Chapter 17

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Angels POV

My body felt heavy, I could hardly do a thing on my own. But that didn't matter as long as Jared was next to me waiting to do anything for me.

"So you starting to feel even better?"

I nodded. "yes..." I whispered.

"Good I'm glad, Storm should be here soon." He smiled at me and I smiled weakly back.

Almost as if on cue Jared's mother walked in carrying the sweet boy. He reached out for me and I held my arm out so he could be placed on my side and I could wrap an arm around him.

I looked down at Storm with love and affection and he looked back at me curiously.

"He was up all night fussing about. Of course he didn't scream or cry but he was still kicking an making unhappy faces. He wanted to be with his mama." Jared's mom smiled at me and I beamed at her.

I was a mama wasn't I? And Storm loved me.

"He's beautiful..." I whispered and stroked his back softly.

"He takes after you of course." Jared smiled.

I beamed at him.

Storm tried to sit up but failed, and I couldn't hold back my tears of happiness. He was healthy and well and I made it through for him.

"May I turn on the news Angel? I'd like to keep up with the latest drama." Jared's dad asked as he picked up the remote. I nodded and he turned on the TV.

We all sat in silence, listening to the TV.

"-And we bring you live to the lab. The doctors and scientists have finally made their appearance after four whole months." The camera zoomed in on the doors of the lab I once called home. The people that once took care of me exited. All of them. All the nurses and Doctors. They all wore the same expression. They slowly walked up to the gate and unlocked it.

The crowd gathered in front of the lab stepped back as the gates opened.

There wasn't a word spoken.

And before my very eyes.

Every experiment walked through the doors. Each with their own backpack full of things. Some holding each others hands and others looking nervous. I even spotted X03 and CY05 making me gasp.

They slowly made their way through the gate. once everyone made it through all those doctors and nurses closed the gates and returned inside the lab. The door closing behind them.

The crowd of humans cheered. Everyone excited that my efforts finally showed success! Everyone was set free.

All experiments all branched out and mingled with the humans and even my parents joined the chatter but eventually made their way to the camera. My eyes brimmed with tears.

"Yes. Angel is my child. They brought me back to life just about two years ago or so. Im very proud of my son and I can't wait to see him again. The doctors said to me that Angel just woke from his coma." X03 said proudly.

"Me and X03 have been working inside the lab on rioting against our nurses and doctors. Angel sparked a fight in us that we didn't know we had. He's saved us all by doing all the work outside and we helped by doing it on the inside." CY05 put an arm around X03.

"We're actually going to go visit him now! We haven't seen him in forever. It's about time we reunited with our son."

And just as my parents said. They showed up. They fawned over me and Storm. X03 got in the bed with me and cradled me. Calling me his one and only, his beautiful baby and anything else he could think of as he kissed my head and praised me for my courage and strength for doing what I thought was right.

CY05 watched from the window as he sat on the sill of it. He looked at X03 with so much love I thought X03 would melt into a puddle. CY05 thanked Jared's parents and gave them each a hug.

"Your my little Angel, Angel. Your so sweet and innocent. Yet so brave." X03 nuzzled my head against his and cried softly.

I myself had started crying at least half an hour ago because X03 was oozing his love for me that it was almost to much since I hadn't seen him in so long.

Storm of course stayed with the arms of Jared as they both waited patiently for their turn.

X03 and CY05 had been hesitant to leave but they said that a home was waiting for them to return to. Every Experiment was being shipped to someplace in the world where a home waited for them. CY05 and X03 were lucky enough to still be in the area.

Once they left Storm was right back at my side. Jared's parents left in a rush to help X03 and CY05 settle in their new home and get to know them better so it was just Jared, Storm and I.

I looked down at my ring which was thankfully safe and on my finger. I kissed my ring and peaked at Jared who blushed.

He kissed his own ring which made me smile. I didn't have to kiss him to be happy. This was a symbol of our bond.

But of course his lips were better. Which was why he leaned up and kissed my lips softly. I returned the kiss.

His lips were soft against my own and felt like he'd licked his lips because they were a bit slippery.

But we pulled apart when a loud cry filled the room.

We looked frantically at Storm who was finally crying like a real baby. Which somewhat relieved me and Jared.

He's okay to.

The following day I was eating some jello when Jared's parents walked through the door. Their eyes a bit droopy. But Storm looked happy as ever. I smiled widely and held my arms out excitedly.

He was placed in my arms and I cradled my son for the first time. He was somewhat heavy but he didn't squirm. He just yawned and cuddled against me.

Jared's mom collapsed into her seat. "He screamed almost all night..."

"I'm sorry mom." Jared frowned and than looked at his dad who looked ready to doze off.

"It's okay hun. Its good he's finally crying. As long as it doesn't last long because I miss him being so quiet." We all have a low chuckle.

I patted Storms back some and kissed the top of his head.

And just like that. Life was perfect.


I am very content with how this chapter went ^_^ and whew! That was short but so emotional >.< I wish I could cry but I don't cry! Im a big girl! :3

Anyway this isn't the end so stay tuned~

And BTW.

I know I suck at sequels but I just feel that Storm should get some attention eh? :3 Maybe his own love?! Of course it would only be about... what? Ten chapters? (which Experiment XX09 was supposed to be but looked at what happened TT_TT)

If you like the idea tell me :3 if not I can always do a few one-shots so you guys can keep up with Angel, Jared and Storm <3

Oh and look at the new cover :3 (if you can't see it than my iPod stinks) >.> if you can tell me if it fits the book if not Ill go find a new pic because the boys orange hair kinda bothers me o.o but I'll deal if it's a good fit ^_^

~Dark Angel out!~

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