Chapter Five

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Edited 22/4/17


Chapter Five

My feet pound the pavement. The hard concrete below echoing inside of me. The constant wind whips past my ears. Hard and tired breaths escape my lungs. Morning fog, covers the city.

My breath rapid as I take in the cold air around me. Slowing down to an almost stop, I jog past the empty playground. Wondering when life took off? I once swung on those monkey bars, I once slid down that slide. But now, I run past wishing and dreaming to go back when life was full. Complete.

Now I feel empty. My parents death, took out a part of my heart, and I don't see it getting replaced.

My phone beeps, bringing me out of my trance.

I ignore the phone, and carry on running. I've been running for 30 minutes, and I'm numb from the cold air. Returning back to my home, I decide on a hot shower before school.

"Morning Finn." I greet, drying my hair with a towel.

"Hey Ava." He replies, not looking up from his computer.

"What are you doing?" I ask, walking around the counter to look over his shoulder.

"Boring security stuff." He says laughing, "I heard you won yesterday's race?" he explains finally looking up from his computer.

"Yeah I did, Cameron keeps saying he goes easy against me." I say laughing, and rolling my eyes as I remember after the race.

"How many times have I won now Cam?" I laugh.

"Come on A, you know I go easy on ya" He jokes and we both start laughing.

"Yeah whatever Cameron, nice car by the way." I reply sarcastically, winking at him. He just shakes his head and smirks.

"It's a beauty!" he whistles at it and I laugh.

"It's also grandma Jodie's isn't it?" I ask.

He looks away shamefully, and I already know the answer. I start cracking up.

"Ava?" Finn asks, shaking his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry what?" I ask, blinking back to reality.

"Can you take me to the warehouse after school, I've got to talk to the team about some set ups." He asks, putting his empty bowl of 'Captain Crunch' in the sink.

"Yeah that's fine." I reply, scrolling through Facebook.

"Sweet, bye!" Finns yells running out the door.

When the door slams shut. I realise I've got tutoring after school.

I run down the hallway to tell Finn, but I can already hear him getting into a car. Probably Patrick, my drivers car. Finn always steals my driver.

Without making a scene, I decide to just text him.

Wait, why don't I just get Caleb to tutor me another day?

The Gang Girl, is an Undercover NerdWhere stories live. Discover now