Chapter 2

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XX09's POV

I am 12 now. My room has changed a little since I was younger, and myself has changed as well. My bedspread now sliver and black. My shelves are filled with more adult books than children's books. My desk has pencils and paper and calculators and rulers, etc. I finished my work already. The doctors are planning on letting me actually go outside the lab to go to school as their newer experiments need to adapt to being around people and get to know the world.

I had the picture of my mommy and daddy enlarged so I could hang it on my wall. Now I have a big photo that I go to sleep looking at.

CY05 is still around. He says I look more and more like X03 every day. That's probably why he doesn't come around much anymore. A painful reminder.

"XX09!" A nurse I had come to know as Sarah ran in. She was the youngest nurse here, 22 I believe. She adores me like a sibling which I am grateful for as I can't tell CY05 everything.

"Sarah." I chuckled, opening my arms from my bed, she wrapped me up in a hug and sat next to me.

"You get to start school in a week!" She smiled.

I stared at her in shock. "R-really? I get to leave the lab for the first time...?" I feel my emotions go wild, stuck between rejoicing and crying.

"Of course Angel!" Everyone had slowly started picking up on that nickname. As that is hat I liked to be called. Knowing that's what X03 called me first. He said I was his little Angel.

"Oh my! I don't know how I should react!" I put a hand to my chest and breathed. In one week was also my birthday. Every birthday I got three new things. And I got to choose every one of them.

"Be happy! I'm going to pose as your mom and CY05 will be your dad... Since he's still here and all. Aren't you happy to leave?"

I nodded. Than shook my head. Earning a confused look.


"This is all I know Sarah... What if I mess up out there?" She pulled me into a tight embrace.

"You won't little Angel..."

~one week later~

I have all my papers set up, my "parents" with me, and everything I would need to start off my school year. I have been placed in ninth grade as I am one year ahead of my actual grade level (I'm supposed to be in eighth).

My hands trembled and I felt my heart rate quicken. I jump at the slightest movement. Being here with all these people. I looked up at Sarah and CY05 approached me. I latched onto CY and trembled. "Not yet. Im not ready." I buried my face in his arm. I'm only thirteen and this is the first time I've left the lab.

"You are XX. You even get to use the name X03 gave you Angel. We allowed you to have a name here to fit in. Your okay Angel. your going to be great. I'll also only be a call away. Look, the lab is giving you a phone." he pulled out a simple looking phone from his pocket. it was silver and had numbers and letters. It was a LG slide phone. I took it and nodded.

"Thank you." I looked up at Sarah.

"It has all our contacts in it. Be safe and have a good first day Angel." I nodded and clutched the phone as it was my lifeline.

"Bye Sarah. Bye CY05." I gave them each a hug before they walked out leaving me in the office.

"Hello Angel. I was told to show you around." A boy with freckles littering his face, a blue eye and a green eye, and his cute button nose popped up in front of me. He smiled and put a arm around my tense shoulders. "I'm Micah! Im a sophomore, and your a freshman~ this is so exciting Ive wanted a freshman friend. Your first class is right next to mine."

Experiment XX09Where stories live. Discover now