~•~Halloween special~•~

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Jared's POV

Angel cocked his head at me. not getting at all what I meant. "What's Halloween?"

Of course. he's been in a lab for his whole life, he never been trick or treating! "Halloweens a holiday that kids participate in. They go door to door saying 'Trick or treat!' and the adult gives them candy. But only if their dressed up."

Angel looked down at his attire. A simple black t-shirt with a happy pumpkin face on it that I had bought for him three days ago for Halloween spirit. He also wore his white shorts with them as we sat on his bed.

"So that's why everyone dressed up for school today?"

I laughed remembering the look on Angels face when he saw everyone dressed up.

~That morning~

I picked up Angel. He was dressed today in the shirt I bought him with the happy pumpkin and his white shorts and favorite converse. He smiled in his seat.

"I can't wait to get to second period!" He had Art second period with Micah.

"Oh? Why's that Angel?" I asked.

"Today we're drawing Pumpkins for... For.... I don't know the word..."


"Yes. It's a holiday."

He didn't ask any further questions.

When we pulled up to the school, I turned to look at Angel who was staring at something. He was shaking slightly.

"Angel?" I touch his shoulder and he squeaked.

"T-there's a zombie outside!" He clung to my arm.

I looked out his window and saw Micah walking around in zombie attire. pretending to eat some girl he's friends with.

I let out a burst of laughter. "Oh Angel! That's Micah dressed up!"

"Micah's a zombie?!" He started crying and I panicked.

"No, no, no, no, no!" I quickly said. "He's still alive I promise! He's dressed up as a zombie for Halloween!"

"Zombies come in Halloween?! Take me home!"

I couldn't help but laugh again.

"Come in Angel. I won't let him get you..."

I tried to get out but Angel locked my door. So I unlocked it but he locked it again. I stared at him. "Angel...? He's not a real zombie."

"Than whys he bleeding?" he glared at me. "and eating people?"

"Um it's pretend... That blood is fake. It's really just a face paint."

A knock sounded on Angels window and he all but jumped up but the ceiling if the car prevented him from going far.

Bella and Kayla stood there. Bella dressed as a 'sexy' cat. a short frilly dress with a black cat tail and ears and tall boots, and Kayla wearing the same thing but white.

"Come Angel! We need to hear your Halloween plans! We've been dying to ask you!" Bella laughed.

"Micah's a zombie!" He squeaked.

"Of course! Cause their awesome!" Micah came up and put his arms around Bella and Kayla's shoulders with a grin.

Angel screamed at the sight of Micah and crawled into my lap. "Take me home! Take me home! Take me home!"

I sighed and latte his back. "we will be late for class guys..." I looked over at them and they looked at Angel oddly before walking off.

"Look Angel your okay." I patted his back.

"No I'm not! We're gonna die because of zombies!"

I sat with him. listening to the bell that started first period.

"You okay now?" I asked him.

He shook his head.

I pulled out my phone and typed in Halloween and shook his shoulder. "Look. Read this and see if it makes sense." He didn't move. "Angel."

"No. Take me home."

There was no winning this argument so I just turned on my car and drove down the road with Angel still in my lap.


"Okay! That makes sense!" He giggled happily.

"So since we've skipped about half the day anyway, want to go costume shopping so I can take you trick or treating?"

"Yes please!" he nodded.

I got off his bed and he did as well happily skipping ahead of me finally able to comprehend the holiday Halloween.

We walked out to the car passing X03 and CY05 on the way. They smiled at us and continued down the hall to the dining hall.

I opened Angels side door when we got to the car and he climbed in. I got in my side and drove us to the nearest costume shop.

Angel bolted out of the car and ran to my side and all but pulled me out of the car and up to the building. "hurry, hurry!"

I laughed as we entered the costume shop and he gasped dramatically. "its so big-!" I shushed him with a chuckle as he was very loud.

"Come on." I lead him toward the full costumes for him to look at. He looked at all of them giggling adorably. "We can always make our own or buy pieces of costumes and make one that way."

He was already holding and Angel costume. But I had to laugh when I saw it was a girls one. "Angel. Lets find a boy costume for you okay?"

"But I want to be an Angel! Just like X03 says I am!"

"You can be but not this one. It's for girls." I chuckled and he sadly put it away.

"But I'm part girl!" He finally perked up.

"Sorry Angel." I went to adult boys section but did not see a boys angel costume. Odd.

"Looks like we will make a make shift one! Lets go pick out some wings." I grabbed Angels hand and pulled him along to the costume parts section.


"That took a lot longer than I thought." I sighed as we finally made it back to the lab. We sat on his bed and I explained Halloween to him.

After I remembered the incident with Micah and everyone else. "Can we dress up now? I wanna go to Micah's house and make him show me the fake blood! A-and let Bella and Kayla let me feel their ears!"

"Okay I guess." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the two bags containing our costumes. I tried to match up with Angel but he didn't like the idea of me being a demon so... I'm going as a black Angel and Angel is going as a white angel... That's a lot of Angels...

Angel grabbed his bag and ran to his bathroom and closed it behind himself and stared to get dressed.

I did as well. slipping on the buckle black jeans I got with my black boots, black t shirt and slipping on the fake black wings. They were really feathery and bugged me a bit it was okay. They weren't like that crappy cardboard kind either. They were the kind that if you want you can extend or fold, but someone has to do it for you because I can't fold my wings behind me if their on my back.

I sat on the bed and crossed my ankles as I waited for Angel to do his thing than come out and help me with my makeup. I shuddered. Why even make the crap?

Angel stepped out after a few minutes carrying his makeup kit he got from Bella as a present. He looked stunning. He had these colorful gems going under one eye and makeup that really brought out his green eyes, his whole attire matched mine but it definitely suited his figure, hugging him in the right places and made him look graceful.

"Okay you ready?" He smiled at me with his pale lips.

I nodded a little still staring at his beauty. He came forward and started applying eye liner thick around my eyes.

"Where did you learn to do this?" I asked.

"Sarah, Bella and Kayla helped me learn. I tested out my skills on X03 and Sarah than myself. So I'm good at this now don't worry~" he smiled and I felt him use the eye liner to add little swirls coming off the opposite eye to the eye with Gems on it. "do you want gems to?"

"No thanks."

"Kay." he added a bit of powder to my face and black shadow just barely over my eye lid. "your done now!" He put all his stuff away and he pulled me over to a mirror and we stood in front of it. We looked stunning.

"Wow..." I smiled down at him and gave him a kiss. Which his cheeks reddened at.

"L-lets go now."

When we arrived at Micah's, I knew then that school had been out for a good hour because I saw Micah, Bella and Kayla rushing to put up last minute decorations in Micah's front lawn.

When I pulled up, Angel got out quicker than I could and ran up to Micah. "Im so glad your not a real zombie!"

Micah laughed. "but I am Angel~!" he started pretending to chew on Angels shoulder making laugh an push him away. "but damn Angel! You look sexy!"


"Beautiful!" Kayla and Bella said at the same time.

"But he's my partner." I chuckled and walked up and wrapped my arms around Angel. "don't know about you guys but I'm taking Angel on his first trick or treat run. He's never trick or treated before!" I kissed Angels embarrassed cheek.

The three of them gasped and started cuddling up to Angel saying it was okay.

"We'll go with you!" Micah cheered.

"Yeah!" Bella and Kayla high fived.

Angel laughed now and thanked them.

"You can do it Angel. All you do is knock and say what I told you okay?" I rubbed his arm. the five of us stood on a front porch. An easy house. Bella's neighbor who was a sweet old lady.

Angel nodded and hesitantly knocked on the door. We waited for a moment before the door opened reveling the nice woman I just mentioned.

"Trick or treat?" Angels voice came out quiet and meek.

"Oh what a lovely young lad you are. Here you go hun." She gave him a snickers and closed the door. Angel spun around and smiled bright.

"I did it! I did it!"

"Good job Angel!" I kissed his cheek.

"Good job!"

"That was so cute!"

"Why didn't I get any candy...?" Micah frowned.

"Cause you didn't say trick or treat you moron." Bella whacked Micah.

"Can we trick or treat some more?" Angel asked us quietly.

"Of course hun." Kayla kissed his cheek.

"We can trick or treat as long as you want." I smiled at Angel and gave him a kiss on the the lips.

"Trick or treat!"


Wasn't that cute guys? I liked writing it :3

Comment and vote please~

Love you~

~Dark Angel out!~

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