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Cassidy's POV

I smile as I pull out of my driveway and begin to drive to Jeydon's house. He said that he had a few friends over, but I said that I didn't mind.

I finally arrive at his house and see 2 or 3 cars, but that's not a lot. I go up to the door and knock. Jeydon comes to the door. "Hey, Cass, come on in. My friends are getting ready to leave. You came at a good time." I go inside and pull off my Vans and leave them by the door. "Guys, this is Cassidy. Cassidy this is Jack-," I laugh. "Jeydon, I've been going to school with them for several years. I know who they are." Jeydon's cheeks go red and we all kind of laugh. "I invited Ash over if you're ok with it." He smiles and I smile back. "Of course, me and him are friends."

I sit on the couch beside Jack and he smiles at me. "Wassup, Cassidy! How have you been?" He asks starting a conversation. "I really don't wanna talk about it right now." I reply trying not to be rude. "That's fine. And I'm doing good, thanks for asking." We both laugh and he smiles at me.

They all leave after a while and soon Ash arrives. "Sorry I was late. My girlfriend wanted me to help her set up something for her to paint on." He chuckles. "That's fine. His friend's just left." He nods and we all sit down on the couch. "So it's story time!" Jeydon yells "yes it is. Go get us some snacks." He sighs and nods. He runs into the kitchen. "So, did you and Mike work it out?" Ash asks. "Yeah, I apologized and then he did. He said that he knew that he was in the wrong and that he was just worried." He nods. "Good, I'm glad that you all got things worked out." I smile and he smiles back before Jeydon comes running into the living room. "What did I miss?" He asks making me laugh. "Nothing, me and Mikey made up. He understood that people need space sometimes." He nods and throws the snacks at us.

We sit there most of the night and just talk about me. If only Jax and Lexie were here. I got to now both Jeydon and Ash more, they're hilarious people. They're two of the best friends I've ever had. Even though I haven't known them very long. I check the time and see that it's already 10 o' clock. Maybe I could just stay the night tonight. I'm sure Mikey would be ok with that. Like I said earlier, I'm going to show him that he can trust me with boys.

"Hey Jeydon, do you think I could stay the night tonight?" I ask and he turns to me. "I don't care. You can call Mike and tell him to bring clothes." I smile and hug him. "Thanks!" I get up and call Mikey.

"Hey Mikey?" I say as he picks up.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"I'm staying the night at Jeydon's and I was wondering if you could bring me some clothes? I'll tell you what to bring and where to find them if you do it." I hear him laugh through the phone.

"I guess. I trust you enough. So what do you want me to bring you?" He asks making me smile.

"Go into my closet and grab my maroon Vans sweatshirt." I hear him walking and soon here him make an 'aha!' Noise.

"Ok what else?" He asks.

"My black ripped skinny jeans. They should either be hanging up with the shirt or they're in my 3rd dresser drawer." I reply and I hear him open up my drawer. He then proceeds to sift through my drawer and then he closes it again.

"I found them. Anything else?" He asks.

"Get me some panties. They're in the top drawer." I whisper and he chuckles.

"Ok." He opens another drawer and he chuckles again before saying. 'Gottem'

"That it?" He questions one last time.


He hangs up and I sit back down. "What did he say?" Ash asks. "He said yeah. Are you staying too?" I ask making us both look at Jeydon. "I suppose. Who's bringing you clothes?" Jeydon questions and Ash chuckles in return. "I skip." We all chuckle this time.

We all hear a knock on the door and I smile as I get up. "It's probably Mikey." They nod and I run to the door. I open it and see Mikey holding a bag along with my backpack. "I didn't know wether you wanted to skip or not tomorrow, so I bought your backpack as well." I smile and give him a hug and a long kiss on his lips. "Thanks babe, I'll see you tomorrow at school. Don't burn down my house." We both laugh and he smiles "Ok, love you." He says as I grab my bags. "Love you too." I close the door and go back to the living room. "Do you all just wanna skip tomorrow?" I ask as I throw my bags onto the floor beside the couch. "I guess. My parents are out of town if you didn't notice." Jeydon replies. "I know you're skipping tomorrow, Ash." He laughs and nods. "I'll call and tell Mikey in a bit." I sit down and Jeydon turns on the tv and we begin to watch some random scary movie that's on tv. We turn out the light and I rest my head on Ash's shoulder. Not in a romantic way.

As we're watching them we just talk more. I have too many friends that are boys. Soon my eyes get heavy and I fall asleep on Ash's shoulder.

A/n: Well, that was nice. This is like the 3rd time I've updated today. Lol bye.

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