Chapter 25

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It was Saturday, and I was spending the morning with Caleb.

After leaving Caleb's late last night, staying for dinner and talking almost all night. I was surprised to find him in my kitchen when I came down the stairs this morning. He was baking pancakes and I laughed as I watched him wiz around the kitchen, in his 'Kiss the chef' apron.

"Caleb how did you even get in here, my house is meant to be heavily secured"

He sent me a funny, confused look before dishing up the pancakes and grabbing the toppings from around the kitchen. How he knew where everything was, I had no idea.

"Finn let me in" He simply stated and I rolled my eyes and sighed dramatically.

Caleb turned to me in fake surprise, "Ava, you seem disappointed of my presence" He gasped.

I chuckled "clearly" I joked which was obviously a lie. I wont beat around the bush. I had a crush on Caleb. I mean who wouldn't, If one attractive man that smelt like the forest of combined, fresh, musky light and oak flavors. You too, would be head over heels.

I wouldn't be that dramatic Ava. It's a crush not a marriage.

Caleb whistles a tune as he stuffs his 4 pancakes into his mouth. I chuckle. His eyes snap up to mine and he smirks. "Delicious"

I nod slowly an amused look on my face.

"So what are you up to today?" Caleb asks placing his dishes in the sink after finishing off his pancakes. I continue eating mine.

"I have work at 11" I reply and Caleb pouts like a little kid.

"What about tomorrow?" He asks attempting to eat some of my pancakes which earned him a slap from me.

"I might be free, I don't know yet. Depends what happens tonight at work" I say finishing my pancakes.

Caleb leans against the counter and ruffles his hair.

I freeze. This felt so normal, so right. Caleb being here with me. I don't want to go to the gang house, I want to stay here. Caleb makes me feel like myself and like that.

"Ava?" Caleb asks from beside me.

"Just deep in thought" I reply.

Caleb smirks "Thinking about me?"

I scoff "No" yes.

His eyes light up with amusement. "Well I best be off,  you have work in 10 minutes" He says.

"Right" I look at the floor, not letting him see the hint of disappointment. AVA WAKE UP!

"I need to go find Sam anyway, I have something to talk to him about" Caleb laughs and makes his way to the front door.

"Oh and Ava?" He asks turning around.

"Have a good day" He sends me a breathtaking smirk.

As the door shuts after Caleb's exit, I sigh.

The Gang Girl, is an Undercover NerdWhere stories live. Discover now