Phantom Broadway Review

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Okay. So even though I said I was done talking about Phantom, I lied. I'm not at all haha.

So this will be more like my earlier chapters, which you may find stupid considering I already reviewed Phantom but it's definitely different now.

This might be kind of long so bare with me haha



James Barbour (the Phantom): As you all know I loved James Barbour as the Phantom! His voice is powerful and majestic yet soothing and calming. He has everything a Phantom should have! His voice is very deep which really gives him a sense of the fatherly, angelic side to the Phantom, but also the commanding and controlling psychopath. However, he's able to be sad and sweet and loving. There wasn't a single thing he missed and I didn't leave the theatre wanting anything more that what he gave. He is a phenomenal actor and he really brought things to the Phantom that I've never seen or heard which is cool considering I've seen and heard so many different versions. He brought so many different elements to the Phantom where I find that most actors pick a solid one or two to focus on. (I don't consider that a bad thing!) As I said in my other chapter, my absolute favorite thing about his Phantom is the way his hand shook at the end as if it were a tick. He also often made it seem as if he were talking to himself by shaking his head and mouthing words. It really made the character seem real and really brought out the insane to him. I really loved that little little detail, it was a brilliant acting choice on James' part. Another thing that I like that he did was he wasn't a very sexual Phantom in anyway. I see a lot of new younger Phantoms attempting to me very sexual specifically in The Music of the Night and The Point of No Return, and sometimes I don't actually mind it for reasons that would take me off topic, but I really liked that James wasn't very touchy. He barely touched her during Music of the Night and actually focused on his music! And in Point of No Return he only wavered his hand over her, which was really different! Yeah, so all in all I absolutely loved him! He's probably my second favorite Phantom of all time, if not tied for first.

Ali Ewoldt: Ali is actually everything I ever pictured Christine to be. So is Sierra Boggess, since I was first introduced to Christine through her, but as I've become more affiliated and familiar with this character I've realized that Ali really is Christine. Her voice is similar to Sierra's in the sense that it's very operatic and powerful which I feel is very Christine like! She's a famous soprano for crying out loud! Her voice should be operatic! So that made me very happy! Also from her first moments on stage you can see this wide eyed, curious, peppy girl which is so important! That's how she starts and you need to see that diminish in her all the events of the show progress and it's also very important for Raoul because he's able to put that back in her! Also as I've said before she really brought out the strong side of Christine which so many people miss. However, she accomplished the strength in such a realistic way. She tries so hard but there is a part of her that you can tell is terrified still which is really wonderful. Also, she doesn't give you the idea that she loves the Phantom, she clearly cares for him but she doesn't love him. She's clearly head over heels for Raoul which again is a nice change, as I don't see that often. I'm a Raoul and Christine shipper so that's just something I liked. She didn't make it seem as if she loved the Phantom at all which is really what I loved. I, personally, don't believe that Christine loved the Phantom, just cared for him, and some Christine make it seem as if they love the Phantom. Which is fine! I think Sierra Boggess does that but she's still my top Christine! Those who don't do that aren't bad it's just a personal preference. So yeah, I think Ali really understands the character of Christine which is what made her so wonderful!

Rodney Ingram: Guys I am so in love with him. First off let me get the shallow stuff out of the way, he's so gorgeous. Like seriously he is so cute! Sorry sorry, now his Raoul! I loved him as Raoul! I already really loved Raoul as a character but seriously Rodney's performance made me love him even more! Even if you guys are Raoul haters, you would love him after you saw Rodney. He is so sweet and caring and not as harsh as Hadley Fraser (though I really don't mind the harshness). However, he does have his elements of harshness with Christine which I find accurate to real life and the books. Imagine how hard being Raoul is? Like he loved Christine with all of his heart and all she does is talk about this other guy. I would get frustrated too. So Rodney was able to express those ideas really well which made for a really sweet lovable and heroic Raoul. Not to mention, his voice is gorgeous!!!! It's so rich and pure, it so just gorgeous! He could probably sing the phonebook and I'd listen to it on repeat.

Rest of the cast: Okay so I don't have anything else super specific about anyone else in the cast that I haven't already said so I'll just say that there wasn't a single one that I didn't like! The whole cast was phenomenal and I'm so happy for all of them and I feel honored to be able to witness all of their amazing talents!

Costumes: I looovveee the costumes for Phantom!!! It's insanely hard to choose a favorite bit if you remember I previously said that it was the Point of no Return Dress, which I think I still stick by. Ali's were really pretty! Her PONR dress was really lacy and beady at the top which was so pretty! The only other costume that was different than what I've typically seen was her Masquerade dress which I loved! I'm really specific with the masquerade costume but I really liked hers! It wasn't super awkward like I think some are it was so pretty! And of course Red Death was just awesome! I can't even imagine wearing something like that! Also, I'm not sure if this goes along with costumes but the makeup and the deformity were amazing! It's become so much more realistic over the years and it's really great!

Sets: So the sets were pretty exciting to see since I've never seen a full production before. The chandelier rising from the floor to the ceiling in the beginning was so cool and when it falls it's also pretty awesome! The stage is also shockingly small which makes everything seem so big which is cool! Christine's dressing room is so authentic and vintage too like it's very cute! The lair is obviously gorgeous with the candles and the organ, I've seen that before though. Masquerade was truly the most wonderful and shocking moment I think. The stairs that they have set up are gorgeous and with everyone dressed up and the vibrant colors are so pretty and magical! The graveyard scene is also gorgeous and nothing that I ever expected! There's the giant gravestone but on top there's this wonderful giant cross that's made I'd like leaves or whatever which is where the Phantom hides and then comes out off! It was so cool! Oh! And he rooftop set is really cool as well and it really changes the idea of the setting which I wasn't used to! Also a piece of the rood hangs there for the Phantom when he sings 'All I Ask of You Reprise' and then it rises when the chandelier falls! It's really cool!

Overall Experience: Phantastic! Phenomenal! Easily the best day of my entire life! The production in ever actual way was amazing! And again meeting James Barbour and Rodney Ingram afterwords was so surreal, especially since they were both so sweet! The only thing I can say about my experience that was negative is I was sitting around some very annoying audience members. The woman next to me was crinkling her bag of nuts the entire time and she kept looking at me which was odd. I was being quiet so there was no reason she should have been looking at me! There was also a little girl behind me who kept shouting things during the show. Like when Bouquet dies she shouted 'he's dead' and I know it's mean to blame her since she was a little kid but maybe don't take little kids to the theatre...... sorry I know that's really mean but at least make sure they're quiet! Also there was a woman in the same row as me recording the show the entire time and she also came late which was pretty annoying. But! That's live theatre right!? So yeah overall the experience was great!

So if you want anything more specific about the show just let me know! I'd be happy to tell! Obviously you guys probably done as I've done nothing but talk about it and this chapter was pretty repetitive and I apologize! I'm just still so excited! Phantom is such a huge part of my identity and my life that I'm still just not over it! So I'm really sorry if this stuff is getting in your nerves! And again I'm not trying to brag or rub it in anyone's face just trying to share my experience!

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