Chapter 15

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(The chapter time skips a lot so try and keep up :3)

Angels POV

Two weeks after I married Jared, I fell ill. I had been cooking in the kitchen with Jared when I felt the first kick, but at that moment I felt myself grow sick. I collapsed to my knees and ever since, I've been laying in this bed, a pillow between my legs and anther pillow to hug to my chest.

I'm not sure why I got so sick. But I should have guessed. My body weakens for the childbirth. Something about being easier on the baby.

And a feisty baby it was. He's been kicking me like crazy. Which has made me cringe, laugh and feel even more sick than usual. Jared's ecstatic and worried. He knows our time is running out. I can't even leave this bed to eat anymore.

I'm also about eight months. Do the math and you'll find I've been in this bed for two months and a half. Jared and his parents being me food, keep unwanted guests out and make sure I make it to the bathroom, front room or wherever I'm going safely.

Jared and his parents have been talking behind my back about sending me to a hospital for the last month. But every time they try and take me to the car I just can't make the trip. I end up even worse than I was before. So they've decided, without my permission to have an ambulance come and get me. That way the specialized team can get me down the stairs safely and to the hospital.

"I don't want to go." I complained. I was laying on my side. I couldn't move from that side anyway. Jared was packing our things while we waited.

"Angel you need to. You can't finish out your life like this. The doctors can help you." He sighed. "I'm worried about you Angel..."

I held my breath for a moment. He was right in a sense.

The distant sound of sirens rang in my ear like death was coming for me. Like it's not to far away, but I know it's coming because of the warning it gives...

I held Jared's hand tightly. I felt the baby start to get really feisty. I cried out in pain. "It's kicking again!" I have grown weaker and weaker. And it seems the hospital isn't helping at all. Just providing me a nice bed to stay in.

"It's okay baby. Just talk and make sure the baby hears your voice. It's just excited Angel." Jared stroked my cheek.

"It's hurting me..." I panted.

"Just keep talking... It'll calm down soon..."

"It's almost your due date Angel. On a scale from one to ten how's your pain?"

"A six..." I looked at my doctor with empty eyes. I feel like my life is being sucked out of me. I pursed my lips some as the baby kicked again. "Make that a seven."

"I'm sorry. You have about a week left anyway... You won't suffer for much longer..." The doctor patted my hand and got up. He walked out of the room. Jared reentered the room and took a seat next to me. He sighed heavily and looked at me.

"I love you Angel..." He laid down and pressed his chest to my back, his leg pushing the pillow out so his leg could go there. His arm wrapped around me. "I hate to see you suffer like this..."

"As long as your with me it's worth it." I mumbled, whining loudly when I felt a small contraction. They started awhile ago because obviously it doesn't all happen in one day.

"No it's not... Your miserable." He rubbed my stomach softly.

"But you make me feel better." i put my hand on top of his. "I love you Jared."

I felt my baby kick furiously, and I felt a large contraction. I screamed out in pain. Jared jolted out of sleep from the chair next to me and quickly held my hand. I clenched his hand tightly.

"Get. It. Out." I said through clenched teeth. I groaned in pain. I'm really sensitive to everything now. Even a simple paper cut felt like a knife stabbing my finger. So it made this birth a lot worse.

Jared pressed the doctor button and soon doctors filled the room in a panic. They instantly got to work. They moved me onto my back and propping me up. I gasped loudly and seethed in pain. Jared gripped my hand again.

"It hurts so bad!" I yelled and looked at Jared. Panting hard and clenched my teeth. I felt something ooze down my thighs and I looked down to see what was happening.

"Your water just broke. Its normal." my doctor assured. He started telling his nurse team to get working, whatever that meant. I didn't pay attention to anyone after my water broke. Because over the next hour I had been screaming and pushing.

Jared was as pale as a ghost but he stayed. We held hands tightly. He looked so worried. But all I wanted was for all this to be over.

I pushed again and the doctor praised me, saying the baby was right there. I spat a curse at him for it. I didn't care where it was. It had to be out!

I kept pushing an pushing. My head became dizzy. I was starting to loose my breaths.

"Your baby's almost here Angel!"

And with one more screamed filled push I felt relief.

I slumped against the bed. Barely able to register what Jared said.

"W-wait! W-why isn't it crying?" Jared asked in a panic. But no one answered his question. He turned back to me. Tears filling his eyes. "Angel-"

"Jared..." I wheezed out and gazed sleepily up at him. "take care of our baby..."

"No we'll do it together." His eyes flickered over to the panicking doctors. I still hadn't heard those cry's.

I smiled lazily and looked around confused. "Where is our baby?" I felt my heart become slower as I took less frequent breaths.

"Something's wrong..." And than we waited in silence.

I heard my heart monitor become slower.

I felt tears roll down my cheeks. "No..." I gasped softly as I finally heard a weak cry. Relief flooding through me.

Now I could die an be happy about it...

"No no no no no Angel! Don't leave me! don-!"

And that's when I died.

(I'm going to finish out the chapter in Jareds POV :3)

Jared's POV

I was allowed to hold the baby now. I cradled it to my chest. I cried softly as I gazed down at it's sleeping face. "Oh baby... You would have loved your mama... He was a hero..." I kissed the babies forehead. What bothered me was that the baby has only cried once.

I sat outside Angels room. crying softly to myself as I gazed down at this wonderful creature. His tuft of brown hair and his eyes were still a little swollen shut. He moved a lot but never made a sound. He was wrapped up in a white blanket and with a yellow onesie on that Angel said he liked.

"Jared...?" The doctor called solemnly.

"Yes?" My voice cracked as I looked up at him.

"I have good news... and bad news..."

I nodded. "tell me..."

"Angel survived... But he's in a coma..."


Sorry guys :( had to happen though... But the baby's finally born. Help me decide a name please? Ive already made a few suggestions :3

You can use that or your own name ^_^ I promise it will get better :(

That and I apologize that it's so short :( and that it skips a lot...

~Dark Angel out~

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