Chapter 40

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"Ava?" I realize Avas eyes are slowly shutting. I start freaking out. 

"Ava?! Oh please don't die" I shout at her closed eyes. 

I bring my hand up and try to separate her eyes to open them. It doesn't work. 

Passing people in the street give us a quick glance but carry on walking, taking precautions of not getting involved. Assholes.

I slap Ava's face lightly to try jump her out of the unconscious faze. Obviously it doesn't work. 

I stand up with Ava in my arms, and search the traffic for Sam. Please hurry up Sam.

"Ava. Wake up" I repeat over and over as I frantically search the street for anyone to help us. 

"Caleb?!" I hear a shout from someone behind me, and I whip around faster the lightning to find Sam standing beside a SUV. 

"Sam? What do I do? She's gone unconscious" I rush over to Sam, with Ava in my arms. 

Sam pales when he sees her. He then pushes me with Ava into the SUV. He slams the door closed and jumps into the passenger seat. 

"Tommy! A is unconscious, looks to be from blood loss. Get us to the warehouse!!" Sam instructs Tommy; the driver. 

I hold onto Ava, and my seat as Tommy swears and begins driving in and out of cars. 

Sam reaches in between the seats and lifts up Ava's top. His eyes widen at the large cuts all over her stomach. "Shit, fuck, shit, hell, dammit" He swears. 

Sam takes off his jacket and presses it into Ava's stomach, he then applies pressure to stop the bleeding. 

I however, continue to lightly slap Ava's face hoping she would wake up. 

Only when the door swings open do I realize that we have stopped.

Tommy takes Ava from me and runs around the car, out of sight. 

I get out of the car, and gasp when I see the building we have stopped at. There are people all looking at Ava in Tommy's arms as he carry's Ava through the large door entrance. The people have worried looks on their faces.

 I walk but stumble a bit, trying to take everything in. Sam catches me and I sling my arms over his shoulders as he walks me to the building. 

I ignore everyone and just focus on Ava. 

Sam leads me through the doors, but I don't focus on the interior. Just on Tommy's back as he takes an unconscious Ava somewhere through the building. 

Sam however leads me in a different direction from the way Tommy went. I try to struggle from his grip to get to Ava, but he grabs my arms and basically drags me away. 

He throws me onto a chair, and I look around. It looks like a meeting room. 

Sam's face in blank, however his hair is disheveled from the numerous times he has run his hand through it. 

He takes a seat opposite me, and we both stay silent. 

I straighten in my seat, and rest my hands on the table in front. 

"Is she going to be okay? Is there a doctor here?" I ask. 

Sam replies, "There is a doctor here. I don't know how much blood she has lost so we will wait to see, if she is going to be okay" 

I can't reply, as Tommy bursts through the door. His suit has blood on it. Ava's blood.

He takes a seat at the table as well, and his heavy breathing is the only sound in the room. 

The Gang Girl, is an Undercover NerdWhere stories live. Discover now