Newsies Movie!!

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So I just got back from seeing the filmed version of the Broadway Production of Newsies and I am so excited about it! I apologize for anyone who wasn't or isn't able to see it I don't want to sound like I'm bragging or anything I just want to share my experience!

This is going to be super informal and all over the place just because I am so excited I'm having a hard time focusing on one thing!!! So I'm just gonna write some stuff about the movie!

There may be some minor spoilers so if you're planning on seeing the movie in the next few days then tread carefully.


Okay so first I'm going to be fangirling about Jeremy Jordan out of the way... Guys he was just phenomenal!!!!!! One of my favorite things about Jeremy is being able to perfectly balance acting and singing. He can show extremely strong emotions while also continuing to sing amazingly. Also, even if he does stop singing to scream or yell or something like that it's not over the top and perfectly placed. Also he doesn't do it all the time so that it's genuine and it made the movie all the more beautiful!!

To compare, I'm going to cite Anne Hathaway and Leona Lewis as two who I feel have not mastered that art. In the Les Miserables film, when Anne sings I Dreamed a Dream, she barely continues singing by the end because she's crying so much. And though that shows great acting, it is a musical and I feel that one should be able to act adequately and sing at the same time. Leona Lewis in Cats is the opposite to me. Her singing in Memory isn't that bad, but she expresses very little emotion as she sings and it's such a powerful song. Now, I don't want to sound too critical since I know that that's extremely hard to do but I'm just saying.

Anyways, back to Jeremy. Even his facial expressions are just amazing. He conveys so much through such little things and it's amazing! There's no doubt in my mind that Jeremy was born to play this role and he'll forever be my favorite Jack Kelly!

Santa Fe blew me away!!! It was more amazing then any other time I've ever heard it! It's nearly a million times better than it even is on the soundtrack or any other time that I've heard Jeremy sing it. I was out of breath from just watching it and there were several parts throughout the song in which I cried. It's such a powerful scene for such a wonderfully troubled and tragic character and it's just a great moment that was performed so perfectly. It was just gorgeous!!

Okay enough about Jeremy because I could go on forever!!!! The dancing was just phenomenal! It was just a joy to watch these kids dance the way they do! I was completely in awe! Seize the Day was just astounding in every actual way. The dance sequence with the newspapers was just outstanding! I couldn't even believe what I was watching! The talent that these kids possess is really amazing to watch and I'm very happy I and so many other people were able to experience it! It just be truly wonderful for them!

Of course, I can't forget about the wonderful Kara Lindsey! She's such a perfect Katherine! Sadly, in the soundtrack you miss a lot out of Katherine! She's so funny! All of her sarcastic and snippy remarks with Jack are just gold! Also Kara has an amazing voice and I just love watching and listening to her! She's a great singer and actress and such a pleasure to watch! Also, she's a great dancer! I didn't know that Katherine got to dance in King of New York, and Kara was just great! She's a phenomenal tap dancer and again the whole thing was so great!

Also I now love Ben Cook, who played Race in this production. He was seriously just the cutest thing! Every time he was on screen I had to mutter an "awe he's so cute!" Because he's just irresistible! He's also very talented and made a great Race! He's especially great in King of New York!

Also the boy (I can't seem to find his name) who played Les Jacobs was so precious! He was the cutest thing ever and played and fulfilled the role perfectly!

And don't even get me started about Ben Fankhauser as Davey! He was just wonderful! His voice is beautiful and he's just wonderful! I could listen to him sing Seize the Day for an eternity and never get sick of it! And the way he and Jeremy acted with each other was just the most heartwarming thing ever! Davey and Jack are really just the sweetest of friends and it's just great!

And of course I couldn't leave out Andrew Keenan - Bolger as Crutchie, who is just the sweetest of characters and Andrew plays him wonderfully! I love the part when Crutchie is in he Refuge and he's writing a letter to Jack and sings a part of Santa Fe! He sounded beautiful and it was really touching! I've never seen or heard that before and it was a really nice add on!

Aisha De Haas was also wonderful as Medda! She was so charismatic and she has a great voice as well!

Also! I love the idea of making Jack and artist! I've never see that before and I love giving Jack something he can be good at! Something he can be proud of! Also I love that they took out the part where Jack goes home with Davey. It makes the moment a bit sadder when Davey asks him to and he says no. Also they were able to add Katherine then which makes me so happy.

Something to Believe in was gorgeous!!!! I can't even express it enough! It was so much better than the original cast recording and it makes me sad that I probably won't be able to hear it again, but it's such a sweet moment to watch! Their love story is really great because they bring each other up so much which is the most pure kind of relationship!

There was also this wonderful moment when Katherine and Jack kissed and then the melody of Santa Fe swept all around them and it was the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen and heard!

Even the curtain call was perfection! They gave each boy a chance to jump or leap or spin and then projected his name by him and it was so cool! It was nice that they showcased all of the actors in that way! Also when Jeremy came out at the end the played the melody of Santa Fe and he tried to do his own little jump and almost fell! It was so cute!

The whole cast just seemed so happy which made it all the more great to watch! Jeremy and Kara especially since they had just gotten back to those roles! It's so clear that every single cast member loved what they were doing and that they couldn't be happier!

Also! It was filmed gorgeously! The camera work was brilliant which made the whole experience simply feel like more of an experience!

The costumes and everything were also just great and it was wonderful!

I could literally go on and on but I'm now bordering on 1300 words so I'll save you all the pain!!

If you actually read this far I thank you! Also thanks for reading my pointless fangirling....

So if you have a chance to see the movie tomorrow I totally suggest that you do!! If not I'm sorry that you had to miss it!

Also please remember that these are only my opinions and aren't meant to be offensive in anyway!

Also I'll probably make a more formal Newsies chapter at some point soon, I know I said I was going to do that last week but other than my Valentine's Day post, I haven't had much inspiration to write... but I definitely do now so that should be coming!

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