Chapter 10

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Angel's POV

My lower lip quivered as I stared intently at Jared. "I-I... Jared. How could you say that...?"

Jared looked out his window. "Because your hurting me Angel. You either get what you want from me and move on or stay and love me. It's a simple deal."

"But that doesn't mean it hurts!" I yelled and started wiping my eyes.

"Holy Fuck! I know it does!" He slammed his steering wheel making the horn blare.

I covered my ears and screamed.

Jared looked at me, worriedly, "Angel-!"

I opened the car door and ran out. Bot even bothering to close the door behind me. I was overwhelmed and I couldn't take it. I hated loud noises anyway.

I ran down a path that lead to the dark woods if never been in- let alone seen. Everything around me a blue as I stumbled through the dark. Crying.

"Angel!" I vaguely heard Jared call my name. But it was to late for me to come back from my now unsteady mental state.

I couldn't believe what Jared had done to me!

All I said was I wanted to tell his parents about me because when the time came for me to bear a child I would die...

I guess he doesn't want me to go through with experiment. It's my job! I know it is because I was told to do it!

"Angel! Look out!"

"He's stable now. But be careful." Everything sounded quieter than usual. My eyes wouldn't open either. I couldn't move or anything.

"Why won't he wake up?" I heard Jared ask quietly.

"Shock could of scared his mind into it. Or he might of hit his head on impact..."

I wished to open my eyes, but my body wasn't willing to do what I wanted.

"The River... It was flowing fast and I could tell if I didn't go in after Angel he would be carried away..." Jared answered softly. "But maybe I didn't get to him in time..."

"He should be fine young man. You did a good thing. Probably not the smartest but it saved Angel."

I didn't hear a response after that.

Than I heard a set of feet walk out of the room and anther walk toward me.

"Hey Angel." Jared murmured. I almost didn't catch it. "Wake up soon okay?"

I'm trying. I wished I could tell him.

I felt his hand slip into mine and I tried to hold his hand back but I couldn't.

"You shouldn't have run away. And I shouldn't have yelled at you or- told you what I did. I regret it Angel. Really I do..." I felt him kiss my forehead. "I'm sorry. I miss you... I love you..."

I've been out for three whole days. Or at least how I've been going by Jared. He comes and talks to me everyday. Telling me that X03 and CY05 aren't able to visit because the lab is under lockdown. The doctors here found out about my condition and sent a report to the government to shut down the experiment. Also everyone at school have given Jared their wishes and he told me everyone wants me to get better. Though he's the only one that visits me.

"I wish you could wake up. I want to talk to you. I want to see you green eyes and your smile." Jared whispered, me almost not catching it.

"J-..." I tried to mumble. I finally was able to get something out which I felt Jared jump at.

"Angel? You waking up?"

I forced my eyes to flutter open. "J-..." my mouth and voice box weren't cooperating so all I could manage was a simple J.

"Oh Angel! Your awake!" Jared cried in relief.

I stared up at him. Not able to say what I wanted.

"Let me go get a doctor!" He went to let go of my hand but I tightened my grip. Wanting him to stay. "Angel...?" He looked at me.

I slowly shook my head. Not wanting him to leave me. I tugged his hand. The oxygen mask giving me the oxygen to breathe actually just suffocating me.


"I'll stay..." he sat back down in the chair. "But I really need to get a doctor-"

I shook my head again. I wanted to know what happened, one minute I was running and next I was falling and hitting something unbelievably cold. It was loud and dark. Jared called it a river.

"You've been out for three days Angel. I've been wanting to say how Sorry I am. I feel like such a dick. That's all I ever am to you now and I want that to change. If you want a baby you can have one but please let me live with you first before I have to let you go. You can tell my parents, the school, the World... But please don't tell me to leave you Angel. I love you."

I looked up at him with so much love for him that I started to cry. I squeezed his hand as hard as I could, which given my weak body wasn't very much.

"L-ov-e..." I tried to say but I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Jared I came in-" a young woman in scrubs was carrying a small tray of food that I assume was for Jared when she saw me. She brightened. "Oh he's awake! Let me go get Dr. Smith!" she glanced at the tray. "oh and here you go Jared. It's dinner hour and I assumed you haven't eaten since yesterday so..." she put the tray on the wheeling cart next to my bed. "you better eat mister." she waved a finger at him and ran out of the room.

Jared looked at the tray. Some soup, crackers, orange juice and a cheese sandwich sat on the tray.

"I'll eat in a moment." He assured me and went back to holding my hand tightly and showing me affection by petting my hair and kissing my hand and forehead.

After a few moments there was anther knock. "I hear our favorite patient is awake?"

A man walked in with a clipboard and a bright smile. He wore the same thing as the nurse, scrubs, but had a lab coat on which he held pads of papers and pens in. He had stylish glasses and a neat hairdo.

"Yes. He woke up just a bit ago but didn't want me to leave." Jared smiled at Dr. Smith.

"Ah. So at least he doesn't have memory loss." He marked something on a paper.

"Well it's still possible. He hasn't told me yet if he remembers or forgot something."

"He's going to have slow motor control for the next day or so while his body gets used to being awake. He has just suffered almost drowning and death in that riverbed."

Jade nodded slowly.

"Well lets just check your vitals mister Angel." Dr. Smith walked forward and set his clipboard down on the be. He pulled a little light from his coat and looked into my eyes with it. "follow the light." I watched the light. It hurt my eyes a bit but it was okay. Next he took my blood pressure and wrote down my heart rate and a bunch of other stuff. Leaving me tired. Even if I barely did anything.

"He seems okay now. We can take him off his oxygen mask now." Dr. Smith took off my mask and I breathed in a couple breaths, pausing to cough some as the new fresh air hit my lungs. "Be careful there..." Dr. Smith patted my back as he helped me sit up.

"You okay Angel? Need water?" Jared was already standing worriedly. I shook my head a little.

"It may help clear your throat Angel." Dr. Smith advised.

I thought for a moment than nodded and Jared shot up and went and fetched a cup of water. He brought it back to me and set it in my hands.

I took deep gulps and I loved the feeling of having that cool sloshing liquid go down my throat.

"He's already doing better." Dr. Smith smiled at me.

I looked at him. But it wasn't for long because I yawned and dropped the now empty cup on my bed and closed my eyes.

Slipping into dreamland.

"Wait Angel-! Don't fall asleep!" Dr. Smith yelled and shook my shoulder.

"Why can't he sleep?" Jared asked confused. But I was having a hard time keeping up with their voices.

"He's very weak and I haven't given him any medicine yet for it." Dr. Smith sighed. "Fine... Let him sleep... He can take it when he wakes up. He just might not feel well when he wakes..."

And I fell deep into sleep.

"You've broken your right ankle and fractured a rib and have a concussion. You may also be quite sick because you caught Pneumonia..."

I nodded a bit. I did feel sick but it's mostly passed. Trust me. I poked all day yesterday. It was not fun. I was cold all day to, the heater was up to 100 degrees and I had like ten blankets around me. I didn't really feel it that day I woke up because I misty numb.

"You can go home though if you wish. Your all better and don't need us much anymore. Though call if you have any questions or concerns." Dr. Smith smiled.

"Okay..." I looked over at Jared. He was already holding my clothes.

"I'm taking you to my house because the lab is still on lockdown..." I gave anther short nod.

"Well see you around Angel. Good luck. Stay safe to." Dr. Smith waved his clipboard at us and left the room.

"Here. your probably still a little weak. I'll help you get dressed." Jared helped me out of my bed. I didn't mind if he helped me dress. I was actually a little thankful he offered. I turned my back to him and let him untie the strings on my back and let the hospital gown fall to the floor. He helped me put on my shirt and pants after that. Zipping my jacket and pants up for me.

"Thank you Jared." I leaned against him. Keeping off my bad foot. Jared smiled.

"Your welcome. Lets take you home Angel." He put me in a wheelchair and took me down the hall.

"Your going to have to share with Jared till weary a bed for other guest room." Jared's mom spoke to me gently.

"It's okay. I'd prefer to share a room with him anyway. We have a lot to talk about anyway." I shrugged my thin shoulders a little.

"Okay sweetie." Jared's mom smiled at me.

Jared helped me up the stairs and to his room, which hasn't changed much in the past four days I've been gone.

"It's not much but you can have the bed. I'll use the air mattress on the floor."

"Can't you sleep with me in the bed?" I looked up at him.

"I don't think so... We're kinda back at square one with our relationship after what happened and what was said..." Hared rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh..." We awkwardly looked away from each other.

I coughed a little and we just took our places in bed. Let the talking begin.


Okay so this was a weird chapter but now things are awkward turtles again because of their argument and Angel almost dying in the river. v.v again it had to be done~ so hope you enjoyed~

~Dark Angel out!~

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