Chapter 3

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XX09's POV

The nurse punctured my skin with the sixth needle. Me wincing every time. I continued to gulp down the seemingly never ending amount of pills.

"You need more medication as I'm sure you'll be out longer than normal. To keep your body stabilized these should help make sure you don't have an episode."

I nodded. Not really understanding. I'd never had an episode before... I wonder what it was...

"Okay... You feel alright?" Instead of using like eight different bandaids like when I was a child she just put some gauze on my arm to wrap it up. I gave a short nod.

"I feel fine."

"Good. Now behave yourself. Stay away from the court and do not get leave that boys side ya hear?" I nodded again, my nurse walking me out. CY05 was standing at the doors ready to drive me to the school.

CY05 was able to receive driving lessons as he was my parent, so he had to drive me. I grabbed CY's hand again and we walked to the car. His hand was bigger than mine making me feel small. I wonder if this is how X03 felt.

We climbed into the car and CY started it. He began driving.

"When can I learn about X03?" I looked over at a tensing CY. "Daddy-?"

"When your old enough XX..."


"Stop. Please... I'm not aloud to tell you about him."

I sighed sadly and stared out my window. Arriving at the school five minutes later. CY gave me a kiss on the cheek, allowing me to climb out before driving away.

"Angel!" Micah ran up to me, pulling me into a tight embrace. "You look cute as ever~! But isn't that the same thing you wore yesterday?" He pointed to my outfit. I never did pay attention to what people wore. It was never a big issue for me as all experiments were to wear white at all times. Shoes to hats and everything in between, yesterday I wore a white t shirt with white shorts and my white shoes. And today was the same thing except I had copies if everything so it was different clothing.

"Ah... Technically? I only have white in my closet so everything looks the same." I played with the strap of my backpack.

"Well it's fitting for you Angel, but you really need some color... Come with me." He grabbed my arm and started dragging me through the halls. A grin on his face. "I also heard you scored a date with Jared~ so we gotta make you pretty anyway!" He stopped at Bella's locker. Her and Kayla stood there chatting happily. "Girls! We have a fashion emergency!" That ceased all the girls talking as they spun around to face me. Their noses crinkling,

"That's the same thing he wore yesterday." Kayla muttered

"But it's different-"

"No. It's not." Bella sighed. "It's still the same outfit even if it's a different shirt and shorts. I see why you need our expertise." Bella looked at Micah before reaching into her locker pulling out a make up kit. "He needs to be beautiful, even if he already is. Micah, get your eager envy clothes stash, number forty two." Bella grinned evilly while Micah gasped.

"You mean-?!"

"Oh yes~ by the time we're done with Angel, everyone will be worshiping his feet~"

~just as the bell rings~

I walked into class. Everyone starring at me with wide eyes and mouthes agape. Even the teacher seemed startled.

Apparently stash number forty two consists of bright orange skinny jeans which hugged my thighs and calves that made them seem more defined, a pure white think jacket with fur lining the hood and a figure fitting top that was black. The girls even forced me to wear this outrageous headband with a bow on the side and did my makeup, lining my eye in a thick black, defining my already bright green eyes which now seemed larger. My thick lashes had a little mascara on to make them look even longer and a little blush (which I say is in needed at this point) to top off my look.

I wasn't designed to be the perfect human being for nothing...

"This is... Quite the change Angel..." The teacher coughed. "Please take your seat." I walked toward my seat. Feeling chills course over me as I felt everyone staring at me... Or maybe it was my butt... Oh my...

All throughout class, girls and boys would stare at me and id catch them doing it to. Honestly I wasn't that... Okay I can't deny it, I do look nice but I'm not that nice. When the bell rang signifying class was over I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I ran straight for Micah.

"Make everyone stop looking at me Micah! It's scary!" I tugged his arm. But he stared at me to.

"We can't help it. Your like the most beautiful person in school right now..." He smiled and steered me toward art.

"Get over it, everyone's just stunned by you okay? Even I can't take my eyes off you!"

"That's somehow not that reassuring..." I mumbled, my blush darkening. "I don't want to be stared at..."

"You deserve to be~" a new voice joined causing me to straighten up.

"J-Jared!" I spun around just to see him passing me.

"You look good today." He chuckled.


"I'll see you after school. Meet me at the front of the school." He walked.

"You have got the biggest crush of the century." Micah gasped. "Angel has a crush on Jared!" he hugged me. "that's so cute~!"

I pushed him away gently and shook my head furiously. "n-no it's not!" I blushed deeply.

Micah just pointed a finger at me and we walked into Art.

~ending of the day~

I stood out in the the open of a field. Flowing grass swayed in the breeze. Flowers contrasting in my eyes blending together to form the colors of the rainbow. In the middle of the field X03 stood. He beckoned me over. holding his arms open. So inviting... He wore the same white clothes everyone was forced to wear, making him seem like a bright halo.

I ran forward. "Come Angel." X03 whispered, but for some reason I could hear it clear as day. Halfway to X, he suddenly dropped his arms and shook his head, confusing me.

"Wait-!" I tried to run forward but X disappeared. "No!"

I felt the ground beneath fall out and I felt a scream tear through my throat as I fell.


"-gel! Angel! wakey wakey!" I jolted upright. "Careful there! Don't hit your head." Micah touched my shoulder and rubbed my back. "Schools over. you slept through class." Micah chuckled. "You delinquent~ Come on, you gotta meet your date at the front if the school~" Micah grabbed my bag and put it over his shoulder, pulling me out of my seat and pushing me out of class.

"Act cool, you'll get the fool." Micah gave me my backpack and ran off, leavening me at the front of the school all alone.

After a minute I sat down rubbing my eyes, gently because I still had the eyeliner on. "stupid makeup.... why did I have to wear it?"

"Because crazy girls put it on you?" Jared popped up and smiled.

I nearly had a heart attack. "You scared me!" I put a hand to my now accelerating heart.

"Oh sorry Angel..." He frowned. "Anyway do you still want to go to the game with me?"

I gave a short nod. Jared put an arm around my shoulders and lead me toward the gym.

"Now to find my sister." He muttered scanning the already dressed players. "There she is! Nadia!" He removed his arm from around my shoulders and started waving his arms. He caught all the girls attention but only one ran over. She did look similar to Jared. Same hair, facial features and maybe height I'm not sure. she was taller than me which made me feel inferior for some reason. Her eyes were odd, her eyes were green but her left one had a streak of blue at the top, like her eye was hanging color but never finished.

"Hi Jared and friend." She smiled and nodded kindly at me.

"This is Angel. he started yesterday." Jared clapped my shoulder with a large hand.

"Awe how sweet! Your names Angel? I love your name." She giggled girlishly.

"Um yeah." I blushed.

"Anyway my names Nadia." she stuck her hand out and I hesitantly shook it.

"Well me and Angel are going to go bond over on the bleachers, so if you need us, you know where we are." Jared smiled and steered me away from Nadia and made me sit on an uncomfortable bleacher seat. "I hope you don't like her. She's already got a line of boys waiting to date her." He sat next to me.

"Oh... Um no... I ah... Don't see her like that.." I muttered shyly.

"Like you don't see her as that or just not girls in general?" He looked over at me.

My face flushed, causing me to look down at my feet. "Gender doesn't matter to me..."

"Oh. So your Bi?"

I looked up at him confused. "Bi?"


"Oh... I guess?"

He nodded and looked around.

"I wonder why he wanted to know my sexuality... Do I even have one? Maybe I'm Bisexual just like he said..."

"So what are your parents like?"

"Ah I have a step mom and a dad..." I bit my lip. I couldn't acknowledge that Sarah was 'mom' X03 is. "My real mom died giving birth to me... My dad re-married awhile ago giving me the mom I have now." I fiddled with the end of the jacket the girls and Micah had given me.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that..." Jared looked at me sadly.

"Oh don't worry it's fine. I never knew h-her... My dad doesn't talk about her." it's hard read wrong to X03 as a mom, I will always see him as anther father figure since that's the life he choose.

Jared gave a nod of understanding. "My parents are never home. So I've never really them... That's why I live having my sister, it fills the family void."

"Why are your parents always gone?"

"Work mostly." He shrugged. We watched girls begin their warm up than got in positions and the buzzer sounded, starting the game. "Do you have any pets?"

"Nope, I never have."

"That's a shame." Jared looked at the floor.

I guess it's one thing I won't ever have... "I need some water. I'll be right back." I stood and walked out of the gym and toward the water fountains.

"Why must I miss out on so much? it's not fair!"

I slammed my fist into the fountain. I sighed after a moment and pressed the button for the water, taking big gulps. After I finished I walked back toward the gym, making it about halfway before I felt faint. My vision blurred, my senses got mixed and I didn't know If I was walking forwards or backwards, I put hand to my head.

I fell to my knees, I felt something in me spasm. I was afraid. I actually felt pain. I was confused.

"What-? What is this?"

I passed out...


Yeah... um hi :3 nothing to say here I guess... it's unedited...

X03: my baby! you evil witch! what's wrong with him!? *grabs Miya*

Miya: I can't tell you! I'm sorry! *crys*

~Dark Angel out~

Experiment XX09Where stories live. Discover now