Chapter 6

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(Read the Authors note at the bottom, very important! Well the thing with me and X03 is :3 Hehe... Oh and hope you enjoy, not edited... Oh and it's short to, sorry :( )

XX09's POV

I didn't know why I was so curious about Xavier. He honestly sparked my interest. He looks slightly famialar... How? I don't know.. He... He just does.

"A~ngel... Snap out of it, you haven't picked up your pencil once this period." Micah frowned at me. We were in art. And today was anther drawing lesson. But I've just been so distracted I didn't realize class was passing me by. "Is something wrong...?"

"No nothing is Micah, don't worry about me." I picked up my pencil and started drawing.


"You've been zoning out all day Angel. Come on. You can tell us if something is bothering you." Micah touched my arm.

"I..." I looked up at Mich, Bella and Kayla from my lunch. "I just... I'm just a little off today. Excuse me." I got up and left the lunchroom in search of Jared.

"Angel... Why are you so upset? Such a pretty face shouldn't be sad. Be happy for me. I want to see your smile."

I froze. I didn't know what just happened. I was looking around the library for Jared when my vision went black and was replaced with an image of X03. X03 spoke to me. I couldn't understand him that well. the voice though, is still echoing in my head.

"Smile for me..."

I don't know what compelled me to do it, but I did smile. I had no reason to. I was still upset.


"Angel..." I jumped. I looked up and saw Xavier standing there in front of me. I put a hand to my heart and looked at Xavier.

"You scared me!" I huffed and leaned against a bookshelf trying to control my heartbeat.

"I'm sorry..." Xavier sighed. "Sorry about this morning."

"It's fine..."

"Well... Actually I'm not." I looked at Xavier a little confused."


"My Angel..." Xavier smiled warmly at me. "Will you smile for me?"

~Ending of the school day~

"Your so grown up... Wow..." Xavier smiled at me.

"Who's so grown up?" Jared walked up and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Angel..." Xavier smiled at me and I smiled back, feeling my heart beat excelerate at my happiness.

"Thanks... Xavier... Jared and I must go now. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes of course." Xavier pulled me into a embrace and I felt complete.

Once I let go , I felt my sadness grow. "Come on Angel." Jared looked between me and Xavier curiously before steering me away. "What was that all about angel?"

I looked up at Jared. A huge smile lighting my face. "That's X03... appaerntly his real name is Xavier... Or the one he was givin by the doctors... He told me mine to..."

Jared looked at me in bewilderment.

"He said it was... Xerxes I think?"

Jared nodded and held his breath. "I thought you said X03 died...?"

"He did... But they were able to recunstruct him... He'ls back. They brought his soul back to life. He's just not allowed back at the lab. Since this was only a test. He was only made a few weeks ago so he's very young. That's how he got into our school."

"He told you all of this?"

"Yes..." I clutched at my chest feeling it tighten. "I met my father and didn't even know it..."

"Hey... At least you know him now. I know you'll be seeing  a lot of X03. Don't put yourself down."

I nodded. "I better get going. CY05 has to hear this." I kissed Jareds cheek, gave him a hug and ran off.

~Again with the later XD~

CY05 took the news quite well. We were so excited to see X03. We'd convinced the doctors to allow X03 back. Oh in case you didn't know, CY05'ls name is really Cayden.

This experiment has tken on a whole new meaning.

But can I really ignore tht feeling of dread, darking my heart?


Did you see what I did there?! Two updates, even though their small... anywho, I hope this was shocking news :3 It was fun to write and think of, so I added it just cause. It's really going to turn this book around in case you hadn'lt noticed. In other words "Is it really and experiment now?"

X03: Angel with still stay Angel right? Not that name the docters agve him?

Me: Yes he will. Unless he likes Xerxes better. He can go by both, but I know he likes angel better cause thats the name you gave him :3

X03: I like my name... It fits me. Cydens is pretty good... But whats up with the numbers?

Me: I donno actually... Generations numbers?


Me: Yeah... And?

X03: -.- I'm a pedophile now...

Me: No... Not... really?

X03: *Glares*

Me: *hides*

~Dark angel out!~

Experiment XX09Where stories live. Discover now