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Cassidy's POV

"Cass, it's 8 and I want to take you to one more place." He turns to me and I nod. "Got it! Let's go!" I jump up and run outside.

For the 3rd time today I jump into his car. "I'm not even gonna ask this time." I laugh and Miley chuckles.

We arrive at some random place and I give him a questioning look. We get out and he grabs my hand. We run to the top of a hill and I see a blanket laying down with a basket in the middle. "You really didn't have to do this Mikey." I light up as we sit down. "Hey, I'll do anything for you." He states making me blush

He brought brownies, sandwiches, and apple juice. Neither of us enjoy drinking alcohol that much. I take a bite out of my sandwich and I laugh. "Peanut butter and jelly." I say and Mikey's cheeks go red. "It's fine Mike, I love this." I peck him on the cheek and he perks up. I look at the view below us. San Fransisco is so pretty from up here.

I take a sip from my juice box. "This is amazing Mikey, I just love it. This is probably the best date that I've ever been on.

He leans in and kisses my lips slowly. I begin to kiss him back and we pull away catching a breath. I lay my head on his shoulder and we look out to the night sky. We finish our PB&J sandwiches and begin to pack up our stuff. "Mikey, I really think that this can work out." He turns to me and smiles. "I feel the same way."

We hop into his car and drive back to his house. I look at the street lights as we pass by.

He pulls into his driveway and I get out with a smile on my face. Today has been the best day in the whole world. Mikey is just such a sweet person.

We end up back in his room and I lay down on his bed. He soon lays down beside me. "Mikey, this has been the best day ever." I turn to look at him. "I feel the same way." He gives me a warm smile and he kisses my lips. He pulls me closer as I begin to kiss back. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap mine loosely around his shoulders.

We pull away, catching our breath. I smile at him and he kisses my forehead. We lay looking at the ceiling and talking. We could talk all night if we wanted to. There is no one to stop us and no one to tell us to separate. It's just us.

The Next Morning
Cassidy's POV

I wake up in Mikey's arms and him still asleep. I smile at his cute face and begin to get up. His eyes flutter open and he pulls me closer. "Where are you going?" His groggy voice questions me and I look at him. "I don't know, I was just getting up." He chuckles. "Well, then there's no reason to get up." I nod and kiss his nose. "We just got together and we're  already sleeping together." I laugh a bit and he smiles. "Well, we've known each other for about..... 12 years." My eyes widen and he nods.

He kisses me and I kiss back. He puts himself on top of me, pulling me towards him. We begin a make out session and I roll over on top of him. I keep on kissing him as his hands roam my body. I tug at his hair smiling against his lips. He rolls over back on top, kissing my neck and I tug a little harder at his hair and I can feel him smiling on my skin. He looks at me and kisses my lips more. He pulls away with a serious look on his face. "Cassidy, I know that we just got together, but I've known you for a very long time. We tell each other everything and being together makes it even better. Do you get what I'm asking?" I look at him and think for a second. He wants to have sëx.

I think again of what I should say. "Yes Mikey, I get what you're saying and the answer is yes." He gives me a grin that comes from ear to ear. I pull him back to me and he kisses me again. I tug at his shirt and he takes it off. I look at his beautiful abs. I turn back to look at him, blushing. He kisses me. He pulls off my shirt and throws it onto the floor. I smile at him and he smiles back.

He ends up taking my pants off, along with him. I think to myself. "Am I really ready to lose my virginity? Is he the right one? He is and I trust him greatly."  I turn and see him reach into his nightstand drawer and be pulls out a condom. Butterflies grow in my stomach and he looks at me. "Are you sure that you're ready for this?" He asks me and I nod.

He slips off his underwear and my eyes widen. Holy shït! Yep, I'm gonna pass out. Wait, no I won't. I look up at him and he opens up the wrapper. I take off my underwear along with my bra and he looks at my body. "Cassidy, you are so beautiful." I blush and he smiles. He kisses my neck and then looks back at me. "You ready?" He asks and I nod.

"Okay, this doesn't feel very good. It actually hurts a bit. I know that it's supposed to hurt." I think to myself as he thrusts into me. "I promise that it will get better." He whispers in my ear making shivers go down my spine. Why is he so sexy? I'm just blah. God created a beautiful human and he is on top of me right now. Sexy+blah= sexy and blah. Yep, a very good combination.

I don't feel pain anymore and I smile. This is great!

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