Chapter 18

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Angels POV

I cradled Storm to my chest as I was wheeled out of the hospital. It's been a few months since I woke and I'm healthy now. I can do a lot of things on my own but not everything. Im safe to go home now that I've had final tests run.

"Okay Angel. Just wait here till Jared arrives kay?" My nurse looked at me and I nodded. She left and I waited patiently for Jared.

It didn't take long but the car did roll up. Jared quickly helped me inside buckled Storm up. And just like that we were off.

When I arrived back home I couldn't be more relived. I had collapsed on the bed and sighed in content. Jared laughed as he watched me. Putting Storm in his crib.

"You look more than glad to be him Angel."

"Of course I am Jared! You have no idea how much I've been looking forward to this!" I cuddled into the blankets and yawned. That's anther thing. My energy saps really fast as well.

"Oh don't fall asleep yet! You have to be awake for dinner!" Jared shook my shoulder and I whined.

"Dinner can wait till after I have a nap." I murmured, falling asleep despite Jared's protests.

The months following my return moved fast for me. Both me and Jared looked for jobs. Of course I was underage but I managed the small things like walking pets, babysitting and helping neighbors while Jared was able to go full out and become a mechanic. He's in apprenticeship at the moment but it gets the money in. We also with any spare money we have do online school together to at least get our high school diplomas.

And of course Storm has discovered his voice so he's gonna use it. He keeps up everyone in the house almost all night, which is stressful.

I argue with Jared at times because of money or relationship problems but I would never leave him. I wouldn't be able to fathom it.

We manage. We survive. We live I guess.

We're buying an apartment soon, and I'm actually very excited. Our first home!

The years following out move to the apartment we celebrated holidays, I got a real job, we finished school and were getting ready to send Storm. He just loves to talk. He's also a huge fruit fan. He will eat any fruit he can get his little hands on. Sour or not it goes in that boys belly.

I'm working in an doctors office doing medical records. It pays the bills.

Storms four years old and his deadpan colored eyes sparkle in the light or as he laughs. Jared's been such a good father to him.

I'm 18 now and Jared's 21. Jared has become a man since everything that happened four years ago. He's stronger and mature than I thought he would be.

We move on with life.


I'm sorry it's so short and the times skips a lot DX but there's a total of one chapter left! The epilogue! Than I may or may not write an extra epilogue with Storms POV when he's older >.< than I'll do a sneak peak and than I'm finished! Thank you all so much for supporting me! If I could dedicate chapters to you guys on my iPod I would DX but that feature hasn't been added to my iPod yet >.< but just know deep in your heart this is for you <3

~Dark Angel Out!~

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