I've Been Tagged...

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So SailorNina  tagged me to I guess answer these questions. So here we go I guess.


Relationship Status: Very single.

Favorite Anime: I don't watch anime so none.

My real life best friend: Her name is Emma

Best Friend on Wattpad/Wattpad friends: Okay so I combined these two questions because to be they're relatively the same thing. I've met so many wonderful people here so I want to mention them all... sorry if the tagging bothers you.... olivesky  EvitaChristine SailorNina dreamy_daae Floatingfish144 The_Christine_Daae Erika_Destler Epius1832 You guys all always comment on my stories and engage in conversation with me and you don't know how much I appreciate it so thank you for some reason finding me entertaining! If I forgot anyone I sincerely apologize and just let me know if I did! I don't want to leave anyone out because I really appreciate and care about you all!

Favorite Wattpad Author: Again this makes me a bit uncomfortable because I really don't want to choose just one person. I really love all the books I'm reading and all the authors who are putting themselves out there! I hope that's an okay answer.

Favorite Story I've written: Umm none? Haha they're all terrible. But I guess my favorite is Half Way Real. I think that one is the most well written and I like the plot I guess.

Dream Job: I want to be either a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Things that annoy me most: Umm probably impoliteness. I'm really big on manners so I guess that bugs me.

Well that's it. I tag everyone I had said before if they want to do it. You don't have to though!

Okay sorry for the quick little chapter! Hope you enjoyed though. Again I didn't mean any offense when I named certain people it's just the idea of the tag! I hope I didn't forget anyone as you all are amazing! Thank you!

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