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Cassidy's POV

I wake up and see Mikey sleeping next to me. I shake him lightly and his eyes flutter open. "Hello!" He groans. "I don't wanna get up. Can I sleep longer?" I giggle. "No silly! You are going to help me dye my hair!" His eyes open and he smiles. "What color?" I chuckle. "How about brown with blonde tips?" He nods. "Let's go get the dye!" He jumps up and I jump up as well.

We run out to his car and I make sure that I look okay in the mirror before getting in. We being driving down the road. "We should call Jax and Lexie to help us." Mikey smiles. "Ok, you can call them when we get home." I nod and lay back in the seat.

We reach Sally's and we jump out of the car. "You know Cass, I think you'd look good with black hair." I snort. "Oh no, my routes would be killer." He laughs. "Ok, what about pink?! I think that would look good." I smile and nod. "Fine I'll do brown with pink tips." He smiles and grabs the two bottles of dye.

We walk up to the checkout and we hand the dye to the cashier. "$20.49 will be your total." I smile and reach into my purse to grab a twenty dollar bill along with a one dollar bill. "Ok, you two have a nice night." She gives me change before me and Mikey walk out of the store and get into the car. "Let's do this!" Mikey jumps up and down in his seat. "Calm down, it's not like it's your hair." I chuckle as we reach my house.

We get out and I give him the keys and pull out my phone to text Jax and Lexie.

C: Hey guys! Can you all please help me and Mikey dye my hair tonight?

L: Oh shït! Can I dye mine too?!

J: Sure, we'll be down soon.

C: Ok guys! Bye!

I put away my phone and walk in. "Ok, Lexie is dying her hair too and Jax is coming with her." Mikey nods and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I smile and kiss him back on the cheek.

They finally arrive and I give Lexie a hug. "You realize that we have school tomorrow right?" Lexie questions and I nod. "Yeah, I just wanna do this tonight." She nods and we get everything ready.

I sit in the chair with a plastic apron thing around me. "Cass, are you ready for this?" I turn back to see Mikey. "Yeah I'm ready!"

Fast Forward to 4 Hours Later

I look in the mirror and see my beautiful pink and brown hair. "It looks amazing!" I run and jump into Mikey's arms. I look over and see my new twin, Lexie. "You look almost exactly like me.
Except your hair is blonde and pink mine is brown and pink." She laughs.

"Well thank you guys for the help. I'll see you two tomorrow. Bye!" I shut the door as the walk to Jax's car.

"That was fun. Time for bed." Mikey grabs my hand and we go into my bedroom. "Turn around babe." He groans. "I've seen you naked before." Mikey pouts and I sigh. "Ok."

I throw off my shirt and bra, put on my shirt, take off my jeans, and put on my shorts. I lay down beside Mikey. "Are you going to change?" He nods and gets up. He grabs his bag and pulls out some sweat pants. He quickly changes and turns out the lights. "Goodnight babe." He pulls me close. "Goodnight." I kiss his cheek. "I love you." My eyes widen and I smile. "I love you too."

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