Chapter 26

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I enter the house and know immediately that Finn is asleep. I can tell. When Finn is awake all the lights are on and the house has a busy feeling to it. But right now, as I walk towards the stairs I know Finn is asleep.

Its 3:30 am. After heading to L.A, to meet with the fourteenth street gang leader Henry, and then being mere meters away from the exploding car. I have had quite a day. We were meant to stay the night in L.A, however it wasn't considerably safe, and I also wanted to catch up on the work I missed from the day wasted trip we took to hear Henry's grocery store investment ideas.

When I entered my room, I immediately went for a shower. I smelt like smoke and have ash and dust from the explosion all over my clothes and body. After my shower, I changed into some comfortable clothes and hopped into bed. I knew I wouldn't be able to get to sleep, but I lay in my bed staring into the blackness of my room, hoping that my eyes would stay shut and I could get a good night sleep.

After staring at nothing for 3 hours, I got back out of bed. My mind still humming from the events that had just happened, that combined with the problem of the brown haired, blue eyed Greek god who seemed to be on my mind constantly. I opened my curtains to be greeted with the vibrant colors of this mornings sunrise just beginning to color the sky. The sky was cloudless. Sitting down at my desk, I opened up my laptop. Only to sigh heavily and shut it again.

I think I want to go for a run. Changing quickly into running clothes, I began my run while the slow morning traffic was all waking up.

I returned home at around 7:30 am, to find Finn dishing up a bowel of cereal for himself.

"I didn't know you were coming home last nig- Ava what happened to your face?" He asked, his concern radiating from him.

I chuckled. My face was covered in scratches, and I had a large bruise forming on the side of my face from the explosion knocking me against the concrete. It doesn't hurt, Its just annoying.

"There's a snitch in fourteenth street gang, our dear friend Mr. Henry forgot to mention that when he arranged a meeting to talk about grocery investments" I pretended to shoot myself at the mention of Mr Henry's grocery store idea. I see Finn's lips turn up at the side into a smile.

"Yeah, well anyway we were ambushed by Storm gang. They were obviously just sending a message because they left as soon as they came. I got a beat up face, from our car exploding. Mr. Henry needs to build a damn driveway instead of a manor. That way I don't have to leave the car on the street and risk it being rigged with explosives" I muttered the last part to myself, but I imagine Finn still heard it.

"Did anyone get hurt?" Out of anyone in the Grey Gang, my brother will always be the one to make sure everyone is alright.

"A few cuts and bruises, but nothing deadly" I say laughing silently to myself at the 'small cut', the man who rolled his eyes at me got.

"Have you sorted everything in finding who the snitch is?"

"I left 15 men behind to find him" I say.

"Do you want me to hack into any video surveillance for something suspicions?" Finn asks.

I smile sheepishly. "If you don't mind"

"Of course not" He grins back at me and then places his empty bowl in the sink.

"Thanks brother" I ruffle his hair as he escapes the kitchen.

"Quit doing that!" He yells down the hall, trying to fix his hair. I chuckle.

Why he has his hair already gelled at this hour of the morning beats me.

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