Chapter Two

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Edited 24/4/17


Chapter Two

"Ava, this is your fault!" my mother screams at me. In her hands is my fathers lifeless body. I don't reply, my body frozen from shock. Tears stream my face like sprinklers. Through my blurry vision, I see my mother slowly falling backwards off the bridge.

"Wait!" I choke out at my mother, but she's already disappeared. I look down on the ground and my father is looking at me.

"It's your fault." he whispers.

I let my eyes bawl, throwing myself to the ground and curling into a ball.

I'm awoken to the sound of rain, patting my bedroom windows. I feel my cheeks, which are damp from the tears. I frown at myself. 'It is your fault, they would still be alive'.

I strip from my damp pjs, the sweat I had clustered from my dream had dampened the sheets. I knew I shouldn't have added another blanket to my bed last night.

I jump into the shower, in attempt to drown my hollow heart. The same words roll around my brain as I let the warmth from the shower envelope me.

This is your fault.

I know I shouldn't blame myself for my parents death, I've been told enough times that it wasn't my fault, but somehow I can't accept it. It was my fault.

I hate sleeping, the prescription for sleeping pills the doctor gave me don't help. Almost every night I dream the same dream. My parents telling me it was my fault. It's scary because I believe them. I believe I killed them. I suppose if someone said something to you over and over, it would slowly get imprinted in your mind.

I step out of the shower, curling my towel around my body. Bruises and scars mark my skin all over from the fights I have had over the years.

I change into my grey sweatpants and blue cardigan, hiding my body with the baggy clothing.

The best way to hide in school is to go unnoticed and not to draw attention to myself. If I retaliate against the bullies, I will draw attention. I don't want that. I find the whole nerd identity to be very cliche. Let's be honest, how am I bullied for being a nerd and dressing ugly? People think that a nerd is someone smart. I am everything but smart.

I put my hair into a messy bun and grab my wig from the bathroom side draw. My blonde wig hides my natural brown hair. I wear a wig to hide my 'A' personality. If I walked into school as A, the police would be around with SWAT to lock me up. So I disguise myself.

After clipping the wig into place, I get my thick rimmed black glasses and place them over my brown eyes. Yet another nerd cliche.

I looked a lot like my mother before she died. We both have brown hair and brown eyes. As well as Finn, my 15 year old brother. We both look like our mother, as for our father. Well, we got his brains.

Mother could never understand how to work the microwave, or the garden hose, or the TV. She was just good at tactics. Understanding a plan, and elaborating on it. That's what made her a great gang leader.

I step out of my bedroom, in time to see Finn rushing past with his laptop in one hand, and a bowl of cereal in the other.

The Gang Girl, is an Undercover NerdWhere stories live. Discover now