Chapter 7

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Jared's POV

It was hard to come to terms that I had practically threatened Angel'ls dad... Or mom? whatever you want to call Xavier. I felt like such a dick now.

"Everything alright Jared?" A small voice sked.

I looked over at Angel. "Everything's just just fine angel."

Angel didn't look like he wanted to accept my awnser but sighed. He never argued. He knew when not to ask.

"I feel bad about yelling at your dad..."

"You don't have to be you know... I didn't even know he was my dad at the time. I feel bad about it to... we scared him pretty badly..."

I nodded. These stupid scientists... Always screwing things up. "Why do you think they chose to bring back X03 and not anyone else? Why was X03 so special?" I didn't understand it myself.

"I don't know... Maybe because... X03 was a good experiment?"

"I donno... Something about it isn't right when you get down to it..."

Angel nodded grimly. "I feel a dread filling my heart and stomach, I feel like somthing bad is going to happen..."

"what kind of bad thing...?"

"I'm not sure..."

we settled for silence.

We had been sitting in the library for lunch for a little peace and quiet to think. Angel had been sitting next to me. A unread book in his lap. He may of been looking for an excuse to take his mind of Xavier but... Neither of us could stop wondering.


Why, why, why?

What kind of word is why anyway?

"I wonder if Xavier misses CY05? He must right? They did love each other..."

"You'll have to ask." I pulled Angel into my lap. He looked like he was getting distraught over our conversation.

"So what are you doing after school today?" I tried to change the subject.

"I donno... I have nothing planned."

I gave a short nod. "Alright... Do you wanna hang out with me somewhere? The movies? The park? Beach? Zoo?"

"I've never been to any of hose places before..." Angel looked up at me.

"Than I'll show you. Which one sounds the funnest?"

"mmm... Beach?"

"Alright. Text whoever and see if you can go." Angel pulled out his phone and texted whoever it was. He had a small smile on his face.

Anther silence. But it was broken buy angels phone.

"They said I can go, but I have to go to the lab first for medication."

"Alright. The beach is close to the lab anyway... Do you want anyone else to come with us?"

"No... Just you and me would be nice..." He closed his eyes and leaned against me.

"That's just fine. Do you even know what a beach is?"

"Yes... I've just never been to one..."

"Than I'm glad to be taking you." I smiled at him.

He blushed and smiled.

~After school~

"Let's take you to the lab so we can go to the beach." I led Angel to my car, spotting X03 in the distance. He smiled at us and waved. Than I saw CY05 with him and they joined hands. It was weird seeing those two together... Angel had told me X03 had died. But here he is...

I ushered angel into the car after he waved back and I set off to the lab.

Getting Angels shots prove to be a bit longer than what is hoped. Ten shots and a small cup of pills.

"That hurt a little." Angel rubbed his numb arm.

"I know... But at least we can go now yeah?"

He nodded a little and we set off.

~At the beach~

"It's beautiful..." Angel gasped in astonishment.

I gazed out at the beauty of the ocean and the sun mingling together. "Isn't it...? Come on. I want to show you the water." I pulled his hand toward the water. I slipped off my shoes and socks, and rolled up my pants. Angel watched me than did the same.

Angel and I stepped into the water. He instantly shivered and clung to my hand again. "it's cold." He complained.

"But you have to admit it's nice with sand between your toes. The water rushing against your feet, covering them in the sand. It's comforting."

"I guess." He studied his feet. Than giggled after a moment when the sand covered his feet. "it feels so funny."

I smiled at him and detached our hands and wrapped an arm around his waist and drawing him to me.

I stared down at him as he watched the sun falling.

For those few blissful seconds, I was the happiest man alive.


Dwah :3 I think that was cute! or at least I think so ^_^. I could of put more detail in though... oh well :p


Vote comment and fan!

X03: *Cries in happiness* my babies seeing the world!

Me: *feels proud* yes. yes he is.

~Dark Angel out!~

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