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Cassidy's POV

The movie ends and I sigh. "Well, that was confusing." Jeydon laughs and nods. "I didn't think all that would happen." Mikey yawns. "Good movie. I'm tired." I chuckle and hug him. "Thanks for hanging out with me Cass. I'll see you later." I smile and hug him. I wave to Lexie and Jax as we walk out.

Mikey gives Jeydon his board and we get into the car. "So did you like the movie?" I ask as we drive down the road. "Oh yeah, it was awesome." I laugh and nod. "Do you think that there will be a 4th one?" He nods. "Yeah, the ending was weird and stuff so I'm pretty sure that there will be another one."

We get back to my house and he gets his bag. I unlock the front door and walk into the house. "Just put your stuff in my room." He walks back to my room and soon comes back. "Can we cuddle and sleep?" He looks at me and I smile. "Of course." We sit on the couch and he wraps his arms around my waist. He puts his head into my neck. I smile and kiss his head. "Thanks for this morning." I blush as I he whispers into my ear. "No, thank you." He chuckles and looks up at me. "I really do like you Cass." I smile. "I really like you too." He smiles and lays back on my shoulder.

I soon hear him snoring lightly on my neck. I take my phone out of my pocket and check the time. It's already 8:30. I sigh and try to get up. He tightens his grip around my waist and I sigh, getting comfortable again. I close my eyes and I soon fall asleep.

The Next Morning
Cassidy's POV

I wake up and look up to see Mikey still asleep. "Ok! I really have to go pee, he's gonna have to let me up!" I try to get up and he pull me. "Mikey, I really have to go pee." He opens his eyes. "Ok." He lets me go and I walk to the bathroom.

I walk out and see him watching tv. "What ya watching?" I sit down. "SpongeBob." I laugh and nod. "I'll go make breakfast." I get up and look for the pancake mix. I find it and add some water and shake it. I get a pan and begin to pour out the mix. I grab a spatula and start cooking.

Mikey walk into the kitchen and grabs a cup from the cabinet. I smile at him and he smiles back. I look back at the pancakes. "Mikey, could you please get me two plates?" He nods and grabs two plates from the cabinet.

I put a plate in front of him and sit across from him. "Well Cass, this looks really good." I smile. "Thanks." I begin to eat and I soon hear a knock on the door. I put my fork down and walk to the door. "Ashton! What the fück do you want?!" Mikey gets up and walks to the door. "I came to apologize for walking out on you. I had no right to do that and I want to make it up to you." I look back and see Mikey turning a dark shade of red. "What do you mean 'make it up to me'?" He smiles. "Will you go for a walk with me?" I laugh. "I'm sorry, but I'm dating Mikey." He nods. "Can you still go for a walk with me?" I shake my head. "How can I trust you Ash? You hurt me bad." He sighs and nods. "That's why I'm trying to make it up to you. I feel like such a jerk leaving you like that." I give him a weak smile. "I guess, come back in about an hour. I'll go for a walk with you, but do not touch me." He nods and smiles. "I'll see you later then. Bye."

I shut the door and Mikey growls. "Why would you want to go with him? He hurt you and I don't trust him!" I nod. "I know, but everyone needs a second chance." He sighs. "Ok, but if he tries anything, call me." I smile and hug him. "Thanks, I'm going to get ready." He kisses my forehead and I run to the bathroom to take a shower.

I walk into my room in a towel and begin to look for something to wear. I find an American flag shirt, with my ripped skinny jeans, and my black and white converse. I throw everything on and put my hair in a bun, I put on some foundation, eyeliner, and mascara, then I put on my reading glasses. I walk out and see Mikey sitting on the couch on his phone. "You look nice." I smile. "Thank you." I peck his cheek. I get a text from Ashton and it says he's here. I walk out and smile at him. "Hey Ash, ready to go?" He nods. "Well, you look nice." I smile. "Thanks." We walk down the sidewalk. "So how's life?" I ask. "It's cool I guess, me and Jeydon have talked a little. "Cool, my life's been good this week. I just don't wanna go to school tomorrow." We both laugh a bit. "Same, do you wanna go get some tea?" He points to a McDonald's and I sigh. "I didn't bring money." He smiles. "It's fine, I'll pay." I nod and we walk in.

"Hello, welcome to McDonald's. What will you be ordering today?" I nice looking girl smiles at us. "Umm... we'll take two sweet teas please." She nods. "That all?"

She gives us two cups and we walk to the tea machine. We make our drinks and walk out. (That's how my McDonald's works ok?)  "Well, I guess we should head back." He sighs. "Ok let's go." We begin our journey back to my house.

I thank him as we walk up to my porch. "Any time Cass. Do you forgive me?" He looks at me. "Of course Ash. Thanks for apologizing." He smiles. "Thank you! Bye." He waves as I walk in. I see Mikey eating a bowl of Cheerios on the couch. "So how was the walk?" Mikey asks as I sit down. "It was nice, we went to grab some tea and then we headed back." He smiles. "Good." I hug him and check the time. "It's already 4:20, I guess me and him can just watch a movie or something." I shrug and yawn. "I'm going to go take a nap." He gets up. "Can I come?" I laugh and nod. "Sure, come on."

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