Chapter 11

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(Okay this will probably not turn out the way you think but there will be sexual content, I wish my iPod allowed me to change this to an R-rated book or something but it won't v.v so please just heed my warning?)

Jared's POV

Angel forgave me but I can't forgive myself.

What I did was just out of character and out of line.

"Hey boys." My mom walked in with out knocking.

"Oh hey mom." I mumbled. Angel just waved shyly.

"I'm making dinner. What would you like?"

"Anythings okay with me." Angel mumbled.

"You sure honey?"

I nodded as well as Angel.

"How does pizza sound than?"

"That works... Thank you mom." She nodded and left.

Angel and I were laying on my bed. Just making Idle chat. We weren't sure what our future held but I knew I wouldn't have Angel forever. It's hard calling him XX09 now because he's so much more than a stupid experiment in my eyes.

"I'm glad we told your parents Jared... But your mom seems to not like me as much."

"She'll get over it sooner or later." I sighed.

"You sure? I don't want her hating me because-"

"She won't hate you I promise." I smiled. "She likes you a lot, she's just coming to terms with all this is all."

He nodded a little.

"By the way Angel. How old are you?"


I looked at him. I hadn't realized he was so young.

"I'm 16..."

He scrunched his nose up. "Your old."

"No I think your young." I poked his nose. "wow though Angel. 13?"

He nodded again.


"Is that a bad thing?" he asked quietly.

"Of course not!"

"Oh... okay... Good."

We waited about anther half hour before we heard my mom calling us down for dinner.

The past few nights we have been eating in the front room, waiting for any news that Angel can go home.

"Okay, I didn't get anything fancy, just cheese and pepperoni pizza, so dig in." I grabbed Angel and I each two slices of each pizza and we took one of the love seats in our front room. My parents taking the other.

"Nadia out again?" I asked a little bewildered she was out so long.

"You didn't know? She and Luke moved in together in a different state while he gets medical treatment."

I felt my heart constrict. "oh..."

"He'll be fine dear."

We all turned our attention to the TV as we ate. Nothing particularly interesting.

Until Angels picture came up in the screen.

"Experiment X X zero nine has been missing the last few days, the lab he was being experimented on said that the project was being shut down, causing him to go into a panic and leave after assaulting two doctors. It is said he was headed east. But nothing had been confirmed. If you see this experiment, do not approach, please just call the police through the number on your screen. He is lethal and will harm you if given the chance. Back to you Lisa."

Experiment XX09Where stories live. Discover now