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Cassidy's POV

I awake to the sound of my phone ring and I immediately pick it up. "Hello?" I say in a groggy voice. "Hey, you skipping school today?" I hear the sound of Mikey's voice and smile. "Yes of course." I reply and he chuckles. "Ok, when are you coming home?" He asks and I look up at the clock on Jeydon's wall and see that it's only 7. "I'll find out later. I'll ask them later." I reply and he sighs. "Who's "them"." He asks and I sigh this time. "Jeydon and Ash. Who else would it be?" I ask. "Tell Ash that he better keep his hands off of you or I'll put my hands on him." Mikey replies making me laugh a bit. "I will, don't worry." I smile and I can already feel Mikey's smile through the phone. "Ok, I'll talk to you later. Love you, bye." I tell him I love him and say bye before I hang up.

I lay back down and fall asleep again.

Jeydon's POV

I pretend to sleep as I listen in on Cass and Mikey's conversation. Call me a stalker or whatever you want, but I don't really like the way Mikey treats her. He's way too over protective. I wouldn't like Ash either if I was him, but he thinks that all the boys she's friends with like her. I might just be saying all this because I still like her, but I might not be. I know that it's stupid to like her when she has a boyfriend that she says 'I love you' to, but feelings don't just fade. Mine have never gone away. I kept on telling myself that I needed to just accept that she only wanted to be friends and that I needed to stop thinking about her, but none of that happened.

I hear her finally say bye and lay back down before I open my eyes. I want to go back to sleep, but now I can't because I have way too much on my mind. I get up and walk upstairs to go ahead and get ready. Maybe one day Cass and Mike will break up. If that happens I'll have my chance.

Cassidy's POV

I open my eyes one last time and I see Jeydon walking upstairs. Has he been awake the whole time? I sigh before my eye lids fall and I drift off to sleep again.

The next thing I know, I awake to my phone ringing again. "Hello?" I ask for the second time this morning. "Hey, it's me, Mom." I smile and sit up. "Oh my gosh! Mom!" She chuckles. "I'm coming home today and I know that you skipped. You wouldn't have answered if you didn't skip." I sigh and she laughs. "So how are you and Mike?" She asks. "We love each other. We've been going through some drama, but other than that we've been good." She sighs and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Don't say you love him. You're a senior and you're only 17. Don't go too far. I know you think that you love him, but you all have only been dating for a week or 2." I groan. "Mom, we love each other. We've known each other forever. I think I would know if I loved someone." I roll my eyes and she sighs. "Whatever. Just be careful and by the way. My house better be clean when I get home." I laugh. "It will be, Mom. Bye, love you." She says bye and I hang up.

I begin to make my way up the steps to find Jeydon. I see a door closed and assume it's where Jeydon is. "Hey, Jey, you in there?" I ask through the door after I knock. "Yeah, you need anything?" He replies. "Are you ok?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just took a shower." I nod and smile. "Ok, I'm going to go. My mom is coming home and I need to get Mikey out. I'll see you at school tomorrow." He comes out of his room with wet hair. "Bye, Cass." I hug him. "Bye." We pull apart and I run downstairs. I grab my bag before I see Ash wake up. "You leaving?" He asks in a groggy tone. "Yeah, my mom's coming home. Bye." We wave at each other before I walk out the door.

I jump into my car and begin the drive to my house. I wonder when my mom is coming home. I finally get there and still see Mikey's car in the driveway. I go in and see him watching tv on the couch. "Oh, hey, I didn't think that you would be home so soon." He says as he gets up and hugs me. "'My mom is coming home and I need to clean up before she gets here." He smiles and nods. "I missed you." I give him a kiss on the cheek. "I missed you too."

A/N: yep, I didn't update last week because I updated 3 times 2 weeks ago so it covered at least a week.

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