Phantom on Broadway (again)

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So I am very grateful to say that I saw Phantom again on Broadway yesterday (March 15th) for a school trip! I didn't really want to make it a big deal because I really feel like I'm bragging and I don't want anyone else to feel bad at all! But I still want to talk to you guys about it because there were some really really amazing things that I noticed and it was a really great experience again and I am just so thrilled and so happy and so excited so I wanted to give another review! I'm terribly sorry if this makes any of you feel bad at all I truly don't mean it to be I just want to share with people who understand!!!

So at school I am a member and the secretary of French Club! Basically we learn about french culture and play games and such! It's a really fun organization and I'm very glad to be apart of it! I also have a really amazing relationship with my teacher so it's a lot of fun and all of my friends are in it too! So for a couple of years we've wanted to go on a trip to NY to see a show that related to France or to go to the MET Art Museum and when we did a vote most people wanted to see a Broadway show! So my teacher asked me if I could research shows and prices and such so that I could create a list of shows to see and then the club could vote.

So my guidelines were to find shows that related to french culture and weren't super expensive and the only shows that made sense were Phantom in NY or the tour production of Les Mis. The only other show relating to France was Anastasia and at the time the tickets were pretty expensive because it was still new (we ordered these awhile ago). So I work with other Student Officers and I told them this and they got really mad and said they wouldn't see Les Mis and took it off of the list and added a bunch of other shows. So ultimately the club voted on Phantom, Wicked, Waitress, Anastasia, and Chicago based on my brief descriptions and price.

And thankfully, Phantom won the vote!!!!!!!! You guys could imagine my excitement!!!! I think I found this out in October and it was so hard to keep the secret from you guys but I didn't want to appear as if I was bragging I'm so sorry!

So for the trip it was 40 students and my teacher. We left in the morning and had time to walk around the city before we had lunch at a really nice restaurant called Café Un Deux Trois (French for 1,2,3). And then after we had a little more time to walk around before getting back to the theatre at 2:00 for the show!!!

Walking around NYC with just my friends and no adults was truly an amazing experience! I won't go into that too much but it was so nice and I felt so much like an adult!

So skipping to the important part: the show! We had group seats and I sat in Row O of the center orchestra! The seats were really really nice! It was centered and close enough so we could see still! Below is my view of the stage from my seat!

So skipping to the important part: the show! We had group seats and I sat in Row O of the center orchestra! The seats were really really nice! It was centered and close enough so we could see still! Below is my view of the stage from my seat!

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The cast that I saw was Peter Jöback as the Phantom and Ali Ewoldt and Rodney Ingram as Christine and Raoul.

For a little background, Peter Jöback has been one of my favorite Phantoms since the first time I watched the 25th Anniversary DVD... which was six years ago!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe when they announced that he was the new Phantom I was so happy!!!!!!!! I am so happy that I got to see him and he was just so amazing and did amazing with the role!!!!!!

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