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Cassidy's POV

I wake up to my alarm and I hear Mikey groan. "Rise and shine! Time to go to school!" He groans again before he gets up. "Why do we have to go to school today?" I laugh. "Because we didn't have school yesterday and it's Tuesday!" He reaches into his bag and pulls him out some clothes, before walking into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. I begin to look through my closet for something to wear. I find some random blue New York jersey, my black leggings, and my black Converse. I walk into the bathroom and just put my hair up. "Are you doing makeup?" Mikey asks as he throws his shirt on. "No. It's school not you silly!" We both laugh and he pecks my cheek.

I get into the shower and quickly get out after bathing and shampooing. I put on my clothes and brush my hair, throwing it into a ponytail. I quickly brush my teeth and grab all my things. "You ready to go?" Mikey asks as I throw my backpack on my back. "Yeah let's go." We walk out and get into his car. "I'm scared for all of the drama that's going to go on." I say making Mikey sigh. "Cass, it doesn't matter what they say and I love you. They can't break us up, they aren't us, they don't control us. If they don't want us to be together than fück them." I look at him with my mouth hanging open. "Mikey, that made me feel 100x better. Thank you and I love you too." I lean over and hug him.

He starts the car and we begin to ride off to school. We get there and we get out holding hands. I see everyone staring at us as we walk into school. I see Ash smile at me and I smile back waving. I then see Jeydon and he comes toward us. "Hey Jey, what you doing?" I ask as he walks beside me. "Oh ya know... Being a cool dude like always." I laugh and smile at him. "That's right Jeydon!" He smiles. I we go to our lockers and soon hear the bell ring. I wave at Jeydon and run to class.

I sit down where I usually sit and see Jeydon sit on the other side of the room with some of his other friends. I feel a ton of people staring at me and breathe in a shaky breath. I sit back in my seat and the teacher walks in.

Time Skip To Lunch

I sit down at a table in the back and one of the popular girls walks up to me. "Hey, why the hëll were you holding hands with Mike this morning?!" She asks putting her hands on her hips. "Oh, we're dating." I reply. "Stay the fück away from him or I will beat your äss!" My face goes red with anger. "He's my boyfriend you whöre! He doesn't want you!" She slaps me and shoves me onto the ground. She begins to walk away and I get throwing her on the ground. She stands up throwing a swing, but instead of hitting me, I duck and kick her right in the stomach.

Mikey drops his tray and runs to us just as the teacher's about to come. He rips the girl off of me and moves her. He picks me up and holds me back. She has a black eye, a busted lip, and a bunch of scratches on her legs and face. I smile and think to myself "hey Cass, not to shabby." Just then a teacher comes in and grabs us by our arms, dragging us to the principle's office. She sits us down and walks out of the room, leaving us and the principle together. "What happened?" He asks looking me in the eyes. "She slapped me and shoved me. So I decided that I wanted to finish what she started." I smirk as the girl gasps. "Oh my gosh! That's such a lie! She started being rude to me and punched me in the face. I fell over and she started beating me up!" My face goes completely red and I try not to punch her again.

"Call Mike in, he knows exactly what happened." I say smirking. He calls Mikey in over the loud speaker and Mikey soon comes in. "Mike, do you know what happened?" The principle looks at him. "Yes, I know almost all of what happened. I came out when Shayla threw the first punch." "So that's her name." I think to myself as Mikey explains more.

"So Cassidy was right?" The principle asks making Shayla turn a dark dark shade of red. "Yes Mr. Ellison." She relies through gritted teeth. He smiles at me and motions for me to leave. "Thanks for calling Mike in Mr. Ellison. It means a lot to me." He smiles and nods.

Thank the lord that Mikey came to my rescue...

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