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Cassidy's POV

I seriously don't think arguments are supposed to even end like this. I mean, I love Mikey, but arguments just don't stop like this. They don't go from bad to good in the blink of an eye. Do they?

I sigh as I get out of the shower. I should not be this. worried about this. Couples are supposed to get into fights. I walk into my room and begin to look through my closet for something to wear. I just find some black sweatshirt with a pair of light blue jeans. I throw everything on and get my makeup bag off of my dresser. I'll just do my hair and makeup in here. while Mikey gets dressed. I plug my phone up to my speakers and begin to play some random music from my playlist.

Mikey finally gets out of the shower and gets ready. We won't be late for school. It was like 5 something when I woke up, so we should be good. "You ready to go?" Mikey asks as he hands me my backpack. "Yeah." I answer and grab my backpack.

We get to school and I go in silent. It's not that I don't want to talk to Mikey, it's just that I still haven't cleared my head. That's the whole reason why I even went out in the first place. First, I had to worry about Layla yesterday, then, now I have to figure out if arguments end with hugs and kisses and if they're supposed to go from bad to good in a matter of minutes. I get to my locker and Jeydon comes up to me. "Hey, you alright?" He asks concerned. "To be honest with you, no, I'm not okay." He gives me a questioning look and I sigh. "A lot of stuff has been going on lately and I mjust have too much on my mind. Mikey was drugged by Layla!" I try to whisper the last part. "Holy shït, Cass! You have been going through a lot lately. Do you want to come over tonight?" He asks trying to get me to talk more. "Please. I really need someone to talk to." He gives me a small smile and a nod. "How does 8 sound?" He asks. "That sounds great."

The bell rings and I close my locker. I walk down to Mrs. Dale's room with Jeydon and we sit beside each other. Through the whole class I just think.


I sit down at a table in the back of the room and hope that anybody, but Mikey comes to the table. I sigh internally as Mikey sits down in front of me. "You're avoiding me." He says as I stare down at my tray. "Maybe I have a lot on my mind and I want to talk to some friends about it." Great, I'm going to have to figure out a way to clean up this mouth vomit. "Ash isn't going to do anything about it. He'll just make it worse." I sigh and tug at my hair. "Do you really distrust me that much?" I ask looking up at me. "No, Cass, that's not what I me-," I cut him off. "Yep, I would definitely talk to him like that after what he did to me." I give him a dirty look and get up. "I'm going to find Jeydon and Ash maybe they'll care." I grab my tray and go to a different table.

I flag down Jeydon and Ash and they sit beside me leaving me in between them. "Jeydon told me about Mike. He is a jerk isn't he?" I roll my eyes and nod. "He's just being over protective. He doesn't see that he's being a jerk." They both kind of laugh and I smile. I really needed this. Even if Mikey is jealous of the boys. I'm going to prove to him that he can trust me.

Throughout the day I talk to Ash and Jey.  I don't know what I would do with out them. I still love Mikey even if he can be a jerk sometimes. I just need some space sometimes,

When school finally ends I wait on Mikey to come out. "Mikey, we need to talk." I say as he comes out of school. "Ok we'll talk when we get home. I promise." I smile and he smiles back. We get into the car and we sit there in silence. I'm glad that we kind of made up. It's actually really great. We finally arrive at my house and we sit down on the couch. "Look, I'm really sorry for saying all the things that I said to you. It all slipped out. We have been together and I just wanted to hang out with some friends. I needed to process what you had told me yesterday about Layla. Plus, where we had that argument this morning and I was confused to wether or not arguments end with hugs and kisses. That's not how it's supposed to end. Fights end with space." He nods and grabs my hand.

"I love you and nothing will ever change that. I was just worried about you and I know that I was being over protective, but it was only because I love you. I really apologize for all the hurtful things I've been saying to you I didn't really mean any of it. I was just scared that you didn't love me anymore." I give him a weak smile before I say, "I'm going to Jey's house tonight. If I don't come back you can call me. Nothing will happen, you can trust me." He hugs me and I hug him back. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

A/n: I'm glad that I've gotten back into writing. It just makes me feel better when I write on schedule. So I'm going yo try and write once or twice a week. If I ever feel froggy I might write 3 times a day, but I doubt that'll happen. Love you guys!!!!!!!! Bye!!!!

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