Chapter Seventeen

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Thank you @---DIVINE--- for the awesome cover!!! I love it <3

Edited 28/7/17

Chapter Seventeen

"Ava, are you alright? You've gone pale."

I stand my head spinning. How could I be so blind.

My new client Jacob; is Caleb's uncle. This is dangerous. He can't recognise me. I can't let him.

"Ava?" Caleb asks concern stretching into his voice. I sit rekindling my thoughts as Caleb tries to grab my attention.

"Sorry, I'm just a little dehydrated" I lie.

Caleb nods, "I'll get you a drink downstairs with dinner."

I could lie and say I need to go home, however Finn is at home and he will question me about Tommy. I'm sure word got around the gang that Tommy and I have had a falling out, and dealing with twenty questions is something I don't want to do right now.

So I decide to stay on the account that I pray Jacob won't recognise me. 

Caleb and I walk downstairs, I notice him stealing glances at me, making sure I'm okay. When we reach the dinning room, I spot Jacob sitting at the opposite side of the table, talking with Gabby.

How could I let this happen?

Tommy did the background check? Wouldn't he have realised..?

"Ava, sit down I'll just go get you a drink" Caleb says rushing off into the kitchen. Leaving Jacob, Gabby and I. 

"You must be Ava?" Jacob greets, rising from his seat and extending his hand. Gabby runs off into the other room.

"Nice to meet you." I take his hand in mine like I had done a just days earlier.

He looks at me in the eye with a skeptical look.

He knows, surly he must know.

"Have I seen you before?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

Caleb come back into the room with a can of sprite for me. Sitting it on the table.

"No, I don't believe so." I avoid his eyes, and jumble into my seat to get away.

He stands behind me, probably thinking about where he had seen my face. Until Caleb greets him.

"Hello again Jacob." Caleb says firmly. Taking his hand into a strong shake.

"Ah yes, good to see you again Caleb." They stand muttering back and forth about what they have both been up to recently.

"Let's eat" Jules says, after placing the last dish onto the table.

Everyone takes their seats, and start digging into the food.

Caleb sits next to me. Watching me. I turn and look at him confused.

"What?" I whisper, under both Jules and Jacobs conversation.

"Nothing" He replies looking away and smirking.

What? The?

"Your so weird, you know that." I say, chewing on my delicious food.

The Gang Girl, is an Undercover NerdWhere stories live. Discover now