Chapter 9

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Jared's POV

"Oh my god Jared! Angel has a twin sister!" Micah came running up to me frantically.

"Huh...?" I felt a little confused.

"A girl, that looks exactly like Angel walked by! Do you think Angel would be mad if I dated her?!"

Now this was confusing. "show me?" Micah nodded and grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the hall.

And that's where I saw her.

She had short blonde hair that was curled slightly on the end, slight boobs and a longish skirt. But that bow looked familiar. "Angel...?" I gaped at him. He heard me and turned around, letting me gaze at those green eyes of his. He smiled.

"Jared! Guess what! I look pretty!" He skipped over to me and hugged me.

"Angel?!" Micah gasped. "no fuck- oh my god! Your a girl?!"

Angel looked uncomfortable. "Today I am..." He blushed and gripped my arms.

"Angel you look wonderful. But people are going to make fun of you for this because everyone thinks your a boy..." I touched his cheek and he nodded.

"Okay what am I missing here?" Micah asked loudly.

Angel looked at me. He didn't look happy at all but there was something in his eyes that...

"Micah there's something that you should know."

"That your a girl?"

"No... I'm a boy... And I'm girl."

Micah looked totally confused. "What the heck...?"

"I'm part of a science experiment to create a new race of 'perfect humans.'

Micah stared at him looked confused as hell.

"What the...?" Micah ran a hand through his hair in disbelief. "so your... a boy and a girl? How?"

"I have both genders in my body I chose to be a boy though. I only wore this because I wanted my friends to know... I brought spare clothes... cause this skirt feels a little awkward." He looked down at himself in distaste and I laughed a little.

"Oh Angel."

"You can call me by my other names to if you want..."

"What's your other names?"

"XX09 and Xerxes." He blushed a little.

"Where did Angel come from then?" Micah asked curiously.

"X03 called me that... He wasn't able to name me. None of the experiments are allowed to name their kids."

"That's stupid." Micah pouted.

"What is?" The girls walked up, but froze when they saw Angel.

Take two.


I held Angel's hand as I took him to my car. "Do you want to meet my family today?" I stopped at his door and opened it for him.

Angel froze looking at me. "y-you sure?"

"Why shouldn't I be?" I frowned.

He got in without a word and I sighed. I got in my side and started the car.

"Angel come on answer me." I shook his arm a little.

"I'm weird though. I'm not sure they will like me." He rubbed his hands together in a nervous manner.

"Your basically my girlfriend they should be fine with it. It doesn't take much for someone to like you."

"I choose to be a boy. Don't call me your girlfriend." Angel pouted.

"But I can't deny that you are a girl to. Come on Angel they will love you. My sister likes you doesn't she? If she likes you than so will my parents."

"Speaking of your sister I haven't seen her in awhile."

"She has a boyfriend. So she's never home and such." I shrugged.

Angel nodded a little and looked out the window. "Then I guess so..." he shrugged.

"Good." I patted his shoulder and started the car, driving toward my house. I was a little glad as Angel had changed out of his skirt. That scared me a little. I liked his guy side more.

When I pulled up to my house I wasn't as sure as before. My parents were home and not my sister. Probably at her boyfriends house... Again.

"You ready now?"

Angel nodded and we got out. I took his hand and lead him up to my house and we slowly entered. The kitchen was alive, my mom was slaving over the stove making a big dinner. I may have told her that I was bringing Angel...

My dad was peeling potatoes and watching some barely boiling water.

"Mom? Dad? I'm home. I brought someone home."

My mom spun around happily and my dad looked up with an equally friendly smile.

"Good day there son!" My dad put down the potato and peeler and washed his hands quickly. "And who's this pretty young man?"

My mom came over and hugged Angel. "Oh he's so adorable~!"

"He is quite the looker son." My mom giggled at nu dads statement.

"He's mine guys." I whined and pulled him away from my mom. "Can we have a civilized dinner and not scare my boyfriend?"

"Of course honey. It's almost ready. Go upstairs and hang out with Angel till we finish." My mom winked at me and my parents continued cooking.

"Come on. My rooms upstairs." I grabbed his hands and lead him up stairs that he smiled at. Probably because he hasn't seen so many stairs.

I finally entered my room which was mostly a dark blue and white color scheme.

"It's so pretty!" Angel walked over to one of my walls and studied the color.

"I know right." I smiled and sat on my bed while he explored my room.

"I'm glad your parents like me Jared..."

"I knew they would."

"But what happens if I get pregnant later on and we have to tell your mom? Cause I'll die after birth... And I'm not sure if you'll be able to take it." He played with a object off my shelves.

I started at his back intently. "Angel... That won't happen-"

"It will Jared. It's my duty to have a baby. The experiment is to continue."

"Angel it is not your responsibility-"

"Yes it is. And I just want your parents to know what's coming for them. And you to."

"Than I refuse to have sex with you." I stated. Not wanting to give more reason to die or have children or-

Angel looked at me. He looked like a kicked puppy. "Jared... I didn't say it was right away..."

"I still refuse Angel. You still need a life!"

He didn't respond.

"Boys~! Dinner~!"

He dinner wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be... But Angel was asked a lot of questions. Angel hasn't told my parents about his experiment yet...

"Angel. Why are so set on having a kid in the future? And don't give me any crap about it being your responsibility."

Angel just stared off out the window.

"Angel answer me."

"I don't have one cause you told me my answer is wrong."

"Because it's not a valid answer."

"It is too!" He slammed his hand down on his knee and faced me, frustrated.

"Your that willing to throw your life away?! Fine! It doesn't matter that you wormed yourself into my life and are just going to use me?! That's not fair Angel! XX09! Whatever!" I gripped the steering wheel and looked Angel in the eyes after I hit the brakes. "You either choose me, and my love or I fuck you and you never see me again."

Angels mouth hung open in shock. his eyes filling with even more tears.


Pretty rushed and not detailed enough o.o but three very important things happened this chapter 0.0

It will be a lot better next chapter.

Hopefully more detailed and the cliff hanger will be solved :3

Oh and just in case your wondering why Angel knows he'll stay dead is because the doctors were just testing a Theory with X03. Doesn't mean experiments will start making appearances after death :p it was a one time deal or now~

~Dark Angel Out!~

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