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Cassidy's POV

I groan as I literally roll out of my bed and fall onto the floor. I'm not ready to go back to school at all. Between all the drama and just school period, I want to die.

I go into the bathroom and take a quick shower. I walk into my room and begin to search through my closet for something. I find a simple 5SOS sweatshirt and black leggings. I throw everything on and I put my hair up in a ponytail. I slip on some black socks and my black and white vans. I go out into the kitchen and find my mom pouring herself a cup of coffee. She turns and smiles at me. "Hey honey, you want some coffee?" I nod and she pulls out another cup. I grab a pack of pop tarts and sit down. "So did you sleep well?" She asks as she sits across from me. "Yeah, I slept pretty good." She nods and I hear Mikey honk outside. I grab my cup of coffee and jump up. "Bye, Mom, love you." I push my chair in and she gives me a hug. "Love you too." I run out the door and jump into Mike's car. "Good morning sunshine." He smiles and kisses me on the cheek. "Good morning, Mike."

We pull into the school parking lot and I throw away my pop tart rapper as we walk into the school. I get a few stares and then Jeydon and Ash run up to us. "Hey guys!" I give them a hug before I see Jax and Lexie approach behind them. "Hey, we still on for this weekend?" Lexie asks as she hugs me. "Of course." We all smile at each other and proceed to talk as we walk down the hall to our lockers. I wave Mikey and the rest as me and Jeydon approach our lockers. "So do you think you'll get punished?" Jeydon asks opening up his locker. "Yeah, I guess he kind of has to. We both fought each other." He nods and first bell rings. Me and Jeydon walk into Mrs. Dale's room and I get stares. We sit down and I hear everyone whispering. I roll my eyes and begin to focus on class. I usually get pretty good grades. I've never dropped below a C. My highest grades are always in Music, English, and Reading. The others end up in jumbled grades. Nothing below a C though.


I haven't seen Layla around. I think she has ISS (In School Suspension). I am really glad that I won't have to deal with her for at least this week. Jeydon, Ash, Lexie, Jax, and Mikey sit down in front of me. "Finally, a drama free day. I'm very surprised that Layla's friends haven't tried to talk to you." Ash slightly laughs and we all nod. "Yeah, I feel lucky." Maybe I'll have a good week for once. You never know.

We go about lunch catching up and talking. Maybe I could invite everyone to me, Jax, Mikey, and Lexie's hangout. I mean, we could all use some time together. "Hey, Ash and Jeydon. Would you guys like to hangout with me, Lex, and Jax this weekend?" They all nod. "It could be a little get together!" Jeydon yells. "That would be lit." We empty our treys and begin our way to our lockers.

I finally get home and I fall onto the couch. I'm definitely going to take a nap. I've had a good day and I deserve a good nap. I get up and go into my room. I put my backpack on my desk chair and fix up my bed real quick. I close my curtains and lay down. I soon drift off thinking about things that will happen next week.

A/N: So, I didn't update last week. Whoops. That was only one week, don't kill me. I finally got a boyfriend so there's that and plus there was this giant fight last week that distracted me. Bye guys. Much love;)

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