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Cassidy's POV

We start by cleaning in the living room. "I'm going to start cleaning in my room. Can you keep cleaning in here?" I ask and he simply nods in return. I walk down the hall and I go into my room. I'm basically blown away by the mess. How have I not had an OCD attack?! I start with simply making my bed and then I move onto my floor. I begin to pick up all the dirty laundry and I throw all the clothes in the small hamper in the corner of my room.

Me and Mikey finally finish the house. By the time we finish it's already 2 o' clock in the evening. "Well, my mom doesn't know that you stayed the week so you're gonna have to leave. Sorry." He just smiles at me and nods. "Ok, Babe, I'll see you later then?" He asks as he hugs me. "Of course. Love you." He gives me a gentle kiss on the lips. "Love you too." I wave him off and walk into my room. I lay down and begin to play music on y Bluetooth speakers and scroll through Instagram.

An hour passes by and I shortly hear a knock on the door. I jump up from my bed and run straight to the front door. "MOMMY!" I yell as I yank the door open. She runs in and drops her luggage to hug me. "I missed you sooooo much!" She says as she kisses my forehead. "I missed you too, mom." She laugh and she pulls away to take a quick look around. "You did a good job of cleaning. How many times was Mike over?" She asks making me chuckle. "A few times. Nothing to worry about." She smiles and hugs me again. "I also have some great news for you." I give her a questioning look to tell her to go on. "I got a promotion! That means I won't be traveling as much. I'll probably only travel once every two months!" I hug her for the 90th time and laugh. "I'm so glad!" I exclaim as we pull away. "Let's go out somewhere to eat tonight." She says as she picks up her luggage and begins to walk down the hall to her room. "Sure, that sounds fun."

  I walk back into my room and find some clothes to wear. I find some cute baby blue skinny jeans, a black and white sweater, and lastly my cute white lowtop converse. I go into my bathroom and take a quick shower. I wonder if we're going somewhere nice. I hope we are. If we're going somewhere really fancy, I'll change into my pretty pink dress with my new cat tights. I never get this excited about clothes and fancy stuff. I guess it's because I'm happy to finally have my mom home. I get out and put on my clothes and get ready the rest of the way. I throw my hair up in a bun and I do my makeup.

"Mom, are we going anywhere fancy tonight?" I ask as she steps out of her room. "No, I just thought that some Chic-fila would work." I nod with content and we head out the door. As we get into the car, my phone dings telling my that I got a message. It's from Mikey.

Mikey;): Hey, did your mom get home ok?

Cass:Yea, she's happy to be home and she got a promotion!

Mikey;): That's great. So I guess I'll see you at school tmr?

Cass: Yea, I'll let you know otherwise. The principal is probably going to suspend me btw. He isn't the type to let that stuff slide.

Mikey;): Hey, you never know. He really seems to like you and once you bought me in everything was fine. He just let you go.

Cass: Yea, but he doesn't like me that much. I know him. You know him too.

Mikey;): I guess we'll find out tmr then. I love you and you have fun with your mom.

Cass: Ok, love you too. Bye!

I put my phone in my pocket and I see that we've made it to the restaurant. We both get out and walk in. As soon as I walk in I spot Jax and Lexie sitting in a booth. I say their names and they wave at me. I wave back and I take a seat while my mom goes up to the front to make the orders. She already knows what I want. Lexie and Jax jump into the seats in front of me. "Oh my gosh, Cass. We all haven't hung out in ages!" Jax smiles. "Yeah sorry, I've just been caught up in all that drama and Mikey." The both nod. "When you got into that fight with Layla we wanted to make sure you were ok, but we wanted to let you figure it out by yourselves. Nobody wants to get involved in Layla drama." Lexie explains. "It's fine. I'm actually glad you guys gave me and Mikey some space. We really love each other." They both 'aww' and my mom shortly comes back with the food. "You guys should go. We will definitely hang out the weekend, k?" They both nod and wave as they leave.

"Was that Lexie and Jax?" My mother asks as she sits  down across from me. "Yeah, they just wanted to say hi. We made plans to hang out this weekend if that's ok with you?" I ask. She gives me a nod of  approval.

While we're eating, we catch up on things. I told her about the Layla thing and she agreed that it was right for me to punch back and it was right for me to fight for my man. Then we talked about her life and she said she met someone who was new to the company. She says that he's really cute. I told her to go for it because she hasn't dated anyone since my dad died four years ago.

After we finish eating, we go home and watch movies the rest of the night. I end up falling asleep on her and she left me, but I had a great time with my mom today and that makes me so happy.

A/N: So I updated for this week and I hope that you liked it. I deleted that one story I was writing about that dude being a vampire. I will be writing a new story once I finish this one though. It's going to be called "Forever Mine" and you guys are going to love it. I've been actually writing it with pencil and paper so I'll have a little draft to follow. It'll hopefully be more professional then this one. You guys are probably cringing from my punctuation, but don't worry, it's going to be better in the next story. Trust me!!! Love you guys*-*.

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