Chapter Eight

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Edited 16/5/17

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Chapter Eight

Caleb's Point of View. 

"Yeah, cya Ava." I reply, watching as she waves goodbye. 

What is it about her?

I shake my head trying to get rid of my thoughts.

I drive away quickly, worried if I stay by her any longer I won't be able to go. There's something about her that I'm fascinated with. I want to know everything about her, I want her to trust me. I want to be there for her.

When she smiles, a warm feeling erupts in the pit of my stomach. I would do anything to see her smile, or laugh.

The moment I had seen her, I was drawn in. When she was pushed around by Adam in the hallway, I was intrigued by her strength. She can handle herself, but that didn't stop me from wanting to protect her. She has trust issues, I don't know why. She is just someone I want to be around. 

I was silently thankful when Mr. Dom assigned Ava as the student I get to tutor. Then when we got locked in school, and we started talking about ourselves. She mostly let me talk, but when she did, she only talked about Finn. 

The more time I'm getting to spend with her the more involved I become. The more involved with her I become, the more I feel a sense of protection towards her. For what Adam had done; the bruises, the scars. Anyone would assume Ava had done something to Adam, but honestly I feel as though Adam's home life is the only reason for his behaviour. He feels weak in his abusive home, therefore uses Ava as a punching bag to stay superior. 

She doesn't seem affected by it though, which is unusual. it brings me back to her strength. She didn't wince once when she moved, and she didn't hold her stomach in pain at any time. If he doesn't hurt her physically, then whats left is emotionally. 

Adam can bruise and scar her all he wants, but at the end of the day, its going to be Ava that questions; What is actually wrong with me for Adam to hurt me? 

I wish I hadn't walked away from her when Adam started dragging her away. Out of  all the stupid decisions I have made while being in North Shore, walking away from Ava was what I regret most. She needed someone even if she won't admit it, and yet I didn't help her. I feel like if I can't protect her, Ava still has someone in the background. The man from the Cafe. The 'family friend' as Ava had identified him as. 

He is the kind of man, when walking along the footpath, you switch to the opposite footpath just to get out of his way incase he pulls a shotgun from his pocket and blows your head off. 

How Ava knows a man like that is beyond me. But for now, I will make the assumption that the man from the cafe, cares about Ava, and if he cares about her, she will be safe. 

"Caleb!" Gabby shouts, opening the front door and greeting me as my thoughts are lost from the drive home. 

I lift her into my arms and carry her back inside.

"Hey Gabbs!" I reply cheerfully, a wide grin covering my face.

I put gabby down on the floor, she crosses her arms and gives me her 'angry' look. I try not to laugh.

The Gang Girl, is an Undercover NerdWhere stories live. Discover now