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Mikey's POV

I lay beside Cass, happy as fück! I never thought that she would let me do that. I expected her to say no and then awkward shït would go down, but nope she said yes.

I look over and see her smiling. "What are you smiling about?" I ask and she turns to me. "You know exactly why." I nod and laugh. "So what do you want to do today?" I ask and she thinks for a second. "'We are going to tell my mom bye because she is leaving on a business trip today, after we say bye I'm going to get ready, then Starbucks, and then pennyboarding. I suggest you get ready." I chuckle and get up.

I get up and walk into the bathroom, I turn on the warm water, and get in. I'm excited for today. I love spending time with her. She just makes me smile all the time.

I finish taking my shower and I get out. I wrap my towel around my waist and walk out. I see Cass sitting on her phone. She looks up at me and smiles. She turns back to her phone and I look for something to wear. I find black skinny jeans, a Fall Out Boy band tee, and my black Converse. I put everything on and sit beside Cass. I peck her cheek and she smiles at me again. "You ready to go?" She asks and I nod.

At Cassidy's House
Cassidy's POV

We get into the house and I see my mom getting ready to leave. "Bye mom, love you!" I run and hug her. "Love you too! I'll see you in 2 weeks." She holds me tight and waves to Mikey as she walks out.

I walk into my room to look for something to wear before I get into the shower I find my white crop-top, my black high-waisted shorts, a flannel that says I hate everyone. I grab my maroon Vans from the bottom of my closet and walk into my bathroom. I hurry and take a shower and get out.

I grab my makeup bag and walk into my room to do my makeup. Mikey soon walks in and jumps onto my bed. I finish my makeup and get up. "Come on Mikey! Let's go!" I run out into the hallway and stop. I run back to my room. "How long is your mom on the trip?" I ask and he sits up. "Well she left about three days ago, so about 2 more weeks before she comes back." I nod. "Do you wanna stay at my place?" He nods and gets up. He kisses me and we walk into the living room, and walk out of the front door jumping into his car. "STARBUCKS GIVES ME LIFE!" I yell and he laughs.

We get there and I run into the coffee shop. "Hello and welcome to Starbucks. What would you like to order?" A man smiles at me and I smile back. "I would like a Vanilla Bean Frappé and an Ice Coffee please." She nods and I give her my name.

I see Mikey sitting at a table in the corner and I sit in front of him. "Aye, when we left did you grab my penny board?" He nods and I sigh. "Good, is yours in the car?" He nods again and I hear my name. "That will be about $15.30." I nod and give him the money. "Oh and your number." I blush a bit and shake my head. "I have a boyfriend." I turn and nod towards Mikey. He laughs and nods. "Well sorry bout that, it was a dare from my friend back there." He points back at some dude and I nod. "Well, I'll see you around." I wave and walk back to the seat.

"What did he want?" Mikey asks and I shrug. "Nothing." He nods and I drink my coffee.

As we walk out we throw our cups away and we get into the car. "Do you still wanna go penny boarding?" I look over to Mikey and I shake my head. "Maybe later?" He nods and starts the car. "My house?" I ask and he nods keeping his focus on the road. We get to my house and I see Jeydon sitting on my porch. "Jeydon! What are you doing here?!" I run and hug him. "I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out?" I look behind me to Mikey. "You two hang out, I'll go get me some stuff from my house for my stay." I nod and turn back to Jeydon. "Come on in." I unlock the door and we walk in. "It's been forever Jey! What have you been doing?" He chuckles. "Nothing really, what about you?" He asks and I smile to myself. "Should I tell him about this morning?" I nod. "Me and Mikey are together now and a lot has gone down with me and Ashton." He nods. "Cool, wanna catch a movie? The Purge just came out and I want to go see it!" I laugh and nod. "Sure." We get up and run out of the door. "Let's penny board down!" I think for a second. "Weren't me and Mikey going penny boarding? Eh, I'll tell Mikey to meet us at the movies." "Jeydon, is it ok if Mikey meets us at the movies?" I look over to him as I grab my penny board that Mikey had put on my porch. I pull out my phone and call Mikey.

"Hey, can you meet me and Jey at the movies?"

"Sure, what time? I'm almost done packing."

"Ok, I'll see you there. Bye."


I hang up my phone and push myself for some more speed.

We finally reach the movies and I jump off my board. I see Mikey's car and run towards it. He gets out of the car and I jump on his back. "What the hëll Cass?!" I jump off and laugh. "Keep me and Jeydon's penny boards in the car until the movie is over please?" He nods and puts our boards in the back.

We get in and I just randomly see Lexie and Jax. "Hey Lex! What are you seeing?" I walk up to her and hug her. "Me and Jax are seeing the Purge. What about you?" I smile. "We're all seeing the Purge." I point to Jeydon and Mikey. "Let's go." We walk to the ticket booth and get the tickets. "Aye babe, can you go get some drinks, candy, and popcorn? I promise I'll pay you back for all of this later." He smiles and nods. He walk over to the food stand and we sit on a couch that's out in the lobby.

We walk into the theater and find a seat. I sit between Mikey and Jeydon. I look over and see Lexie holding hands with Jax. I ship it. Let's watch this movie.

A/N: I'm sorry that I've waited forever to update. I have summer camp next week and I've been trying to get ready. And yes I go to summer camp.

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