell her bye and hang up. "She's cool." I smile at Mikey and he pats his bed, motioning for me to sit down.

I sit down beside him and he puts his arms loosely around my shoulders. I grab a bag of chips from the food selection and lean back. TWD is my favorite show and I've watched all of the seasons at least 50 times. "I legit love this show." Mikey states and I look up to him. "Same." I put a chip in my mouth. "My least favorite character out of all of the seasons is (spoil alert) Shane." I feel disgust at his name. "Mine is ( more spoils ) The Governor." He replies. "Yeah, but I think Shane was the biggest döuche in the whole show because he got Lory pregnant and was a legit jerk towards her and Rick." I sigh and he nods.

The boy who once was my best friend leaned in and kissed me on the lips and I immediately kiss him back. He pulls me close and I smile against his lips. "Let's not get to heated Mike, I don't want sëx on the first date." He chuckles at my words and pulls away. "Ok, let's get back to the show." I smile and we begin watching the show again.

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