Chapter 8

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(Just a fair warning this has a little "action" in it that could be considered sexual. I only warn you here as I am to lazy to warn you when it happens when it's evident when it will. so skip over it if you wish. >.< if you had a problem let me know)

Angel's POV

I felt like I was on a high when I returned home. The beach had been the best moment of my life.

"Welcome back Angel." X03 or Xavier was in my room. A smile on his face.

"Daddy!" I hugged him tightly. "Jared showed me the most incredible thing ever!"

"I bet he did." Xavier chuckled. "The beach is amazing. I've only been once but it's a experience you never forget."

"How was it Angel?" CY05 entered the room.

"Amazing." I breathed happily.

"That can't have been it Angel. You look so happy, your practically glowing!" X03 laughed.

"Me and Jared agreed to try a relationship for awhile until we make it official!" I cheered.

"That's my Angel!" CY05 laughed and pulled me and X03 into a hug.

~At school~

"Hey Angel~! You look good today." Micah purred and studied me.

I was wearing a bright pink T-shirt and pale blue skinny jeans. I had also clipped a white lacy bow in my hair because my bangs were bothering me this morning. My shoes were plain black converse. The only shoe I like now.

"T-thanks." I blushed.

"Don't be hitting on Angel now. I might have to beat you up if you do." Jared walked up and slipped an arm around my waist.

"But your not dating." Micah whined. "And you gotta admit he's a sexy animal." Micah smiled at me.

I just flushed redder.

"We are dating actually." Jared looked at Micah pointedly.

"My mistake." Micah shrugged and walked off to find a new victim.

-After school-

"What are we doing after school today?" I looked up at Jared with a frown. He's been slightly distant since the Micah thing.

"Nothing today. I have to babysit my cousin who's visiting." He shrugged. I nodded in understanding when I was really confused.

"Okay... Tomorrow than...?"

"No. Their staying a week."

"Why can't your sister do it?"

"She's got volleyball and clubs work."

I nodded again. "Bye than..."

He nodded in his goodbye and went back to digging through his locker. Jared being my ride, I had to call CY05 and X03 to pick me up. They sounded more than happy to pick me up but I knew I interrupting their time together. X03 hasn't been back for long, I know they want to re-get to know each other since it's been more than ten years...

As I waited I saw Jared walk over to his car and get in. He drove off quickly. He didn't even see me.

"Angel. Come on." X03 beckoned from the car.

I ran over and got in. "sorry I was watching Jared drive off."

Xavier looked at me concerned. "I knew something was up. Tell me what happened."

"Jared's been acting strange all day. I think he's avoiding me... Do you think he hates me?"

"Of course not Angel!" Xavier gasped. "He loves you!"

I didn't answer him as I wasn't sure anymore...

~The following day~

I looked at Jared from across the hallway. He was just standing in front of his locker. He looked deep in thought.

"Something wrong Angel?" Micah came over and touched my shoulder, the girls obviously putting him up to this cause they were at their own lockers watching me and him.

"Jared's ignoring me." I whispered and looked at my white shoes. I was in such a down mood I came to school in my white clothes again. My white shorts and shirt. My blonde hair messy from not grooming it today, not eating.

"Oh honey." Micah put an arm around me and pulled me up against his chest. "he's just busy and distracted."

I didn't respond. I wasn't into responding.

"Angel? Micah?" I looked up at the sound of Jared's voice.

"Yes Jared?" Micah turned his nose up in anger.

"May I speak with Angel, Micah?" He bit his lip.

Micah looked at me for the okay and I nodded. Micah let go of me and walked over to the girls.

"Do you need something Jared?" I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ears and dropped my gaze to the floor.

"You remember when I said we were together?"


"I don't know if... I can date you... and it's getting to me, I mean... You aren't a boy or a girl. What happens if the day comes that we want.... To you know? and I get down there and don't know what to do and totally ruin everything?"

So that's what he's about. Cause we did have a mutual agreement that we should date after the beach. I just hadn't been sure if he had already regretted that. And I guess he does. "It's okay. We don't have to date Jared. I'm not forcing you to stay with me."

"Angel I-"

"No. it's really fine." I took a step back from him and after a moment turned away.

He grabbed my arm. "I know this is a strange request but after school today... Can I just... Learn about your body? I want to know if this is a good choice or not. Cause any experimenting couple can regret the relationship when they get to... Sex... I was straight before I met you Angel."

I didn't seem like to bad of a idea if that's all it was to keep him.

"You'll drive me home to?"

"Of course."

"I'll meet you at your car after school."

~after school~

I waited at Jared's car. Feeling my stomach tingle and swirl. I felt sick. he wants to learn me before he can continue this mutual agreement relationship. I can't even say it's a boyfriends thing yet because neither of us has actually asked the other.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting Angel." Jared walked up, looking equally as nervous as I felt.

"It's okay." I shrugged my shoulders slightly.

Jared unlocked his car and we climbed in. It was a quiet ride to the Lab. I looked out the window the whole way feeling my heart shred into more pieces at the thought of him not liking the way my body looked. If all it took was for him to reject was he didn't like what he saw. I don't know how if be able to like my body ever again.

"We're here." Jared climbed out of his car after it was parked. Me following his actions, we headed inside.

The walk to my room could have been a lot longer. It came all to quick. I entered my room and allowed Jared in after me.

"I'm sorry if this awkward for you..." Jared looked at the wall. Not able to meet my eye. Which I felt happy for.

"If it's the only way you'll stay with me. You've made my life so much better than it already has. I couldn't believe that you actually liked me. Your the only one who knows my secret... And I guess that means you need all the mysteries solved huh?" I walked over to my bed and sat down. "I haven't known you long... But I think I already love you Jared." I looked at the floor.

It's true. This whole thing, the reason I agreed, is because I had fallen for him.

"Angel I-"

"No. Save the rest for after you answer yourself in what you want. I don't want to be lied to." I looked up at him and met his eye. "It's not like we're having sex right? Get over here." Jared has this look in his eye that made me wonder if he regretted asking me of this. He slowly made his way over to me and I sat back on the bed, waiting for him to start.

"You sure about this?" He asked hesitantly as he got in front of me on the bed and reached for my shirt.

"I'm fine with it Jared." I assured.

He gulped and nodded. He slowly lifted my shirt, raising it up and over my head. He started at my chest. Lifting his hand to feel the small breasts that I had. touching my nipple gently. "This... Is so weird Angel. It looks totally natural... Yet not."

I but my lip and looked away from him and he slowly fondled my chest. "what do you mean Jared?"

"Like. If I didn't know you were part boy I would automatically know you were a girl because if these... But I know your a boy to, but it's like... I know these could belong to a boy to. It's hard to explain." He slowly let his eyes travel down my body, along with his hands feeling my smooth skin in such a way that made me shudder.

"I think I know what you mean..." Jared came to a stop at my shorts. I knew it would be hard for him to take those off so I laid back and reached down, undoing the button and zipper. "Don't think I'm gross after this... please... I don't know what I'd do." I whispered pathetically as I let him pull down my shorts.

"I don't think you could be gross." He looked up at me. His eyes a bit dark as he watched me.

"Stop looking at me. this is really hard to do you know." I blushed and crossed my arms over my chest, hating to expose it.

Jared started a my tight strawberry boxers. Yeah it was the only pair I found this morning. I blushed brighter when I hear him chuckled.

"You sure your not a girl Angel? You certainly have taste like one."

"Oh shut up." I wanted desperately to close my legs that he had extended. he slowly reached up and pulled my underwear down.

The moment of truth...

Jared stared at me for a long time. He didn't even touch me. And for a moment I thought it was because he was disgusted with me.

I went to open my mouth but he held a finger making me stop.

"Give me a moment Angel. I'm trying to soak this in... And it's really hard. Forgive me." He continued to stare which made me squirm uncomfortably.

Jared than made a move. He gripped my member gently as if trying to convince himself I was really two genders. However with that action I was hard within seconds making me moan. I hadn't realized I was so sensitive. Jared gulped again and finally let go of me like he touched wild fire and backed away.

"I'm sorry. This is to much for me." He stood against the wall again not looking at me anymore.

To say I was hurt was a huge mistake. I was completely and utterly crushed beyond belief. He didn't like what he saw and obviously didn't like me anymore.

I sat up but didn't cover up as I slowly started to cry quietly. Waiting for his parting words.

"I'm sorry Jared that I can't be what you want..." I mumbled and hung my head.

"Ang-" He saw the state I was in and stopped mid sentence.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry." I repeated myself, when in reality the words I was saying I wanted to hear from him most of all.

"Angel your the most perfect person in the world. And is be more than happy to call you my boyfriend." Jared made his way back over to me. But I didn't register it, he called me perfect... and said he wanted me to be his boyfriend... "I'm sorry Angel." I looked up at him an met his gaze.

"I-" I couldn't believe it.

"I love you Angel."


I felt that was a awkward chapter but it needed to be done. >.<

Hey at least their together now right? I hope this was long despite the rushed, crappy beginning >.< but I hope the end made up for it...

~Dark Angel Out!~

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