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Cassidy's POV

I hear a honk outside and I squeal a little.

I run outside and he steps out of his car. He opens up the passenger seat door for me and I get in. "Thanks for letting me come." I thank him. "No problem, I wanted you to come." He smiles gently at me.

We get to his house and I hop out of the car, really excited.

I walk into his house and I'm blasted with in the face with the song "Work". "So do you want a drink?" Ash asks.

"What do you have?"

"Vodka, beer, punch, and water."

"I'll start off with some water."

He soon comes back with a bottle of water. I open it and drink it. "Do you want to dance a little?" He asks me and I nod.

Ash's POV

We step into my living room and I pull her close.

I've had a crush on her for about 5 years and I haven't had the balls to ask her out.

I called up a DJ so she could sing some karaoke. She loves to sing.

He stops the music. "Ok, karaoke contest time. The Winner wins a kiss from my buddy hear Ashton." He states and I chuckle to myself.

She smiles. "I'll be back."

Cassidy's POV

I get up on a little platform and the DJ hands me a mic. "I want the song Try Hard by 5 Seconds of Summer." I tell him and he nods.

I begin singing and I see Ash in the front. He smiles at me.

I stop singing and I give the DJ back the mic. "That was great!" Ash smiles as I come off of the stage. I then feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to find Jeydon. I smile and give him a hug. "What are you doing here, Jeydon?" I ask. "Me and Ash have the same classes and he invited me." He replies. "Awesome." I smile and Ashton randomly hugs me.

"I meant to do that a second ago." He chuckles. "Vodka for everyone!" He yells to me and Jeydon. We run into the kitchen and Ash pours us all cups. I take a sip and I feel the burning liquid run down my throat. "Dämn Cass." Ash says chuckling.

"Hey Cass, do you want to watch me sing?" Jeydon asks and I nod.

He steps up on the platform and grabs the mic. "I wrote this song myself. It's called Bright Eyed Beautiful Girl." He says smiling. He begins singing and I smile to myself.

He gets down and I hug him. "That was amazing!" I say as I hug him tight.

Ash taps on my shoulder "I'm want to take you somewhere." He whispers and sends shivers down my spine.

He sits me down in what is most likely his room and he locks his door. Most likely because he doesn't want any party people in here. "So what did you wan-" I'm cut off by him kissing my lips. He's soft but rough at the same time.

He grabs me by the waist and gets on top of me. "I've been wanting to do this for a while." He whispers again and begins to kiss my neck.

I don't know if I'm ready for this. I've had a big crush on him for a while, but I didn't want to just have sëx.

I stop him for a second. "I don't know if I'm ready yet." I say. "Why?" He asks sympathetically. "Ummm..... There are two reasons." I say. "Ok tell me." He gets off of me. "1: I'm a vïrgin, and 2: this is too fast." He nods and smiles. "It's ok, I understand." He smiles and kisses my lips one more time before he gets up.

We go out of his room holding hands. I walk up to Jeydon and he smiles. "Cass, you are my designated driver." He says nodding. "I'm guessing you're ready to leave?" I ask and he nods. "Ok." I smile at Ash. "Do you want to meet up tomorrow for coffee?" He smiles. "Sure." I reply before he kisses my cheek.

"Jeydon, do you have a car?"

"Yes, follow me." He slides.

We reach his car and I open the passenger door and he plops into the seat. I get into the drivers side and he gives me the keys.

"What did Ash want to show you?"

"We made out." I say clearly.

"What the fück Cass?!"

"I know, but I stopped it before it got to heated."

"Good girl, can I stay with you tonight?"


"This is going to be fun." I thought to myself.

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