That Night
Cassidy's POV

Me and Mikey plop down onto my couch getting ready to have a ranting marathon. "I don't know what to do anymore, we're graduating this year and I don't know if I want to be single." I sigh. "Same, girls just don't like me that much." He sighs as well. "You are a very nice guy." I try to cheer him up. "Thanks Cass, you are a very nice girl." I smile. "When we do date people, they do take advantage." I state bluntly and he nods in return. "I guess that we are just to much for them." He chuckles and I giggle. "On the other hand," I begin. "Ashton can go suck a dïck" I laugh and Mikey laughs.

"Cass, what I said the other night is true and I really do like you." We meet gazes. "It's just, you just got your heart broken and I know that your not ready." He sighs. "Mikey, I really like you too." I let it all out. "I've been hiding it for a long time. I thought that since I got together with Ashton, the feeling would go away." I look into his eyes and he smiles at me. "That means a lot to me Cass." He grabs my hand and he squeezes tightly. 

I lean in and kiss him on the cheek. "Will you go on a date with me?" He asks and I smile at him. "Definitely." I kiss his cheek again. "Great, we'll go out tomorrow. I know exactly where to take you." He hugs me and we walk back into my room.

I hear the front door and I run out. It's my mom. I run and hug her. "Mom, I've missed you so much!" She kisses my forehead. "I've missed you too." She smiles back. Mikey steps out of my room and waves. "Hello Miss. Weston." He smiles. "Hey Mikey!" She exclaims and runs and hugs him. "Mom, I believe that's enough." I chuckle and she pulls away. "Sorry, it's just been forever." She sighs and hugs me again. "Your Aunt is fine." She smiles. "She just needed help with her house. It was a complete mess." She laughs.

"Me and Mikey are going on a date tomorrow." I tell her as we all sit on the couch. "Wow! I'm so happy Cass!" She hugs me for the millionth time. "Yeah, me and him are just going to watch movies tonight." I smile and she nods. "I'll be checking up on you two. I don't want anything inappropriate going on." She gives us a firm look and we nod. "Don't worry mom." I sigh. "We've done this for years and nothing has happened." She gives me a nod of approval.

Me and Mikey lay on my bed. I flip on the tv and put on NETFLIX. "What would you like to watch?" I turn to Mikey. "Ummm...... How about Adventure Time?" He suggests and I nod. "I love that show." I press a button and Adventure Time begins to play.

My mom is home, Ashton and I are done, me and Mikey are going on a date tomorrow, we went to the mall. Today has been a good day. As much as I hate Ashton right now, I feel like all of that hate is now gone and it is now just me avoiding him as much as possible.

I smile at Mikey and get cozy in his arms. I drift off to sleep thinking about tomorrow night.

The Next Morning
Cassidy's POV

I awake with Mikey looking down at me. "Good morning sunshine." He chuckles. "Good morning Mikey." I smile. "You ready for today?" He asks and I nod. "Great, cause we're spending all day together." I laugh at his words and nod. "Good, I'll be back soon. I have to go to my house and get ready." He kisses my forehead and gets up. I wave as he leaves and get my lazy äss up out of bed.

After getting out of the shower, I look into my closet for something to wear. I find a Nirvana crop-top, my awesome jeans, my boss äss vans, and a bracelet. I wanted to look casual because we've been best friends and I don't want to just try to impress him with someone I'm not.

He soon comes back and he smiles as he walks into my room. "Well don't you look nice." He hugs. "Same with you." I laugh a bit. "You ready to spend time with me?" He asks. "Yep!" I cheer and we walk into the living room. "I want my daughter to be home by 11. Got it?" She asks Mikey and he nods.

We run out of the door. And hop into his car. "So where we going?" I ask and he smirks. "You'll see." I chuckle and we drive off.

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