Chapter 16

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Jared's POV

"Happy birthday Angel. Your 14 today." I mumbled and held his hand. May 23rd. He's been in a coma for two months. His skin is white and he's lost all the weight he gained while carrying the baby. I can almost count all his ribs. His hands were like ice cubes. But the only thing that kept me going was that steady beep and that breath of air Angel gets.

He's alive. And waiting for me.

"Wake up soon Angel." I kissed his hand, than his forehead. I walked out of the room and out of the hospital. I made my way back to my car that my grandparents gave me when they heard the news. They wanted me to be able to visit Angel whenever I wished. Which had come in handy.

As I drove down the road, I could see just how much Angel has affected the world. I say people all over the streets protesting to stop human experimentation. TV and Radio stations talking about Angels story. But what broke my heart was they played some clips of Angels voice.

"-yes I love Jared very much!" Angels voice chirped.

"That was for you Jared. Say happy birthday for everyone and the hello to the little one." The mans voice of the radio spoke and I quickly turned off the Radio.

The baby was already doing better. He got fussy but never cried. Which is okay, but it still does worry me. Because when he manages a small cry it's always weak and barely audible.

I pulled up to my house and walked inside. Passing my mother and father as always and going straight to Angel and I's room. Where our beautiful baby was sleeping.

I looked into the room and saw the cute, sleepy, two month old baby sleeping just where I left him in his crib. I chuckled quietly and went and sat next to him. Rocking the crib a little for him.

I'm hoping he choses to be a boy at least. I don't know if I could do the daddy's little girl yet. Especially if she questions why she has boy parts. At least if he choose to be a boy I could tell him about how Angel dealt with it.

I brought my attention to him when I heard a soft gurgle. He was trying to make a sound but was having problems so I picked him up. He was wide awake. "Hi there Stormy." I cradled him carefully as I got up and went back down the stairs to get him some baby milk. "Your foods coming right up baby..." I waited for the milk in the microwave. Gently patting Storm's back.

Yes I called him Storm. I know when he grows up he's going to be jumping everywhere. This is like the calm before the storm.

Get it? No... I still feel stupid for naming him Storm. But I'm sure it'll grow on people.

"Here you go baby." I tested the milk first for temp. before giving it to him. He gently suckled at the bottle. His little hands trying to hold the bottle himself. I smiled down at him.

He looked so much like Angel. He had these tiny thin lips and his face was a cute kind of chubby and he had Angels high cheek bones. He's going to be beautiful.

"You look just like your mama Storm. Especially with those green eyes. Well their a shade of green... I'd say like a sea foam color?" I chuckled and saw that Storm had finished his bottle. I quickly burped him before making my back up the stairs when I heard the shrill of the phone ring. "Can someone get that?!" I walked all the way back to my room. I laid Storm down and started to change his clothes and his diaper.

Storm gurgled at me a little as he started to smile some. I laughed.

"Oh your so cute Storm~" I patted his belly. I started wrapping him up for bed when my mother burst through the door. Her eyes wide and her jaw slackened a little. She panted for breath.

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