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Cassidy's POV

Me and Mikey walk out of the office and he looks angry. Why would he be angry? I didn't throw the first punch? I tried to not hurt her too bad. Why would he be mad? "Mikey, how do you know Shayla?" I ask as we go back into the lunch room. "She's my ex and she never got over me. I didn't think she would do something like that to you." He replies turning around. "Oh my gosh, your lip is bleeding." He puts his thumb on my lip, wiping off a bit of blood. "It'll be ok, I'm sure Mr. Ellison will figure out some type of punishment for me. Maybe even suspend me, but I don't care, I'm just glad I technically won." I laugh a bit and Mikey shakes his head. "Please don't get into anymore fights after this. At least try not to." I nod and kiss him.

Time Skip To After School

Me and Mikey get home and I lay on the couch. "Cass, I will protect you. If she ever messes with you again, tell me." He gives me one of the most serious looks that I've ever seen on his face. We've been best friends since we were little. Something else is wrong with him. "Mike, something else is wrong with you. What is it?" I look him right in the eyes. "Remember that day you and Ash went for that walk?" He asks and I nod. "Shayla came over.... I didn't invite her." Anger goes through my body and I clench my fists. "She came over in, let's just say, inappropriate clothing. She had a long jacket on and I did let her in. She came in and totally violated me. She drugged me, she was making out with me, it was terrible." He's in tears and my eyes begin to water. "Mike, why didn't you ever tell me? I swear if that fücking bïtch ever messes with you ever again I will kill her. I will never let that happen to you again. If she messes with me I will beat her till she's completely numb." I spit through gritted teeth

I grab his hand and we wipe away each other's tears. "I love you." Mikey smiles at me. "I love you too. I love you to the moon and back." We laugh a bit and I kiss him. He pulls me closer and kisses  back. He pulls me on top of him and he puts his hands on my hips. He moves his lips to my neck and I moan. "Do you wanna do it?" I whisper in his ear. "Definitely." He picks me up and he carries me to my room, shutting it as we get in. I pull off his shirt and kiss his abs and he pulls off my shirt. "Come on Cass." He groans and he pulls down his pants and I pull off mine. He gently pushes me onto the bed and gets on top of me. He unbuttons my bra and pulls down my underwear. I pull down his and he grabs s condom from my nightstand drawer. "It's funny, you know where they are." I chuckle and he smirks. "Of course." He kisses me down to my waist and goes back up. I moan as he slips inside of me after he puts on the condom.

He thrusts into me and I moan loud. He kisses me and he puts me on my stomach. I moan again as he slips back inside. He kisses my neck and I go crazy. We finally reach our climax and he gets off of me. "Fück Cass, I never thought that I would ever be doing this with such a beautiful girl." He pecks my cheek after he throws away the used condom into the trash ben beside my bed. "I really love you, Mikey." I kiss him and he smiles. " I really love you too."

We soon fall asleep and I lay there sleeping peacefully.

A/N: I'm so sorry. I've had a terrible year so far and it sucks. Homework, crushes, life! It sucks so bad. I never have time for you guys!! I'm so sorry again!!!!!!!!!!! I'll try to get back schedule. Goodnight love you!😍❤️😴

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