Chapter 14

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Jared's POV

Angel won't stop looking at his ring. It's like he can't even believe it happened. And every time I catch him look at it... I look at mine and I already feel closer to him in so many ways.

His stomach grows bigger everyday. And he seems to get filled with the brightest if lights every time he looks down at his round bump. It's been a couple months since Christmas. And our wedding day is coming closer and closer. In fact it's this weekend. I'm really nervous but at the same time super excited.

Sometimes I wonder though if it was the right choice. He only has four months left, he's thirteen and I'm sixteen so we're still teenagers, and there's a baby involved.

But every time I think about it. I tell myself it will all work out just like it should.

"Jared...?" Angel called to me in the front room.

"Yes Angel?" I walk inside since I had been in the kitchen preparing him some weird combinations of foods.

"My appointments in two hours. We're going to check out how the baby's doing." He was rubbing his bump gently. A soft gaze in his eyes. I knew he was content. He didn't feel worried or pressured like I thought he would. But he's actually doing great.

"I know babe. We still have time don't worry." I chuckled and walked back into the kitchen grabbing him a small light snack... Which was really just ice cream. He's not allowed to eat solid foods till after the Ultrasound.

"Thanks Jared!" He chirped and took his ice cream gratefully. I wasn't even sure he could have ice cream, but when a pregnant person wants something to eat... You get it...

Angel ate his ice cream happily. It resting comfortably on his protruding stomach.

"It looks like it's a healthy baby angel." The nice doctor smiled at him and he gratefully smiled back before drawing his eyes back to the monitor.

"I'm so glad..." He mumbled and rubbed the top of his stomach.

"And no more eating before appointments ." she pointed an accusing finger at Angel who flushed.

"Sorry Dr. Smith..."

"It's okay." she sighed and wiped off Angels stomach.

"So what would you like to do now Angel?" I smiled over at him as we sat on the bus heading back home as I am working on getting my car.

"May we watch a movie when we get home? And eat...?" He offered with a hopeful look.

I laughed. "Anything you want babe."

We ended up not even really watching the movie. Angels been really... Active as of late because his hormones are acting up BIG time. Personally I wonder if thats okay but he seems to like it...

"Babe... I'm so hungry." Angel whined pathetically as he laid in bed. His cheeks puffed out in a pout and I laughed. I slid on my pants and stood.

"Tell me what to make."

"Yes! Okay I want-"

It was finally the weekend and me Angel were bustling with constant activity because my parents had practically invited the whole town so we were trying to make room for everyone. The wedding would take place on the beach. Angel and I decided to not have a flashy wedding. No alter or priest, no fancy chairs or pretty decorations.

We thought it would be more meaningful if we spent our time with each other than those other flashy couples.

"Can you come with me to pick up my suit from the tailors? I had to get it fitted to my belly again." Angel complained.

"I can. Do you have any money for the bus fare or should I get some from my parents?" I asked as I set the cake I had been cooking with my mom on the counter.

"I have money." Angel held up his wallet.

"Alright. My mom stepped out for a moment. Let me go tell her the cakes done and we'll go." Angel nodded and I left the kitchen. I found my mom talking to my dad in hushed whispers. "mom?"

She jumped. "Honey-!" She put a hand to her heart. "You scared me!"

"Sorry...? The cakes out. Start decorating it without me, Angel and I need to pick up his suit."

"Okay. Be back soon! The guests start arriving in three hours and we still need to get the happy couple ready!" She chirped.

"See ya than." I smiled at her and walked back to where Angel was waiting. He had taken a seat. His hands resting on his stomach. He was gazing out the kitchen window. Watching the beach.

(In case your confused we have rented a beach house.)

"Angel...?" I touched his shoulder.

He jumped at looked at me. He smiled sadly. "Remember when you took me here...?"

"I do..." I let my own mind wander to that day...

"It's beautiful..." Angel gasped in astonishment.

I gazed out at the beauty of the ocean and the sun mingling together. "Isn't it...? Come on. I want to show you the water." I pulled his hand toward the water. I slipped off my shoes and socks, and rolled up my pants. Angel watched me than did the same.

Angel and I stepped into the water. He instantly shivered and clung to my hand again. "it's cold." He complained.

"But you have to admit it's nice with sand between your toes. The water rushing against your feet, covering them in the sand. It's comforting."

"I guess." He studied his feet. Than giggled after a moment when the sand covered his feet. "it feels so funny."

I smiled at him and detached our hands and wrapped an arm around his waist and drawing him to me.

I stared down at him as he watched the sun falling.

For those few blissful seconds, I was the happiest man alive.

"That was the best day of my life..." Angel murmured.

"I think today will be the best day of my life..." I wrapped an arm around him and helped him up.

Angel smiled at me. "I can't argue with that..." He leaned against me for support as we made our way out to the bus stop. "You really need to get a car." Angel chuckled. "People always look at us funny when we're on the bus..."

"Let them look. I don't care about them..." I kissed his forehead than his lips. The bus arrived a moment later and we climbed on.

"Just put it on if your unsure Angel..." I looked at him with a frown.

"I guess. Give me a moment." He trotted off to the changing rooms and I waited outside.

After what seemed like forever he called me in.

"Does it work?" I looked into the changing rooms and instantly my face heated.

"I can't get the buttons buttoned." He whined. He had the top buttons buttoned but the ones over his stomach weren't able to stay buttoned. I felt bad for him, I did but he just looked so cute.

"Oh Angel. Come here." I walked up to him and I got down in from of him. I found that to button them there would have to be a bit bigger shirt. I went and found one and came back. Angel was waiting on the bench. "here. This should work better. Ill help you put this on so you don't run into any more problems." I put the shirt down and started to unbutton Angels shirt.

"W-wait... I can do it..." He grabbed the shirt I just put down and held it.

"Alright." I smiled in understanding and kissed his forehead before walking out and closing the curtain behind myself.

"Thanks again! Have a good wedding!" The man at the counter waved goodbye as we left with Angels suit. We boarded the bus again and headed to home. We had one more hour till the wedding began and I was getting nervous.

"So see you soon Jared." Angel kissed my cheek and chuckled.

"We'll only be apart for an hour. We can do that right?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Of course." We shared a laugh until the bus stopped and we got off, going our separate ways.

I went to my dad and my mom captured Angel and took him away.

I stood, uncomfortable in my black suit. I waited on the beach. It was getting really cold and I feared Angel would freeze. It was only March. Wow... Five months since he got pregnant and two months since I proposed to him.

I fixed my tie as I heard the music start to play thanks to the speaker we set up near the crowd.

Everyone looked up just in time to see Angel step out from the house. The flower girl and ring boy (curtsy of our neighbor) pulling him out excitedly. My dad laughing as he tried to tell the two kids Angel wasn't supposed to go yet. But everyone was laughing.

Personally it made it more interesting. My dad and Angel walked up to me eventually after the flower girl and ring boy settled down.

"I wish this could last forever for you son. I give you special permission to marry him. make his last months happy..." My father walked over to my mother who was squeezing the life put if Micah as she cried. Bella and Kayla laughing.

My sister, her friends and boyfriend made it which made me feel especially special. She was watching me with a thumbs up.

I smiled at her before looking at Angel. He was smiling brightly, he looked so radiant. I almost couldn't look at him. The sun was shining on us making his white suit almost look like the sunset itself. His tux was made special to make him look amazing and hide his bump mostly so he looked only a couple months.

"Oh Angel. You look wonderful..." I looked at his head, his hair was styled in a cute way with a "sexy" bed head style that he always seemed to wake up with anyway. His hair was also curly. He had a thin line of green eyeliner around his emerald eyes.

"Thank you." He blushed a bright red.

"Lets get started than?" I asked him and he nodded. "Alright. Angel. I know you didn't want this to be a flashy wedding so I took everything flashy out. Theirs no priest, no alter, no chairs. Nothing. Because I know how important it is to you just to prove my love, not by giving you if things. It's the little things you like. But there's one thing that I don't want to give up about this wedding and it's my speech to you saying how much I absolutely love you and adore you. Angel, your the most amazing and inspirational person I have ever met. I wish you could live with me after you give birth to our baby. You would make the most wonderful parent I know it. I want our baby to be named after you. I want them to know their father, Angel, or Experiment XX09 was a hero. Your going to save everyone's lives in that lab and stop human experimentation, at the cost of your life. This baby is what's keeping you alive for now, otherwise the lab would have no qualms on taking you from me... And I'm not ready to give you up just yet..." I looked to the ring boy and grabbed Angels ring. "We only have fours months left together. I want to spend them together. Marrying you couldn't wait. I know we're young but I can't miss my last chance with you." I slipped the ring on his finger. "may our last four months be amazing..."

I hadn't had the courage to look at Angel as I spoke to him, but now that I had, I saw he was crying and wiping his eyes. "Now I feel bad because I didn't practice such sweet words for you."

I chuckled and lifted his chin so we were face to face. "Just sat you'll love me forever and always and stay by my side. I'll be content just with that."

Angel nodded a little. "I wish I could say sweet things to you but I can't think of anything because I'm just so touched by what you said... I-I love you! Forever and Always!" He cried and hugged me tight. I smiled and hugged him back before he put he put my ring on my finger. We linked hands and I brought my lips down on his.

Cheers erupted in the crowd.

We're married. And I'm a father.


Wasn't that just adorable?! XD and an update early?! be happy XD

This was a happy chapter right~? Well get ready cause it's about to get very depressing XD DX

Hope your ready for it! Muhahaha!

~Dark Angel out!~

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