Chapter 4

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Jared's POV

I nibbled my lip. Angels been gone for more than five minutes now. I watch the volleyball players a little longer before I can't take it anymore. I get up and walk toward the fountains. On my way there I spot Angel laying on the ground. He's shaking like he is having some form of seizure. But his eyes are closed and the vein at his temple was prominent. It's almost what you'd expect someone in pain to do and not be able to move.

I ran forward and went to touch Angel but his body jolted upward before I could. He leaned over floor and dry heaved. I gently reached out and touched his back. "A-angel...?"

He jumped at my touch an spun around so fast I hardly registered that he moved. "I-I'm sorry-!" He choked on air and hunched over the ground, coughing.

"Ssh. It's okay." I patted his back. "Want me to take you home?"

Angel didn't answer me for a minute. Than he hesitantly nodded. "yes please..."

I helped him up off his weak knees. "Let me carry you. It'll be quicker." Angel put his arms around my neck, letting me know it was alright to do that. So I picked him up bridal style and left the building. He was incredibly light and so small he fit right against me. Like a puzzle piece.

I carried him all the way to my car and set him in the passenger side. Buckling him in and gently shutting the door. I ran over to my side and got in, starting the car. I didn't drive yet though.

"Where do you live?"

"Just drive down the street. Than take a left and drive down the old dirt road till you get to the gates..." He mumbled out, than proceeded in falling asleep.

I nodded and drove according to his directions. I kept seeing signs that unnerved me. Ones that said 'go back' and 'your on government property'. I clenched the wheel.

When I arrived at these big gates, I looked up to see a huge white building. There was no one that I could see.

"Go back unless you have clearance to come in." I jumped at the sound of a man standing next to the car.

"A-Angel t-told me to take h-him here." I bit my lip.

"Who?" The man stepped up to my window and I rolled it down a little farther so we could talk easier.

"An-angel..." I pointed to Angel.

"Unlock the door." He walked around to Angels door. I hesitantly unlocked his door. I watched as the man opened the door and leaned Angel forward. How could he sleep through this? The man lifted the back of Angels hair and I felt confused when I saw a tattoo of sorts, right at the base of his neck.

Born to X03 and CY05

"Go on in." The man let Angels hair fall back into place and let him return to his sitting position.

The gates opened and I drove up. just as asked. Feeling more confused than I ever have.

A man walked out the doors of the building and up to my stilled car in a parking lot of to the side of the building.

"Ah you've brought XX09 home. If you could carry him inside for me, that would be lovely." He smiled. He wore black scrubs and a white doctors coat.

I numbly nodded, still confused, I climbed out of the car and over to Angels side, where I grabbed him and carried him bridal style after the doctor and inside the building.

My confusion only intensified seeing people walk around in all white. Just like Angel did. Except everyone here had the same smile, and seemed perfect. Just like Angel.

Everyone, was just like Angel. To say I was scared, was an understatement. I was freaking out.

"Good afternoon CY05." I perked at the name, recognizing it. I looked up at the familiar man that I saw Angel with. He smiled until he saw Angel. than he seemed to frown a bit.

"Good afternoon... Is something wrong with An-XX09?" CY05 bit his lip moving closer to me and Angel.

"He got sick." I mumbled.

The doctor nodded and gestured to a nurse. She ran over and the doctor whispered to her for a couple minutes before she ran off.

The doctor kept walking and soon walked up to a door. I stopped in front of it as it slowly slid up, revealing the most annoying white room. Everything was white. The walls, the floor, ceiling, the dresser, shelves, EVERYTHING.

"Lay him in the bed there." He gestured to almost the only color in here besides the big picture on the wall. It was a deep blue and looked very fluffy.

I laid Angel on the bed. Angel stirred and his eyes finally fluttered open. He didn't look to good.

"Welcome back XX09. Sarah's getting your medicine." The doctor smiled and grabbed a pen from his pocket and grabbed a clipboard that was near the door.

I decided to lean against the wall, unsure what to do. I wasn't needed. I watched Angel intensely as he struggled a little to stay conscious.

"And who might you be?"

I jumped, the doctor was in front of me.

"J-Jared." I licked my dry lips.

"Ah. Do you know what XX09 was doing before this happened?"

"He said he was getting a drink of water." I mumbled.

"Ah. I see. That explains it. Thank you for bringing him back." I gave a short nod.

I saw the nurse, Sarah walk in with a tray full of shots and pills. Just seeing all those drugs made me sick to my stomach.

"It looks like he came in contact with to many human germs at once. He's sick." The doctor explained to Sarah.

"I see. So he'll need..." she trailed off and began to prepare two shots and putting a few assorted pills in a cup.

The doctor walked over to Angel and talked to him quietly for a bit while Sarah got the drugs ready.

"Is he gonna be alright?" I asked CY05.

He looked at me. "Im sure Angel will pull through. He'a just a little sick..."

I nodded a little. Watching as Angel received the first shot, than the second. After those Sarah put a couple bandaids on his arm than Angel took the pills.

"Why is everyone's names so weird here?" I bit my lip. Looking back at CY05.

"That's something I'll leave for Angel to explain."


I watched Angel sleep. As I have been for the past hour or so. He's so beautiful.

I reached out and touched once of his flushed cheeks.

"Oh Angel." I whispered. I was told that Angel would explain everything I'm seeing right now, I'm very anxious to find out. I really don't want to find out he's sick or dying. I would be crushed.

Something just pulls me to Angel. And I say that in least gay way. Well maybe I do. It's hard not to love him. He's sweet, beautiful, and shy.

Angel moaned slightly and turned into his side, the one so he was facing me. Than his blue eyes fluttered open. "J-Jared? W-what-" He stopped when he was he was in his room, than he paled.

"Angel? They said you would tell me what all this is... I'm so confused..." I bit my lip and moved so I was laying next to him. He looked like he needed the comfort.

Angel instantly latched onto me and buried his face in my chest. We laid in silence.

"My real names not Angel... it's just what my-'mom' called me." I frowned hearing how hesitant he was to mention his mom. Than he said called. Like past tense.

"Is your 'mom' dead?"

Angel nodded. "he died giving birth to me."

That got me more confused. "he?"

Angel nodded. "That's what he chose. he wanted to be a boy. My other dad wanted to be a boy. And than I chose to be a boy."

"You can't choose if your a boy or girl though." I felt my heart race at the possibilities that Angel was talking about.

He looked up at me. "I'm XX09, and I'm a science experiment..."


Cliff hanger much? :p

X03: *Groans* he better accept my baby!

Me: he may or may not. Depends on my mood later :p

X03: *glares* do I have to threaten you every chapter?

Me: yup :3 *jumps and hides*

~Dark Angel out!~

Experiment XX09Where stories live. Discover now