Chapter 5

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(Oh and just as an off note: I don't edit my chapters after I write them as much anyore, so you'll see a few mistakes since I'm using my tablet :3)

XX09's POV

I waited for any sign that Jared accepted me. This was a big thing for me, and I wanted him with me. I would be crushed if he left me. I'd probably kill myself... Despite what the doctors say...

"What's the experiment...?" Jared asked after a moment.

"The perfect human... No gender roles. No hate. No social classes. Everyone's equal..."

Jared continued to think. Not telling me what he thought. He closed his eyes and exhaled. "Is there anything else I should know about you?"

I grabbed Jared's hand and I put it on my chest, letting him feel my chest. I did have slight breasts but it would never be noticeable unless you actually felt there. He stared at my chest in confusion. Gently rubbing around. After a moment he looked up in even more confusion than before.

"I'm one of the latest experiments... But I am more different than them than you think. I have my own soul and feelings. I understand that you are confused and all... But I'm asking that you stay with me... Please. You, Micah, the girls and everyone else have become my first friends... Its also the first time I've ever left this lab. Please. Don't leave me because of this."

Jared was quiet. He just stared at me. As if he was still comprehending what I had said.

"Okay... I trust you Angel. Your my friend to. And friends should always be there for ech other..."

Nothing else he could of said that day wouldn't have made me happier.

~The next day~

"ANGEL!" I was glomped from behind and I sammed into the wall. Micah laughed histerically at the face I was making. "OH YOUR FACE IS PRICELESS!"

I pushed myself away from the wall and turned to Micah with a glare. "It wasn't that funny Micah."

"Psh... Yes it was..."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my things that had fallen out of my hands. I slung my backpack on my shoulder and and gathered my books back in my hands.

"What's going on with you two?" Bella and Kayla walked up. They were looking between me and Micah. Micah was looking at me with a smirk. Letting me know he was proud of himself.

"I'm mad at Micah... He tackled me into a wall..."

Bella smacked Micah with a dissaporving stare.

"Oh and by the way, we brought you new clothes. So you don't keep wearing that crap everyday." Kayla gestered to my white shirt and shorts.


"Let him wear it if he pleases." A new voice joined us. I spun around and smiled gently at Jared.

"Hi Jared." A chorus of hellos sounded after me from Micah, Bella and Kayla.

"Well we don't want him wearing the same thing everyday. it's to plain and not to mention a little gross." Bella scrunched her nose up.

"I think he looks wonderful the way he is." Jared stood up in my defence.

"I wouldn't mind some color though... I hate the color white..."

Everyone just shrugged my answer off. "Alright. We'll give you everything colorful we have. And good we brought this with us." Kayla smiled and pulled out a small bag with what I assumed my clothes were for today.

I nodded and took it. I didn't look inside. I wanted it to be a surprise of sorts.

"Hey can I go with you Angel? I wanna talk about a few things." Jared looked at the ground as he said that. I wasn't sure if this was a good or bad talk so I got a little nervous.

"Of course." I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the bathrooms. I let go of his arm once we were there. I didn't exactly feel like showing off my body so I walked into a stall and started to pull out the clothes Bella and Kayla got me.


Uknown's POV

"So..." I heard Jared start. But he seemed hesitant to talk.

"Yes?" Angel replied softly. I listened as he slowly began to change.

"Well, ah you see... I may or may not like you... And I was just wondering if... If it's lright for you to date... I donno... Someone normal?"

Angel paused. I held my breath, waiting for his answer. "I guess... I just donno if I'm up for a realtionship. I've never had one before, let alone know wht to do..." Angel finished getting dressed and just stood there a moment.

"Ah... I see..." Jared sighed.

"Hold on..." Angel said in a whisper and i watched his shadow approach the ground from the stall I was sitting in. More like I didn't dare leave. I was just leaveing when I heard them enter.

"What's wrong?"

"I think someone's with us." Angel looked under my stall and our eyes met. His big blues ones studying mine. "Who are you?"

"A-ah..." I nibbled my lip. Jared must of heard me because the next thing I know my stalls being kicked opne and I'm being stared down by two sets of eyes.

Jared's POV (So many changes >.<)

The boy trembled and looked up at me. He had blue eyes and blonde hair. Exactly like Angel. In fact, if I didn't know any better, I'd say they were related. I looked down and met Angel's eye. He was as confused as I was.

"Again. Who are you?" I demanded. I looked back at the boy. He trembled and put himself in the stll corner. He whimpered.

"Don't hurt me. I promise I won't repeat anything you guys said. I will stay out of your hair forever-"

"I don't care about that!" I boomed. "Who. Are. You?!"

"Xavier!" He looked at me with wide eyes.

"I don't know what your doing with the stuff you just heard Xavier, but I know that if you go around badmouthing Angel I will find you and I will make you regret it." I threatened.

Xavier nodded in understanding. I looked at Angel and gestered he come with me.

"Let's go angel..." Angel nodded and gathered his stuff together.

I walked out of the bathroom, Angel right on my heels, wearing a bright pink t-shirt and black skinny jeans. Those girls are trying to make him to turn into a girl to aren't they?

As me and Angel walked down the hallway, I looked back, just in time to see Xavier exit the bathroom.


Hey guys :3 wifi is almost here~ EEP! So excited :3

I'll be able to write a bunch when I get it back... That and role play... I love to rolepaly :3

Anyway, Feedback and votes would be nice :3 and promote my stories if you want. I'm working on editing as well so Breaking the un-breakable is getting edited big time :3 I just need to add a few things and re-write a couple chapters :3

Did Xavier spike any interest? No? Okay :( It should have...

X03: *Laughs cause he knows who Xavier is*

Me: *Laughs with X03* Hehe... Xavier is a big part so pay attention...

~Dark Angel Out!~

Experiment XX09Where stories live. Discover now