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Cassidy's POV

The next morning I awake early and let Mikey sleep. I'm going to go for a jog to clear my mind so I don't beat the shït out of that terrible girl. I'm going to tell him that if I go out or something like that, he has to text me if anyone comes to the door. I know it sounds like I'm his mother or something, but I have to take precautions. I still have school today and nothing can change that, but I still have a whole year ahead of me. And I actually never go on jogs, always walks. I'm just doing this to clear my head.

Once I'm about 2 miles away from my house I decide to turn around and jog back. I check the time real quick before I start jogging again. 6:45. I have to hurry.  I jog as fast as I can jog and begin to run once I get close. Yep, jogging was a pretty terrible idea. I didn't even bring water!

Once I finally get to my house I go inside and I see Mikey sitting on the couch. "Where did you go?" He asks turning to me. "I went... on.... a jog." I say between pants. "Ok. Why didn't you tell me?" He asks as he gets up. "I needed to clear my head and you were sleeping pretty well so I didn't want to wake you." I go into the kitchen, grab me a water bottle, and come back. "I was worried sick about you. I thought you were out with Ashton." He sighs tugging at his hair.
He sounds like he's upset. "It's good, but even if I was with Ash we're just friends, so it wouldn't matter." I begin to get a little serious and he lets out another sigh. "So, I'm still a little suspicious about him. I didn't even like you going on that walk."  I start to get a little angry. "Yeah, I'm sure you did so much worrying! Especially when Layla's tongue was down your throat!" I cover my mouth and begin to plan a way to get out of this. "Are you serious right now?! Did you really just say that?" Oh lord. I'm dead. "I'm so sorry, Mike. It just slipped out! I didn't mean to say that." He rolls his eyes and chuckles sarcastically. "Sure you didn't. That's a lie." My mouth hangs open. "Mike, what's wrong with you?" I ask confused, angry, upset, and concerned all at the same time. "How I can trust you to tell me things! That's exactly why I'm upset." I tug at my hair now. "Look, Mikey, I didn't mean to worry you and I certainly didn't mean to say what I said." I feel tears brimming in my eyes. "You know what? Forget that I even said anything! And you wanna know why I was so upset?" He looks me straight in the eye as he asks the question. "Tell me." I answer. "Because I love you and I thought that you loved me enough to tell me if you're going anywhere or doing anything." I feel a tear roll down my cheek and I wipe it off as quick as possible. "You know what, Mike? I love you too!" My voice cracks and I try to hold back the rest of my tears.

Mikey runs up to me and kisses me. Are all arguments supposed to end like this? We pull away and we hug. My tears suddenly fall out of my eyes. "I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry, Cass." He kisses my cheek and wipes away my tears with his thumbs. "I just don't want to lose you." I reply and he gives me a weak smile. "You won't."

A/N: Wow, that was pretty emotional for me. I'm sorry that I haven't updated in over a month!!!! I never have time these days!!!!!!!!!! But I love you guys!!! Bye🎈✨🔑❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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