Underrated Musical Theatre Songs

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So awhile ago I had listed some of the characters that I think are largely underrated in the musical universe. I thought it would be fun to do this with songs as well since most musicals have break-out songs. Most of these will be underrated songs from popular musicals but some might be from less popular musicals in general.


That's What You Call a Dream - Bonnie and Clyde

This song is so beautiful! It really shows a different side to this musical because Blanche is the only one who really yearns for a normal life. It really parallels Bonnie's 'Dying Ain't so Bad' because Blanche wants to live a long life and grow old with her husband but she knows that it isn't possible and the song really makes you feel for Blanche. Also Melissa Van Der Schyff sings the song beautifully and it really gets you to think!

Valjean's Soliloquy - Les Miserables
Okay so I know I talked about this song a long time ago but I'm going to say it again! This is my favorite song in Les Mis because of the growth in character in Valjean. He's a character that I look up to a lot because of his good heart but in this song he has to overcome all of the things that made him hate the world. Also it emphasizes how one single act of kindness can affect another person which is really powerful! Not only is the message behind the song really powerful, but the composition I think is also just really pretty! Also I love that it mirrors Javert's Soliloquy at the end of the musical and how vastly different they are! I think that's a really amazing detail so overall this song holds a really special place in my heart over all of the breakout songs!

Bring on the Men - Jekyll and Hyde
Okay quick disclaimer for this one: the subject matter of this song isn't entirely appropriate so if you're planning on listening to any of the songs I mention just be aware of that. This song is sung by Lucy who is a prostitute, however, the song is a little bit more direct than Lovely Ladies in Les Mis. That being said, the song is a lot of fun! And Linda Eder sings it in the original recording and sounds just brilliant! She has a lot of energy that makes the song even more enjoyable and it's a very unique introduction to such a pivotal character because you know she isn't just a bad person and there's a lot more to her than just being a prostitute. So overall I just really like the song but it's definitely not a breakout from Jekyll and Hyde which is an underrated musical in itself!

Cool Cool Considerate Men - 1776
Firstly, I'd like to point out that 1776 is one of the most underrated musicals of all time but there are some songs that stand out for people who like it! Mostly 'He Plays The Violin' and 'Molasses to Rum' but Cool Cool Considerate Men seems to go more under the radar in my opinion. But I think it's such a catchy and pretty song and has really nice visuals during the show! Also it's one of the only songs that shows the alternative perspective of the Conservatives of the time which is pretty cool!

The Longer I Live - Dracula
So again another underrated musical in my opinion but I think this song doesn't get enough attention. 'Loving you Keeps Me Alive' and 'Please Don't Make Me Love You' are the big standouts - and rightfully so - but there's something really hauntingly beautiful about this song especially in the context of the musical and the character of Dracula. The lyrics are just really pretty and meaningful and can be taken out of context in just as meaningful of a way as a part of the musical. Also the soundtrack features James Barbour as Dracula and his vocals are just amazing which makes the song all around better!

Pierre and Natasha - Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
I might be wrong in calling this an underrated song but I feel like no one talks about it? But it's this really gorgeously written and intimate song that has so much heart! I know that sounds sorta dramatic but the song is so sweet. Pierre's genuine kindness to Natasha is just so heartwarming! It shows a different, softer side to both of these characters and even though it's at the end of the musical it's a turning point for both of them.

Climbing Uphill - The Last 5 Years
The reason that I claim this to be underrated is because very often I feel like it is forgotten when people list songs that are challenging for female roles. Though the notes or vocal range aren't necessarily challenging, but an actress definitely needs to keep up with the timing without stumbling over any words while keeping comedic timing. She also has to bounce back and forth between her quick thoughts and the actual dialogue and it seems so challenging in my opinion. Both Sherie Rene Scott and Anna Kendrick perform it well and they both perform it differently which adds even another challenge! However, I haven't heard anyone talk about it all that much but I think it deserves more love! I also think it's Cathy's best moment in the show but I find that most people think that it's 'Still Hurting'. Again that's just my opinion but I think it's a pretty cool song!

Rainbow High - Evita
There are a lot of songs I could have chosen from Evita, but I decided to go with Rainbow High because it's such a powerful song! I think it's a really great moment for Eva and her ego is just so much fun! This is my go-to song when I need a confidence boost! I don't have too much to say about it but I do think that it's a really good moment for Eva that could be focused on as a big moment for her other than 'Don't Cry for Me Argentina'. 

Tonight at Eight - She Loves Me
Okay so I am absolutely obsessed with She Loves Me right now! However, this song definitely needs more love! I've never heard a song that captured an emotion as accurately as this song! It perfectly portrays first date jitters and it's really heartwarming due to how relatable it is! Also Zachary Levi on the 2016 soundtrack is just so adorable and quirky that it's hard not to fall in love with the song!


Well! That's it for now! There a whole bunch of other songs that I could have included but we'd be here for a very long time! Please let me know what songs you think are underrated so we can all appreciate them together!

Thank you all so much for reading! I can't tell you all how much I appreciate it! I hope you all are well! As usually these are just my opinions and are not meant to be offensive in any way at all!

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