Les Miserables

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Hiya! So I know I haven't touched this book in awhile and I apologize for that I've been working really hard on Let Me Out so please forgive me! So it's a Friday night and I have nothing to do and nothing but time so here we go!


So I first saw the Les Miserables movie about 2 and a half years ago after reading half of the book (a shortened version) I have now become COMPLETELY obsessed and have seen the 10th anniversary (which is perfection) and I saw it on Broadway on April 25th 2015.


Broadway: So Les Mis was actually my first ever live Broadway show! It was also my first time in New York (which is sad because I live pretty close) and I can honestly say it was the best day of my life! It was so amazing! The cast I saw was; Ramin Karimloo as Jean Valjean (he was perfect just outstandingly perfect it was such a dream come true), Will Swenson as Javert, Chris McCarrel as Marius, Sam Hill as Cosette and ect. The whole cast was just AMAZING and I am so sad it's been over a year since I saw it! I went to the stage door and I met several cast members including Chris and Andrew Kober (I was ecstatic) I did not talk to them because I was so nervous but hey it counts! Even right now Im having trouble containing myself and writing professionally! I just want to type AHHH forever!  Haha I didn't mean to brag during this little section I just wanted to share my experience.

Favorite Character: Jean Valjean all the way! I love his character so much! I love his transformation from hatred to loving and I love how he has to go through this long internal struggle to be a good person or a bad person the whole musical and as a whole he chooses to be good, even after everything that's happened. I love how he took Cosette in and raised her like his own daughter and how great of a job he did! He's so inspirational honestly I just love him!

Least Favorite Character: ummm I don't think I have one. I mean maybe the Thenarrdiers (pretty sure I spelt that wrong...) but they're just so funny I love watching them. Hmmm yeah really don't have one

Favorite Song: Valjean's Soliloquy! As I said I love what he goes through here and how he has the amazing epiphany!! The song itself has amazing lyrics and is beautiful in its own way! This was a super tough choice since there are soooo many amazing songs but I'd really have to go with that one!

Favorite Costume: Anything Cosette wears ever. Specifically what she's wearing when she first meets Marius in the Broadway version! I love love love the color and the bonnet and it's what's she's wearing when she meets her love! There's something just so special about that I love it!

MariusXCosette or MariusXEponine: I see this topic a lot on Wattpad so I figured I'd throw my two cents in. I love Marius and Cosette! I think they are so adorable and their puppy love for each other that grows into such a spectacular romance is so beautiful. Of course I understand that Eponine loved him, but they had such an amazing friendship. I wish Eponine could have lived to find love, but alas we do not always get what we want.


Much shorter this time! Sorry I didn't go through my favorite cast members they're kinda all just the Broadway Cast I saw so I figured it would be pointless! I tried to keep it short this time since I rambled so much last time haha! Again these are just my opinions and they are not meant to be offensive! I apologize sincerely if they are! Please please comment what you guys think! I'd love to hear your opinions! Thanks so much!

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